Thursday, June 05, 2014

Off Topic

Don't harsh our mellow, dude


  1. Yep, just as I thought, lols

    1. Anonymous10:55 AM

      The dude's name is Ent. What do you expect?

  2. Anyways
    According to Whoopi Goldberg it is acceptable to toss the N word around like Bieber does and everyone does it? WTF
    I use to really like her. They need to fire her ugly ass....

    1. I am probably going to be slammed, but here goes: there are trash of every color and those that will aspire to greatness no matter their beginnings. It gall's me to see folks idolize those that perpetuate the cycle as opposed to those that break it, like Oprah and Angelou.

    2. Derek, it would be helpful if Whoopie constructed some examples of acceptable sentences for us. Eg "eh niggaz, it wasn't rape-rape yo."

      What a pig.

  3. It's a Ray OT! Yay!! Oooh, and Sugar!

    1. #mellowmeltdownmaaan

  4. Ms Dowd went all Reefer Madness and it's pretty funny.

  5. *acceptable in CANADA I meant---cause she filmed a movie here and someone told her its ok

  6. “You know, Canadian words — I’m going to say the word so get ready to beat me. Nigger doesn’t mean anything in Canada. And how do I know this? Well, I did a movie last year, in Canada, and a young, wonderful Canadian woman wrote it, and I’m reading it and I’m thinking, ‘We wouldn’t say anything like this.’ So I went to the director and I said, what is this? And he said, oh, she lives here. And I said so she doesn’t know anything, she doesn’t get what we’re talking about.”

    “What I’m saying is that, when you are 15 and you’re someplace where that’s not a word that you have associated with people of colour…they weren’t calling them that.”

  7. 'I really want to get high with Maureen Dowd' - said no one ever @kelly_carlin

  8. Question: is it okay to go off-topic on an off-topic thread?


  9. Well, Whoopi believes that some rape isn't rape, so there's that.

    1. Ikr, @7. If drugging and anally raping a young girl isn't "rape-rape," I don't know what is.

      I'd call it 'rape-rape-rape,' or even maybe 'rape-rape-rape-rape,' you know? Rape-cubed.

  10. Enty you're throwing a party with booze and pot and you didn't invite us?

  11. Ms. Dowd is only one reason why the NY Times has gone to pot over the last 15 years or so.

    1. Anonymous11:00 AM

      I see what you did there...

  12. I live in Canada. We do not routinely use the N-word here. It is as offensive to us as it is to Americans.

  13. I would think that in today's society the N Word is NOT an ACCEPTABLE word anywhere in this world to be used by anyone.

  14. Dear Miss Dowd,
    You're doing it wrong.
    Hunter S. Thompson

    P.S. Yes, dear
    I know I'm dead
    I'm just messing
    with your head

  15. this explains the water thing

  16. I see some redditors here. Hypothetically.

  17. Hahahha I love it when people who know nothing about drugs try to talk about them. Especially psychedelics and weed. Lolz.

    Go have a conversation with Alexander Shulgin and get back to me.

    1. (head/desk)
      So apparently he died too? For fucks sake I am on a roll this week.

  18. as a proud Canadian I promise you that it is used less here than USA. No disrespect. Our rappers don't even use the word in their songs.

  19. In regards to the OT Topic ... Some folks just can't handle green. Personally if it wasn't for it, my crohns would so so so much worse. It gives me relief from nausea and pain. It also gives me an appetitie since one crohns major symptoms is lack of appetite.

  20. Whoopi Goldberg is always attempting to excuse SOME people (people she likes) for saying/doing absurd things. Like she's the Magical Language Justice Fairy or something. And all the morons who watch the View will give it credence. Yet another reason why the language police is bullshit, because they start giving each other exemptions.

  21. This doesn't have anything to do with this topic, but take a look @ what Ellen G posted.

  22. I wouldn't expect much more from an already irresponsible journalist who doesn't really research much, so this isn't surprising at all.

    Edibles are not to be trifled with. I ate a cookie once, and it didn't do anything. Until an hour later when I started giggling for no reason, had a near death experience, was convinced that today's pop music was purposely tuned to a mhz frequency designed to make us all more mentally limber for brainwashing, communicated with my sister's dog, watched people's conversations swirl around the room, then realized everything was an illusion and we are all the same consciousness - you know, typical stuff.

    tl/dr: high doses of psychedelics can f*ck you up for a few hours.

  23. This was a pot cookie, BTW, and blew my previous mushroom trips to hell.

  24. Good god. I read that article...I don't get why people who would never do drugs go and do it because its legal they think that makes it a lolly. Fucking dumb...then they have these off the wall experiences and go loopy....spreading all their zealot paranoid petty moral bullshit. A drug is a drug is a drug. Go back to watching Mary Tyler Moore and leave the drugs alone geek!
