Thursday, June 19, 2014

Michael Jace Pleads Not Guilty

Yesterday in court, Shield actor Michael Jace pleaded not guilty to the crime of murdering his wife. I presume that he is either going to try and get this down to some type of manslaughter or that he might try not guilty by reason of insanity, but it is pretty apparent that he killed his wife. I mean he did it in front of his kids and then called 911 and admitted it and called his father-in-law and told him the same thing. This is pretty much open and shut. Currently Jace is in jail and has not posted bail which is set at $2M. Should he ever post bond, the judge ordered him to stay away from his kids. I don't think it would be a good idea for him to get out. There is no way that ends up with him going to court quietly every day until the end of the trial.


  1. Ghost town in here.

  2. I was just thinking that FSP.

  3. Whats there to say? Put the bastard in jail and throw away the keys!

  4. Put him in the gen pop. There won't be no need for a trial.

  5. It is awful silent....means someone's up to something lol for real though. I don't have any commentary for this post. Situation is fubar'd enough as it is.

  6. He should man up, take a guilty plea and not put his kids and her family through the trial.

  7. as a lawyer, you should know he has the right to plead not guilty and make the state prove its case. so open and shut, yes. he killed her. but it still has to be decided in a court of law. and i'm sure he's going to use some kind of mental incapacity as a defense, or heat of passion, or something.

    still, it's his right to have a trial.

  8. I agree Nancer. I thought it was SOP for everyone to plead not guilty to avoid the death penalty and get a life sentence instead.

  9. If he gets out he will prob commit suicide. I would rather than face what i did or life in jail. That is not life.

  10. He could say it was self defense claiming she had some kind of weapon. I don't know, guilty people come up with some pretty dumb excuses.

  11. I feel for the kids who went through such a trauma. That's why I agree with Gayeld.
