Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Your Turn

From a reader - Do you have any bullies in your life?


  1. Only here sometimes lol

  2. No. I'm like a chihuahua that thinks it's a pitbull.

    1. Lol. Me too. And it works. I have would be bullies running far away from me. Win, win.

  3. I bully myself all the time.

  4. not since I was 11…

  5. the gubamint.

    not any personally.

  6. Sandyboo makes fun of my big words :(

  7. LOL T.E.. The damn NSA and IRS TRUE

  8. Nope..
    And to quote one of my favorite sayings/ mantra's: no one can make you feel inferior without your permission...

  9. I had one in seventh grade. Then I beat the shit out of him. Problem solved.

  10. Haha LadyH you can kick my ass anytime you want. :))

  11. Not bullies per say, but I do let my flatmates take advantage of my better nature...oh you guys I'm so stressed! Two girls are moving out and although we've had loads of viewings noone wants to move in. Maybe because its cluttered with my flatmates crap who've lived here longer than me. Anyhoo we have a viewing tonight and I've came home from work to find the flat a tip. I've tidied up the last few times but I'm tempted to just leave it this time as I can't cope with it all...what do you think?

    1. @wee. Throw their crap in the dumpster. They're moving out anyway.

      God, I love owning my own house. Even if my mother has moved in with me and brought an ever increasing number of children. It's still MY house and I get to make the rules (and threats.) I clean the older kids' rooms by going in their with large plastic containers and taking anything that isn't put up (although, I do usually give them two days notice before I do this.) Goodwill loves me.

  12. confrontation time, Wee.

  13. I used to, at my old job. Nasty bitch of a nurse…crazy really. I filed a formal complaint against her, but quit anyway.

  14. Not really, but I do tend to let people boss me and then I get mad. Lol

  15. A boss who retired. Funny thing is now time & space have put it in perspective & you realize wow that explains everything! And I was on her good side! When I bump into her now I feel very uncomfortable

  16. Yeah, I'm just like Reno Evie, in that I'm more likely to blow up instead of being rational about it. But I just can't...who doesn't realise you wash up as you go along??! Drives me nuts!!

  17. A former boss, and in turn others began to imitate her. Worst mistake of my life was staying there 2 years, when I knew after a month that it was a huge mistake. Never, ever stay in a work bullying situation!

    1. I had one of those. Two weeks after probation was over on my promotion, I had another job lined up and was out of there 30 days later. One of my coworkers in that unit took another job 9 months into a 12 month probation to get away from her, and he was her favorite.

  18. I work for myself so no, but I used to have a sociopath in my team who bullied me relentlessly and I was her manager!! Worst time of my life....never again...

    @Wee get your own place babe, flatmates are the Devil's Work! Even if it's a shitbox in BumFuckNowhere it's better than the hell that is other people :)

  19. Rosie the Riveter and Mooshki both tried to bully me off this site, calling me horrible names and hurling insults at me. Atleast Rosie kept it all here. Mooshki took to Twitter to be hurtful towards me.

    Oh, and the Fake Count Moron. She too full o' DERP to be an actual bully, but she did make an attempt.

    1. Oh count, I didnt try to bully you off this site. I tried to bully you into stopping the vile, nasty language and terms you'd use towards women. And look, it worked to a large degree- you're a much kindler, gentler count. You, sir, are voted most improved

  20. No. If there are I'm completely oblivious to it. Which sort of defeats the object for any potential bully.

  21. @becky I would if I could! Too expensive here. Ill stick it out until my mates lease is up in Oct and then get out of dodge. This person is meant to be here in 30mins and none of the others are back and the living room is a tip. Arrrrggggghhhhhhhhh!!!

  22. Nope...but they've tried. I just ignore them.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Do Ramen noodle-armed hipsters pushing me out of my neighborhood count?

  25. Hugzzzz for Wee S!! I feel ya...I even lived in share houses in the 70's as a child so my Bullshit-o-meter is super strong but I recommend, as soon as you can afford to, get the hell out!

    Good luck to ya, darlin'

    1. Thanks hun! Am just sitting waiting with the messiest housemate and thanks to you guys I had a chat with her earlier about her lack of ability of cleaning and she said shell try...riiiiight lol. Viewer is here!!!wish me luck!

    2. @Wee S G'wan ya good thing! Put on yer teacher voice and treat them like pupils. Good luck with yer new flatmate.
      Been there, done that!

  26. I do. At work. Horrible situation. She fits all the criteria for being histrionic or narcisstic. She's loud and friendly to anyone on the outside but get close to her and you realize how disordered she is.

  27. Nope, cause I don't talk to my mom anymore.

    1. ^5 +1 move over so I can sit next to you on that train sister! !!

  28. My brother is the biggest bully in my life. I'm a day away from talking to my therapist & getting the green light to be done with him!

    1. Otherwise I'll feel guilty - I don't really need permission!

  29. No. I don't tolerate it. Last boss was a bully. I went mad dog and scared that out of him. From then on, 10 years, he watched his mouth and kept his distance. Always got my money too. Bullies are cowards. Remember that.

  30. Sure as a kid. Doesnt everyone? I always wonder if the bully feels really bad about the crap he did. Or she. As annadult, you dont hv to take that crap. I have to be honest , i went aling with popular kids in grammar school doing some not very nice things. So sorry if i hurt anyone, really sorry.

  31. Nope, not bullied but easily manipulated at times.

  32. No. Not even in public school. I remember we used to call a girl named Anna "Anna Banana" and it drove her apeshit so of course we did it more. So maybe I was a bully in that case.

  33. No. Not even in public school. I remember we used to call a girl named Anna "Anna Banana" and it drove her apeshit so of course we did it more. So maybe I was a bully in that case.

    1. There was this girl in school who was goth before goth was in. She was soooo pale black hair they used to call her the sunscreen queen.
      Not me. I kept to myself and tried to avoid friendly fire at all cost.

  34. Yes I kind of do. It is at my work, and this person is perfectly fine when we speak one on one, but he seems to take pleasure when he is in public--in a meeting situation, in being critical and insulting.
    I've had to put up some barriers with him to distance myself from contact with him whenever possible because dealing with the disrespect is depressing.

  35. Yes. Two. My son and myself.

  36. @Rosie: You thinking "whore" is a derogatory term shows exactly how unevolved you are and how you are a Fugazi Feminist.

    1. Oh count. Youre so silly. I don't know what a fugazi feminist is, but I do want to thank you for laying off all the hate talk- Very well done, its quite sweet...great job

  37. Rozee dozen kno Wat tryed meenz. It sed dat it iz reely a Bully.
    It need too macke up itz mined. Ar yho a bully Rozee? R did yho jus triey too bee a Bully?

  38. Rosie, you're delusional. The Count didn't change, but if it makes you happy to think you changed him, then dream on. Now please put down your cell phone because someone at the drive-thru needs to pick up their order.

    1. Hi mango- I dont notice your name, are u new here? Welcome.

  39. @ frosty...just spit out my highly coveted , and earned marguerita...that was funny in only a Williamsburg, Brooklyn or maybe silver lake Venice beach CA, person might grasp..
    Where do you live..
    Or Austin, tx as well...sorry!!

  40. LOL! @ Rosie da Pig. You tryin the kindness troll on me? I invented kitten and rainbow trolls.

    Fugazi Feminist = Fake Feminist = Doesn't want women to be empowered to be themselves, wants women to conform to their ideals of what a woman should be. Bitter that the Patriarchy "controls" women; wants the Matriarchy to "control" women.

    That is why you hate whores and find the name to be a term of derision. I find whores to be a wonderful thing and believe a woman has the right to do what she wants with her body, even if that means rent it out.

    I find sluts to be even better, because they don't charge money, just food or drinks or attention.

    I really shouldn't be arguing with a Borderline Rapist. It aint like you are even hot or personable enough to be a Date Rapist. They would have had to go on a date with you for you to be a date rapist. You preyed on college age women you sold drugs to, then pounced on them, after they got high.

    Was it about the power for you? That is what Detective Benson says it is about for Serial Rapists. Or are you just so addicted to vagina that you had to drug co-eds to satiate your cravings?

  41. Actually, there are a lot of them in academia. Luckily, I can avoid them for the most part.

  42. Stereotypically, my in - laws.

  43. @Tricia Shaw - Manhattan, lived in Brooklyn on Dean and Austin (first white rasta/hackysacker sightings there LOL)

  44. Anonymous5:56 AM

    Yep, workplace ones - and assholes at that

  45. Someone who is trying but getting her dumbass IGNORED!
