Monday, June 30, 2014

Random Photos Part Three- Glastonbury

Lily Allen
Dolly Parton
Bradley Cooper
Lana Del Rey
Ellie Goulding
Alexa Chung
Cressida Bonas
Sophie Turner


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I understand people were pissed Metallica headlined this show.

  3. Bradley cooper here is like me at a Philly eagles just..doesn't....happen.
    Ellie g needs a tan STAT, but that ain't happening
    Alexachung is gorgeous
    All I got

  4. I think I want to be besties with Ellie, she seems like a lot of fun.

    Dolly's coochie is all chained up!

    Who are all the others?

    Brad leee is giving the "Take the picture and leave me the fuck alone" face. Werk it!

  5. I was scrolling down until I saw Lana Del Ray, they next I know I wake up a half hour later. Just looking at a picture of her causes low-grade narcolepsy.

  6. Alexa is bony as hayll.

  7. Lizzy or Lana as she likes to now call herself, just always makes me think, I wish my dad were rich & could buy me a record contract even though I can't sing, & I lip sync badly to my own songs in concert.

    1. Alexa IS bony as hail. Far too thin. Guess Chris does have a type.

  8. yep Alexa is almost as bony as Goopy

    he must have a type

  9. thank you Jessica^^^^

    that's what I think too

  10. Know what you mean, I saw Lana in concert, Yep, she was badly lip syncing.

    Still remember when she bombed on SNL & it came out all her interviews about being poor & living in a tralior park was crap, her daddy's rich & is bankrolling her, he's even given interviews about living his dreams through her.

    1. Co-sign. You know who else pulled that crap? Kesha who fabricated an entire story about growing up dirt poor and not knowing who her father was her whole life.

      Cut to a magazine article a few years ago with her biological father who not only raised her as a co-parent with her mother, but also provided dozens of pictures of them together throughout her childhood and teen years (some with her mom in them as well) and said he was naturally incredibly hurt and confused about how and why she came up with that farce. Truly sad the lengths some stars will go to in order to seem current.

  11. Sandy - people WERE pissed, but they got really good reviews. Not my scene, but V jr 1 really enjoyed their set and he's not into heavy metal at all. Dolly got into trouble for miming her set - all denied but tbh it definitely looked to me like she did.

  12. Alexa reminds me if a female Chris Martin.

    Ellie G was on some show, "performing" / lip syncing I presume, and all I could hear was an electronically altered voice in a POS track. And all I could see was glare coming off her bad wig. Don't hate me, that's what I saw and heard.
    Why not showcase real talent?

  13. Dolly's face makes me sad. Damn.

  14. because they are not that talented-studio produced music

    happens all the time-don't believe what you hear on a recording evah

    Lana was awful awful on SNL-and everyone just ignored it?????

  15. been and seen studio recording

    believe me

  16. Theres a pic of Bradley Cooper, Lars ullrich and Noel Gallagher together at Glasto. Thats really random.

  17. Yes, I think what irratites me more with Lana, is the BS interviews she gives. I'd like her more if she owned up to the fact that her dad bought her way into the music industry & bought her time with talented experienced muscians & artist. But, she continues to claim her lips & nose are real, but if you see pics from a few years ago, it obvious she's had work done.

  18. @ms. point.
    Not Lars...and Noel is a gent, I had the pleasur of spending time in what seems like, a lifetime ago(12 years)
    Bcoop? Did he make a wrong turn at the village peoples reunion tour?

  19. @ Brian.....made me laugh..low grade narcolepsy ..genious

  20. Sansa Stark wearing something other than a pseudo-medieval gown! Is Littlefinger lurking in that hedge?

  21. Blooper amongst all those

    What will he do??? Kid in a candy store!

    Buried the bearded bi-Suk-a-Monster did ya?

  22. Jesus, Alexa is the poster child for starving kids in 3rd world countries

  23. It must be so embarrassing to be a middle aged/aging celebrity who only shows up at events because all the "cool" 20-something's are doing it.

    God, Bradley Cooper looks so uncomfortable and out if place. *Honorable mention goes to Gerard Bulter et al.

  24. A lot of the times it's the star's publicist that makes up that bullshit and puts it out there.

  25. I mean, I read Jackie Collins dammit. I know this stuff!

  26. Oh, Dolly. I love her, but she went way too far with the surgery.

    I know I will be mocked--and perhaps deservedly so--but I have to say that I would SO ride Bradley Cooper like an amusement park ride.

  27. Tools are there to be used, Nurse. No shame in that.

  28. Soooo kirk hammit of mettallica is openly bi. Has been since 90s. So I'm guessing band mate in closet is James hetfield hence the constant struggle with sobriety? ?
    Alexa is so BEIGE she is giving Chris Martin a Hard on from across the pond
    Bcoop's liking them Big and Buff 4 sho.

  29. Has Cressida Bonas ever been to a Hooters Restaurant? Doesn't seem like the sort of place a well brought young woman from England would frequent.

  30. You lost me at Metallica. Who are those people in the last four photos?

  31. No shame there, Nurse. I'd probably do the same, given the chance.

    DOLLY! I'm from Tennessee. She's our queen. I celebrate her birthday every January.

  32. I adore Dolly! I faithfully watched her variety show in the 70s. What can I say...I was 6. She can do no wrong in my eyes, it looks like she needs a smidge more weight in her face. Am I the only one that thinks as you get older, one should keep a little pudge?!? That's what I keep telling myself.

  33. Something is jacked up on your site. For the past two days whenever I come in my next page features the daily photos. No matter how far back I go. I'm using an iPhone 4s.
