Monday, June 30, 2014

Robert Downey Jr's Son Arrested For Coke Possession

After the struggle that Robert Downey Jr. faced getting his life in order after so many years addicted to drugs, I think everyone was hoping his two kids would not suffer the same fate. Yesterday afternoon, Robert's son Indio was arrested in Hollywood and charged with coke possession. Police officers witnessed the passenger of a vehicle smoking something in a pipe. When the police officers searched the occupants they found coke on Indio and arrested him. His father spent years watching his career nosedive as he battled drugs and he could have gone the same route as a lot of other actors who get caught up in drugs and are rarely heard from again except when they get arrested. Their careers are relegated to seeing them in something on cable from when they were half decent. Indio will be 21 in September.


  1. sads.. rdj.. help your son

  2. I adore the name Indio. I almost need to have another child to use that name. Almost.

    1. Have you been to Indio? It's all I can think of when I see this kid's name. La Quinta would have been better.

    2. Anonymous2:07 PM

      Yay, La Quinta! The place, that is.

  3. It's the circle of addiction. Plus lotta money and probably less supervision. Good for RDJ for not falling into oblivion, good point

  4. Replies
    1. I bow to thee Seven of House Eleven.

  5. Best wishes to him. You know Ive met many drug ddicts the pst 3 years and they all told me they started s kids nd their parents never knew or suspected. I would think an ex-addict would see the signs in his child but maybe they don't either?

  6. he went to rehab last summer.. guess he'll be going again this summer

  7. Also, my dad smoked like a trooper. Put me off forever. I wonder why that doesn't happen in all families?

    1. From what I hear, Violet, it can go either way. They see it, think it's normal and perpetuate the circle of addictive behaviour, or they recognise it as something they never, ever wanna do. Same with domestic violence, cheating a lot of those types of bahaviours

    2. True TTM, Jay Mewes' mother was a drug addict and according to him it put him off even drinking til his 20s because he didn't want to follow that. Unfortunately when he did that same addictive personality pushed him over edge.

  8. he lives w/ his mom full time so he probably doesn't spend a lot of time with his dad

  9. she should recognize from being with RDJ while he was addicted? These people also told me how deceptive and sneaky they were so I can see how things could be unnoticed.

  10. Replies
    1. That's so frighting, 7 of 11!

    2. Ha ha haven't heard that name round here for a while.

  11. All I know,even though I come from a short line of substance abusers, I never thought it would get me. I had the invulnerability of youth. Besides, I didn't start out out of control, noticeably. I was a partier.

    1. It's retrospection, that proved me wrong, I was out of control from the start. I T just looked like a learning curve :-D
      Young adults are secretive and unless there are Big Ass warning signs, most parents remember and give some space. You have to learn somehow and if we all learned from example, the world would be perfect. There is nothing done now that wasn't done before..Nothing.

  12. ok I can understand that steamy

  13. He's an adult, I hope he makes good choices and gets clean.

  14. well I think he will be well prepared to help his son through this

    but you have to want help

  15. RDJ's marriage & kids were after the drug use, they didn't grow up seeing it.

  16. Damn he's a cutie.

  17. RDJ is disappointed. Just coke? With his gene stock, that is like a pepsi for most of us. Damn, even a speedball bathed on meth is lame for the family.

  18. My parents were into a lot of things when I was really young. They had been doing stuff for a while. Coke was really big for them in the early 80s. When I came out one day and said, "Look Mommy, I got straws up my nose, too," my parents decide to keep it in the back room. :)

    I was one of those who just never wanted to try any of it. My sister went a different route. She dated a violent man, tried many drugs, and is a regular pot smoker (not a big deal really). She didn't see any of the drug use; I did.

  19. @Jessica Larson Indio is almost 21. RDJ was still doing drugs in the early 2000's. So yes I'm sure he probably saw stuff. If not personally there was no way he could escape the media coverage when RDJ imploded.

    The good thing is that he has a father who's "been there" and can possibly help him. That is if he wants help. Unfortunately addicts need to want the help or it doesn't work.

    Good luck to the both of them. I really hope Indio gets past this like his dad did.

    Side note: I friggen love the name Indio.

  20. Yeah I agree, it can go either parents were into the funny green ciggie so and I experimented with many things (nothing too heavy) but it was their calm and truthful attitude that stopped me going off the rails. It wasn't forbidden but I was always looked after as well, kids at my school with stricter parents ended up off the rails more than I. What's to say RDJ is strict with him? We don't know...I just hope he gets the help he needs...

  21. Love that name too. Good luck to him.

  22. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Indio is the name of a city in the Coachella Valley, a couple hours' drive east of LA. It's where the Coachella Festival is held.

  23. Speaking of deceptive addicts anyone see the season finale of Nurse Jackie, wow.

    Indio was probably where the kid was conceived.

    1. @Tina Mallette I always thought Indio wasconceived there too. Thank goodness it wasn't Barstow.

  24. I got drugs in my pocket and I don't know what ta do with them
    drugs in my pocket
    drugs in my pocket

  25. Indio was arrested previously for pill use. In the court proceedings he said that his drug use began at 8 years old when RDJ started smoking marijuana with him.

    1. Just like rdj Sr wow the circle of life.

  26. they look like 2 gay men in that pic and whats with Indios jeans : /
    Anyone see the movie Less Than Zero where RDJ where those mary jane ballet shoes lmao

  27. "Indio was arrested previously for pill use. In the court proceedings he said that his drug use began at 8 years old when RDJ started smoking marijuana with him."

    Really?! RDJ said something almost identical about his dad, RDS. You'd think... :-/

  28. This just makes me very sad. UnLESS, maybe just maybe, this will scare Indio straight. Hoping.

  29. The only thing that saved RDJ when things went down for him was his incredible talent.

    Very possibly Indio is not going to listen to RDJ about much of tend to do that. However, RDJ has the resources to find someone Indio would listen to.

    I wish them the best of luck. Cocaine is tough to beat.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Well...coke is tough to beat, but I'm glad it wasn't crystal meth or heroine.

    Good luck RDJ. I hope your son gets well soon.

  32. I'm sure Indio also loved it when he heard his father state recently that before he met Susan he didn't have anything he gave enough of a shit about to stop doing drugs. Nice, RDJ. Really nice.

  33. What do they say about the apple not falling far from the tree?

    Saddened that his son didn't learn from Dad but I hope. RDJ will be really engaged in straightening his son's road before it really skews (and then hear about another accidental overdose death)

    Wow. Even more incentives for RDJ to continue with the TV show he's making about his time in rehab

  34. Anonymous12:05 PM

    hollywood is NOT a good place to raise children. SMH


    Philly aint that great either now that i think about it. prayers for Indio.

  35. Luckily it seems his family is behind him and he's getting help. That's a very good first step.

  36. RDJ's always been crazy about that kid. Indio just turned 21, he has time to get his act together.

  37. Just saw the trailer for St. VINCENT with Melissa McCarthy and bill Murray. Made me think of this. . Can't wait for October to see this!!
