Monday, June 30, 2014

Random Photos Part Six

Brooke Burke with some of her kids on vacation.
Alexis Bellino got paid to host a party.
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie out to dinner on Saturday.
Britney Spears takes a smoke break.
In case you were wondering, Chris Brown is still a tool.
So is Justin Bieber who was at the same party.
Courtney Love and Amber Rose kissed last night.
David Beckham and his mom at Wimbledon.
Demi Lovato before the NYC Pride Parade.


  1. With just a couple of exceptions this set is like the tool shed.

  2. Answer to other blind I called..beiber/brown as singer distancing self

    1. Good on ya!
      Actually, I think Elizabeth Moss is the answer to another blind. The don't you know who I am line cutter. I put someone else ; (

    2. E moss doesn't have kids

  3. Alexis ..oh why..lil kids at home, as wealthy as you purport to be..did you really have to pimp yourself out this way....
    And the least she didn't spray tan orange like so manynothers

  4. Courtney and Amber are soooo into that kiss.

  5. Angelina looks more plasticized every day and has claw hands. Brad looks like exactly what he is - an attractive, middle-class, mid-western man (who now has a pile of money, it doesn't show).

    Britney looks terrified, as always.

    Brooke Burke-Charvet's teen daughter must hate that standing next to her mother makes her look fat. She's not fat.

    Is that heifer Demi's girlfriend?

  6. That is one Demi I don't think Wilmer is tapping. He's just not. I hope she's finding what she really needs.

    Brook burlesque (it was a typo/auto fill, but I like it) daughter doesn't fall far from tbe tree. Very pretty.

  7. What a difference between this mess and the beautiful readers photo group. Moral of the story....?

  8. Has Britney has a nose job? I'm hoping it's just the lighting, and she hasn't started messing with her face.

  9. Maybe it's just the angle of her face but Britney does not look good. She looks like she's taking a smoke break from her job at the snack bar working at Walmart. That top makes her look pregnant (please tell me it's just the top).

  10. @steamy.totally e moss for that! Good one, but does she have a daughter ??

  11. Britney got a nose job a long time ago.

  12. Brooke Burke looks GOOD

    I'd love to have her legs!!

  13. I just want one night with the Beckham. Yum

  14. 1. Of COURSE Britney smokes.

    2. I personally would like to very much thank Enty for not referring to David's mother as "mum" which so many American publications have inexplicably felt the need to whenever discussing British celebrities post Royal Wedding. So ridiculous!

    1. But that is his 'Mum'? Why are you saying that Americanising a word from its origins is the ridiculous way of spelling it? Seeing/hearing 'Mom' makes me cringe inside!!!x

    2. I didn't say that @Milroid. What I wrote-if you took the time to actually read my entire comment-what that it's ridiculous when AMERICAN publications suddenly use the British spelling of words in pieces about Brits. Besides, if the American spelling of Mom makes you "cringe" why can't I feel the same way about the British spelling?

  15. I figured they would have made Brit Brit quit smoking. I guess it's her way of rebelling.

  16. Is that Britney or Alice Cooper?

    Is dickhead Brown on Roller skates? And nobody thought to push him down a set of stairs?

  17. Britney looks like Allison in The Breakfast Club, before Claire gives her a makeover.

  18. Oh, my. So I guess David Beckham looks just like his dad.

  19. Is that courtneys hand? It looks like a construction worker or something

  20. This whole set is a jar of WTF? Ship of fools man, ship of fools. Bieber and Brown win for being twin asshats.

  21. Amber Heard has junkie hands.

  22. Hey Astro! We have plenty of summer on this side of the world. Long time no chat. How are you?!?

  23. OMG!!!! Dia how are you? Good to see you I've been great, albeit a little chilly. :)

  24. Life is good. Miss chatting on this crazy beast. Excited about our holiday break in a few days. Sorry it's so chilly.

  25. Me too, we can always meet here on the last post, everyone else is long gone by now. Are you going away? We had such a warm autumn so it seems colder. It's a lovely day here today though.

  26. Any good sci fi reading for N Hemi summer? I'm looking for some good books. Maybe a show or two. Have you seen Orphan Black. It's my fav new show. LOVE IT!

  27. I plan to take a mini holiday but the poor dog can't come. We have a house sitter though. PS - these photos are kinda lame. Oh what has happened to you Enty?

  28. I enjoyed 1Q84 by Haruki Murakami recently. Haven't watched Orphan Black might pick it up on catch up now Thrones is done.

    I will come mind your place ha ha

  29. Come visit now that it's warm. I will come visit you in Nov for my birthday. OMG! GoT was insane. I really wanted Viper to win. He's hot! Luckily my little Kit is still around, but who knows how long (like every character on that show.)

  30. Thanks for the recommendation! You must watch OB. One actress plays all the roles. Amazing acting and writing

  31. I will check it out. Mmmmm Jon Snow. Ok sweets catch you next time xo

  32. Has Demi Lovato recently gained like 50 pounds?
