Monday, June 30, 2014

Sanjaya Looks A Whole Lot Different Now

Over the weekend, former American Idol contestant Sanjaya stopped by a pub in Seattle and sang about ten songs with a buddy of his. Apparently the crowd went crazy for him and if someone had not specifically told me he was Sanjaya I'm not sure I would have recognized him. I wonder how many other former contestants are still trying to make a go of a musical career and are playing in pubs and bars around the country trying to make a buck or get a record deal.


  1. That does NOT look like Sanjaya

  2. He's all grown up and looking good. I wouldn't recognise the first from the second though. Even if i knew who he was in the first place.

  3. Sanjaya! Noooooooo! That hair made you sound so much better.

    Oh well. Next stop - WeHo!

  4. Sanjaya is looking very butch now. It's awhile since he's been on A.I. I don't think this music thing is working out.

  5. So were the reports a few years ago that he was homeless and performing in subway stations false or is he doing ok now?

  6. Individual matures; changes "look". Film at 11!!!

  7. Like Steamy said aside from Carrie, Kelly, Clay, Daughtry (to a lesser extent) are the only ones that have made anything for themselves.

  8. Daaaaamn. He can get it. It's the beard. Love guys with beards

  9. Any crowd that goes crazy for Sanjaya, should be exterminated.

  10. Remember he was on that reality show IM A CELEBRITY get me OUTTA HERE! lol----He hooked up with Heidi Montags sister---he has smooth moves with the ladies

  11. I seriously thought he was gay.

  12. Well, he was an adolescent then, a man now. And a gorgeous man at that. I hope he's making a go of it, musically.

  13. Anonymous11:01 AM

    hes boneable...

    if i can just forget how he USED to look.

  14. Bless him, maybe he just loves to sing. He's really good, great moves, and dang! He growed up nice.

  15. @Reno he looks more gay now. But given his background, he'd never come out, were he gay.

  16. Never mind that, where's his hot sister?

  17. Whatevs...where's that fine sister of his is what I want to know!

  18. LOL @ Andy!! Great minds...
