Monday, June 23, 2014

Your Turn

Did you watch the US/Portugal soccer game yesterday?


  1. Yes and I am not happy

  2. Nope. I watched True Blood.

    1. They weren't on at the same time, freya :p

  3. Nope.
    Family fun day with family visiting from out of state.

  4. England are out. The World Cup is over. (Pretending to be like an American only caring about own country where any sporting event is concerned. Ooh. Controversial.)

  5. yeah. pretty exciting game. was sad when we tied but they played very well and skillfully shot during those last few seconds.

  6. Was I supposed too?

  7. Of course and the drunken commentary is up on TTMs book club site too.

  8. And True Blood sucked too afterwards.....

  9. I freely admit I only care about big sporting events. Watching sports is boring unless there is something big at stake.

  10. I was insanely proud of how well the USMNT played!

    But for now, Hup Holland!!!

  11. My poor children are so conflicted about who to root for... Yesterday my kids were in red, white and blue, and today it is the oranje for Holland...

  12. I was painting my bathroom. Aquatint.

  13. My husband who's Irish was pissed

  14. Yes, True Blood stank

  15. @stu It was on network tv in the US.

    @violet. I take offense to that stereotype. I'm American and LOVE futbol, especially the Premier League, La Liga and Serie A. I hope the US goes all the way but no way they can beat Germany.

    I think France or Italy will win.

    1. TTM is forever telling me to use the winky face.
      But World Series anyone? ;)

  16. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Hopping on Violet's wagon. :D

  17. No. I'd sooner watch a Paint Dry Challenge or a Naked Elderly Pentathalon.

    @Freya: HBO hooked it up last night. Sookie's tits in Episode 1 to show "True Blood stars aren't uptight cunts like they got on GOT."

    Could you imagine, Khaleesi is "too good" for nudity now, but someone as accomplished as Ana Paquin would still flaunt her stuff for the good of her show and the delight of her fans?


  18. i actually liked true blood. it was more old school season 1 plot line.
    bring it back to some focus.

    anyway, world cup?

  19. Nah, I barely watch the real sports.

    Bahahahaha? No?

  20. You were drunk Orvilla your judgement on the shows quality is impaired :)

  21. @Violet: Awww....Having a bad day?

  22. Yes, thx enty
    Open would /insert salt
    Your work is done, now...

  23. No but I am watching sort of Netherlands vs Chile - on in the background, Netherlands just scored around the 75 minute mark.

    Oh yeah lots of blood and nudity on True Blood. Is Eric dead, I didn't seem him naked.

  24. Havent seen one game. Mean to but never know when they're on!!!

  25. Wth has Paquin accomplish?

    1. @Jack
      An Oscar for The Piano at quite the young age.

  26. @Jack
    An Oscar for The Piano

    1. And since then? A lot of ppl have won an oscar but that doesn't mean they matter now. Look at Kate Hudson or Halle Berry.

    2. @Jack
      Not much. She peaked at a young age.

    3. Yeah and I can't stand her on true blood.

    4. I haven't watch TB in ages but enjoyed it for the campiness. It's a x rated horror themed soap opera on cable television.
      I read the books and they are in the same vain. It's all fluff & campiness. I find it hard to take seriously. I just enjoy looking at everyone running around bloody and/or naked :-)

    5. Kate Hudson never won.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Yes, and it was heartbreaking. It was a good lesson for my soccer-playing kid, though, about how important it is to NEVER stop playing hard. Portugal showed great perseverance. It still sucked, though.

  29. YES! I couldn't believe it!!! O_o
    /agree w/ @NaughtyNurse.

  30. A Golden Globe for True Blood.

    A featured role in the hit X-Men franchise.

    Plus the previously mentioned Oscar.

    Call me when Khaleesi does anything of note besides drop her robe on HBO. Her career peaked in the first episode of Game of Thrones. She is 4 years younger than Paquin, and her biggest credit besides GOT is a one time voice on Futurama.

    1. Paquinhas been doing this acting shit a lot longer than Emillia Clarke and as far as I can tell she hasn't done shit. She won an oscar when she was young so what? And a golden globe isn't shit either. Also everyone is in those damn xmen movies big fucking deal.

    2. @Count
      Pauquin definitely is better than Kaleeshi in that department but really despite loving Xmen & True Blood, neither of these things are cerebral or oscar worthy. Her best role acting wise was the Piano.
      Perhaps now that TB is ending she can spread her acting wings ?

  31. Tina- no Eric on this ep. but Pam is searching for him.

    Naked Eric is the best! Remember that season when he wore the horrible track suits? yikes!

    Jack- Kate Hudson has always bothered me...something about her. I do love Almost Famous but that's it.

  32. Of course!!! I watch every game, every World Cup, European Cup and English Premier League.
    USA were very hard done by last night, especially against an average Portugal side.
    But, as my dad (a football coach) says, ya gotta play until the whistle.
    I'm neutral this tournament coz we didn't qualify.
    I'm a bit disappointed in England though. I really though they would at least get out of their group. But Steven Gerrard is a useless Captain. He can't lead his club to victory and he obviously can't lead his country either.
    I think it'll be a Holland/ Germany final.

  33. @Jack Ducky: 90% of the broads in Hollywood would gut babies and dance in their entrails to have Paquin's career. You can h8 on her all you want, but saying she isn't accomplished is silly. Khaleesi been on GOT since 2011, has she ever been nominated for anything of note?

    @AJ: If you want to see her act in something serious, check out her YouTube series where she plays a mom w/ post partum.

    1. @Count
      I totally check that out. Do you know the name of it ?

  34. Wen, it was a tie. Portugal tied it up in the last 5 seconds.

  35. @AJ: Susanna She got the post partum, as a single mom, and her sister tries to help her through it.

    Bonus: the sister is played by Taken hottie Maggie Grace

    1. Sweet @Count !!!
      I know what I'm watching next. Plus I love Maggie Grace.

  36. @It's Just U... I think France is playing scary-good (which really bothers me). Holland is fantastic, but always choke in the end. This Cup has been a real shake-up, which I love (thus far!). I live in NYC - every bar here that is showing the Cup has been packed. It's great to see the enthusiasm!

  37. Yes and Portugal has serious drama queens on the field... Especially Mohawk Cry-Baby. Great game, overall.

    @Violet, I see the Brits are still unhappy about that whole American Revolution thing. ;-) (winky face)

    Speaking of Brits... anyone catch the "Ladies of London" show on Bravo? I like it... lots of rivalry going on. Americans trying to be Brits.

    1. I like Caroline. She looks like Chelsy Davy.

  38. I love Ladies of London.

    I was floating on a raft reading Vanity Fair until I got a text that the game was tied. I cut my pool time short to watch the end of the game. Boohoo.

  39. Anonymous12:42 PM

    NO BUT I DID WAtch most of algeria/korea

  40. I am actually going to watch the German match-up Thursday. Can't believe I'm a fan of soccer. Well.... I like the really hot guys... but the game part is of interest too.

  41. Caroline is funny. Seems mischievous. Not a fan of Caprice. Too "diva-ish". I'm on the fence about the Alexander McQueen Socialite.

  42. Not a chance in hell of me ever watching soccer. I love my nieces more than anything in the world and the oldest knows I won't go to her games because she knows i can't stand that boring "sport".

    I'd rather have one of those expanding hoses inserted up my piss hole and turned on using boiling water than watch soccer. I'd rather be forced to watch the entire Star Wars prequel trilogy next to Michael Moore in a crowded theater with a broken air conditioner in August than watch soccer.

    Can you tell I hate soccer?

  43. No idea there was no such thing as overtime. Just finish the damn thing with SOME BODY winning.

  44. I didn't, but of course Mr. KSierra did, and it's funny, because he was torn who to root for! The USA, as we're Americans, or Portugal, because I'm a proud Portuguese girl! :)



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