Friday, June 13, 2014

Mr. X Blind Items Part Four

7) Which B-list character actor who recently co-starred on a cancelled sitcom is slowly trying to distance himself from that kooky sect which he was born and raised in, seeing that it might help his career? I wonder if the rest of his family knows..
8) What hot-at-the-moment female rapper has been known to be racist towards Asians and Latinos, as past Twitter rants have revealed?


Kristin Wigs said...


Kristin Wigs said...

Iggy Azaela

Jessi said...

Like the Ribisi guess.

and then Iggy (name stealer) there is only ONE Iggy in my world! And it's Pop!

Kat has left the building said...

I thought of Giovanni too and I'm upset bc I loved Dads!

Kno Won said...

+1 Wigs.
Hot-at-the-moment narrows it pretty effectively.
I hated that Ribisi did that crummy sitcom. He's a talented actor.

Kno Won said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
VIPblonde said...

Enty's still trying to make Mr. X happen, huh? Bored now

Kelly said...

Iggy for 8. I like her music, hope it's not her.

Kno Won said...

No tea no shade, sitcom lovers.

aemish said...

ot @Kat.. They are cancelling our beloved trainwreckI wanna marry Harry :(

Susan said...

Oh. My. God. VIP a little warning por favor. You're gonna get me fired!

Seven of Eleven said...

There's a Tumblr devoted Igzalea's racism.

Bubbles said...

Latinos aren't a race.

Zeeky_Boogy_Doog said...

Jess - As "Community's" Magnitude would say to the question of "Who is the best Iggy?" Pop Pop!!!

Riven said...

Jason lee

Kno Won said...

That was a pretty shadowy peen. Needs a little hat or something. A beanie w/a propeller, maybe.

Kno Won said...

@Seven - but is that her real ass?

VIPblonde said...

@Kno Won Here's one with a hat :)

Sillygurl said...

Ribisi just defended them, saying there is no aliens in the religion! Lollll ok he must not have got to OT3 yet. Its all about aliens but not till you get to the upper levels.

Kno Won said...

And jewelry. W00t!

Sillygurl said...

Oh VIP! *clutches pearls*

Kat has left the building said...

@aemish NOOOOOOO I can't believe it! At least we can watch the rest online. Can't believe there won't be a season 2 ;)

Kno Won said...

Just caught your comment, @Bubbles. Totes agree.
Reading Rainbow, people!

auntliddy said...

Silly-I think they( cultists ) get so invested in their dogma they just cant see anythingvelse. Plus if they admit certain things, then that wld make all years they believed in it a farce. They wld be better off to think, this cult served its purpose in my life, and now im moving on. But sometimes, like being in a sinking boat, they just hang on and on til they drown.

StuffandNonsense said...

I'll vote for Ribisi. I thought he was hook, line and sinker into CoS but more power to him.

Procrastibator said...

Is there a BI about who Mr X is?

lulu said...

def. Iggy Azaela

InsomniaMama said...

Danny Masterson and Iggy Azalea

AJ said...

TY for the FFFriday :-))

Greengrl said...

Aww, I'm going to miss that show

The Real Dragon said...

Most these blinds are not blinds. It's already out there. Mr x no offense is like ace from BG creating blinds on stuff that's already outn

Tara said...

I was thinking 7 was Danny Masterson - Men at Work just got cancelled and he's a second-generation Scientologist. Here's some info - he doesn't have a lot of recent activity tying him to the religion:

Jessie said...

Was that on Maron's podcast or elsewhere? I almost burst out laughing when I heard that and had the same thought. Not at that level yet...

Haywood Jablomee said...

There's a recent podcast with comedian Marc Maron called WTF with Ribisi as a guest. Very interesting.

SugarTitz said...

Iggy..Not Fancy Girrrl

Unknown said...

You're a fucking ignorant piece of dog shit

auntliddy said...

But myrna, they arent. They are caucasions!

Snootches said...

Iggy is terrible and I hope she reaches Carly Rae Jepsen type fame and goes away.

Snootches said...

VIP, I got a chance to watch Jackman, Fassy, and James McAvoy on Graham Norton. If I could've climbed through my TV, I would've wrecked them. Fassy and McAvoy are soooo charming. I recommend checking it out! Happy FFF!

Trilby said...

Yep. Danny Masterson.

Trilby said...

Yep. It's Danny Masterson.

PotPourri said...

Ribisi is funny, but he looks like 99% of Scientolofreaks...a weirdo.

I was thinking about Joaquin, but who knows.

VIPblonde said...

@Snootches Already watched it :) That episode was brilliant!!

SecretTorture - "ST" said...

Latinos/Hispanics are not Caucasians. You can't even spell it correctly. Sit your white, mayonnaise ass down and don't comment on something you aren't informed about.

auntliddy said...

Secret, anthropologically, there are 3 races, caucasian, mongoloid and negroid. And some anthropologists dont think we should differentiate races at all. Latina or Hispanics are an ETHNIC group, not a race. Hispanic probably started to separate ' regular caucs ' from those of hispanic heritage. As my Argentine friend said," I didnt know I wasnt white till I came to America." So now maybe YOU can sit YOUR ignorant ass down, and try to learn something you are woefully ignorant of. And what makes u think Im white? Or that i eat mayo? There is zero shade meant in my info, just facts.

Seven of Eleven said...

Auntliddy isn't being racist. The US Census said "the Hispanic population is predominately White" (and they capitalised both, this is a direct copy/paste).

Race vs ethnicity isn't new. The American Anthropological Association issued a statement on it.

Google 9RA (9 repeat-allele), you'll find a well of information regarding race and DNA testing, and how new technology redefines the concept of race vs ethnicity. (And FTR: ethnicity comes from the Greek word ethnos, which is "group" or "tribe".)

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

8. Is definitely Iggy. There is a Tumblr blog dedicated to documenting her rants...


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