Monday, June 30, 2014

Off Topic

I'm pretty sure I'm the only one in my office this week who has vacation time and is not using it. Ghost town here.


  1. I wanna listen to The Specials now.

    1. @warecat - me tooooooo.
      (Thanks, I didn't know the name if the group.)

    2. #mahboo

  2. I love when offices are Ghost Towns.

  3. Enty,give the intern a vacay dammit.

    I almost cause a fire at my job last nightlol

  4. Dragon, were you breathing fire indesciminately, again?

  5. @Dragon, all the interns! It's Independence Day!

    OK, fess up, what did you do?

  6. @Seven It's not my fought. Okay it is but Some lady called out so they needed someone to manage the stand that feeds the security guards at the Stadium. So my dumbutt decide to do it. Let just say cooking isn't my thing. there was a fire extinguisher so they caught it on time.

    My boss said he gonna make it up to me today. His ass better. Im traumatized. Okay I lied about being traumatized but hey i can get good perks lol

  7. I'm coveting 8 whole weeks worth of holiday to be taken before next March. 8 WHOLE weeks.

  8. Anonymous11:07 AM

    i always side eye people who dont use their vacation time. weirdos...

  9. The parking lot was more crowded than I expected this morning. Take off people and let me get some work done before I duck out early on Wednesday.

  10. Last day of the fiscal year. We're all here.

  11. I plan on burning SO much vacation time once I'm done with all the MSW school bullshit come 1 Aug. Takin' off and seein' the WORLD!

    Or just random boring parts of the Midwest, probably. *sigh*

  12. (Same here, Gayeld.)

  13. I wish it was ghost town here. They're all driving me nuts.

  14. I'm self employed. No vacation time here!!

    Sounds nice though. I don't know why you wouldn't take that shit

  15. Working from home today

  16. I got THE 4th OFFFFF Suckas! (Them, not us) In my job you have to bid at the beginning of the year to get time. once the slot is filled , thats it. There are 3 workers that have been there for YEARS and they get all the prime spots by Jan.2nd.
    It's farkin unfair because in conflict, seniority wins...grrr.
    But, I'm lucky I had it when I broke my wrist motorcycle riding ( my fault for being on an oversized bike) I used all my time + sick to stay out for 3 weeks. it took me 2 years to get that much leave... so yes
    I put my hands in the air!

  17. I work from home so not so much on the coworkers front unless you count my puppy.
    I am also being invaded 4th of July weekend by family since I live in close proximity to the ocean.

  18. I'm self-employed, so no paid vacation for me. HOWEVER, being the Supreme Benevolent Leader of Me, I have decreed that "Out of the office Fridays" are permanent! Two of my office suite mates are following my lead, and it's made life much easier.
