Monday, June 23, 2014

Lindsay Lohan Ran Around Selfridges While Naked

It appears Lindsay Lohan got some bad drugs or was wasted out of her mind or both because while using her boyfriend's credit card at Selfridges in London, she decided to try on some clothes. So, she went to a changing room, which is never a good idea with Lindsay because if you let her go alone you might get your clothes stolen, damaged, or burned by her cigarettes. The staffers let her go alone though and a short time later she emerged wearing nothing and began running around the store while staffers tried to cover her with a blanket. They finally managed to get Lindsay back in the changing room where she dressed and left and didn't show up for an appointment she had scheduled later in the day with a personal shopper.


  1. so where are the photos?

  2. Not too long now before an Anna Nicole ending....

  3. Bath salts are bad mmmk?

    1. Or Cocaine is a hell of a drug ....

    2. @AJ yeah pretty much most drugs would fit. I just think bath salts because when that drug first got media coverage the reporters thought it was actual bath salts, so I ways picture one of those dissolvable bath balls being crushed and snorted.

    3. @Riven
      LOL. Me too. Those cubes too that used to come in the silver & paper wrappers.

    4. @AJ LOL dude there was one reporter in a cvs holding different types of bath salt products and trying to pronounce ingredient names, it was comedic gold (though the reason behind the segment was sad).

    5. @Riven
      Eeeek. Talk about bad reporting. Yikes.

  4. Is she still 27 ?
    I don't want her in that club.
    Wonder where head is at ? Who runs around naked in a department store with strangers everywhere.

  5. Now the question to ask, is she mentally ill OR was this just a feeble publicity stunt which worked since Enty is talking about it?

  6. Anonymous8:53 AM

    No pictures? The place practically has "Selfies" in its name.

  7. Sounds legit..

  8. Dont wanna see her nekkid anymore a 27 yr old with a 50 yr old body

  9. Ugh 2 Lindsay posts today? What a waste.

  10. She's on "Meow-meow" aka the London special or commonly known in US as bath salts.

  11. I'm still waiting for that Moss/Blohan beat down..... (drumming fingers impatiently)

  12. Doesn't everyone do this???

  13. I wonder how long it'll be before she breaks a law in the UK and gets deported. I can't wait for that especially if it happens during the time she's in that upcoming play.

  14. I love Seldridges. I used to work just up the road and went there every lunchtime to mooch around. Never saw a naked celeb there though.

  15. You have to wonder if they noticed a shoe or two looking like she was a bout to give birth.

    Oh Well, at least she didn't steal anything.

  16. Firecrotch was on the loose!

  17. Breaking News? LMAO

    Molly. She was definitely on Molly. My friend who is usually meek and classy did something similar on it.

  18. Wow and I was just in there today! Shame we weren't on the same floor, that pic coulda paid for my trip lol!

  19. I want photos and video. Get on it, TMZ!

  20. She looks like she is having the best time. Whoever's credit card she has, she has had some really really pricey outfits on lately. She will probably die but at least she is in her element? Sads

  21. Keep that sobriety going, Linds!

  22. We already know she takes shitloads of amphetamines because of her ADHD. That combined with borderline PD could be enough to explain this behavior, but I think it's safe to say homegirl is on other bad shit too. I hope she gets help before it's too late

  23. Seriously her whole I'm In a Play thing is gonna be the massive train wreck we all expect. Can't wait to read about it on here when she blames it on someone else.

  24. Was Lindsay hoping Jeremy Piven was in the building?

  25. Her birthday is next week. What do you think she has planned? She has to make up for last year because she was in *snicker.*

  26. god I am sick of her bag of bullshit

  27. I would hate to be so unhappy that I would either have to be such an exhibitionist for attention, because negative attention is better than no attention whatsoever, or on such hardcore drugs that any sense of modesty or common sense just flies out the window. She needs some serious therapy and behavior modification.

  28. As@LadyH points out
    ER shenanigans ain't the work of a single drug.
    I'd say she's a walking Laborotory. (Punn intended).

  29. Nobody with solid access to normal drugs would choose to do bath saltz over & over again because the high just isn't that great compared to other street alternatives.

    One of the "benefits" of bath saltz in the first place is that they are unregulated and therefore legal to purchase or something. Not a great high.

  30. She's doing live theater? Oh boy. Whose grand idea was that? And I thought British theatre had standards. Wonder what illness will suddenly strike.

  31. cue Benny Hill music...

  32. You know - don't any one of you feel bad for her for a second. "She needs therapy." No, she's had years and years of therapy and behavior modification - it's called rehab! But she is such a bullheaded little brat that she refuses to even acknowledge that she has a problem let alone actually treat it. All Lindsay knows is deny, deny, deny, if that fails; blame someone else. And that is why most people absolutely hate her. In her mind the negative attention isn't because she's blowing chance after chance at help and recovery, no no, to her it's simply because we're all jealous and "Haters."

  33. Lady Heisenberg, she has had a hundred chances to get her shit together, and never does.

    I am surprised she has lived as long as she has. We'll see if she makes it to 30.

  34. Lindsay has never changed, Lindsay will never change. Ever. I just hope someone is injecting her with Depo while she sleeps.

  35. Im so freaking happy shes in England! May she only stay there!

  36. LOL timebob

    cue Benny Hill music...


    FYI did you know that Jane Leeves was a Benny Hill girl....

  37. Bath salts was facetious. Did I really have to state that despite the context?

    1. Oh shit! My post says "I just think" not "I just said." Ok I can see where the bath salts replies came from.

      I jokingly posted about bath salts because that stupid journalist I mentioned to AJ pops into my head whenever shit like this goes down. I know what "bath salts" is and isn't and whatever Lindsay has going in is likely a cocktail with some mental health differential abilities mixed in.

  38. i'm not going to hold my breath about her 'play.' no fucking way in hell she could do a play with the schedule they have to keep.

    not happening.

  39. Her fake hair is disgusting.

  40. Everyone who thinks Blohan has had a million chances, and is an entitled raging monster: you're right. Derek can probably even confirm that I have never once sympathized with Lilo...until now. I empathize with her only because it's pretty evident she has BPD and from the sounds of this post, needs to be in a fuckin hospital. Period. Not covered up by blankets, handled by enabling succubi, and numbed with drugs and shopping sprees. I no longer see this as Lindsay being Lindsay. This is a mentally ill individual acting accordingly. I agree that Lilo has been a real piece of shit and had a million chances- even got preferential treatment/celebrity justice through and through.

    But her behavior isn't just the result of her sucking as a person. It's a symptom of her condition. I'm not making excuses for her, she clearly is not well and needs to be accountable for her shit. But I feel she may lack the capacity, and everyone around her is an enabler, abuser or just as big of a fuck up as she is. I would hope a public incident like this would have compelled intervention and/or hospitalization.
    I was just saying that this is all consistent with BPD and poly drug abuse. I have personally seen these situations. They typically do not end well. It's a miracle Blohan has not killed or critically hurt herself or someone else - yet.

  41. I don't know enough about her to say if she is mentally ill or to what extent. However I would say, no matter how drugged up this is unusual behaviour, and it would indicate some form of mental illness. Given her life story so far, coupled with her drug and alcohol abuse, I'd say it's a fair assumption that she is probably mentally ill and it does appear that she doesn't have a proper support system.

  42. I'm pretty sure she is clean now.

  43. I stopped rooting for this entitled little a-hole a long, long time ago.

    But I've been wondering about the mental illness thing for a few years now; do these celebrities (Lohan, Spears, Bynes, etc.) use drugs because of their mental illness, or are they mentally ill BECAUSE of their drug use?

    I know a lot of people believe that people with mental illness are self-medicating, but I watched my little brother suffer some sort of brain damage/mental illness due to his drug use (it was a very sudden thing), and I am still dealing with an overwhelming amount of grief since his suicide.
    So I have to wonder now, would Britney Spears or Amanda Bynes have suffered any mental illness if they had NOT grown up under media scrutiny with unlimited access to drugs?

    1. @Elissa my sincere condolences on your loss, and the way it happened. My brother was a bit the opposite. He had severe depression caused by a lot of health issues, he used alcohol and cocaine knowing it would kill him, and it did.

      I really wish I knew the answers to this one.

    2. @Elissa: My deepest condolences.

  44. Meth and whatever else she can get her hands on. I don't believe she's mentally ill in the same way Britney Spears is mentally ill. Blohan comes from a totally dysfunctional family and is an addict, that's what's causing this behavior. She may have Narcissistic PD or Borderline PD. She's not bi-polar or schizophrenic.

  45. @Lady H.- you're right it's no fun watching this go down with her.She needs an Amanda Bynes sort of intervention w/a conservator for a couple of years.(ala Britney,Amanda not some sheik with a Black Amex)or I'm afraid she is going to die.She doesn't know rational from pics TMZ please.

  46. @Elissa-i'm very sorry-horrible. my sister in law,who I FREAKING ADORED- did the same. I think that's why I vented above- these BIs disturb me on Sooo many levels. im done tonight.

  47. @Lady--Confirmed. I do feel she has obvious mental issues but unlike Brittney she does not have the support. Even Brit has hardcore fans that will always support her. The whole world is against Lindsay and she knows it. Being a media target for 12 years since you were a teenager must be really rough. It is just making her downward spiral that much worse. Running around a clothing store naked is not hurting anyone----just her reputation and dignity but at this point she really has nothing to lose. As long as she doesn't drink and drive etc. again I will feel sorry for her. and if she does die (hopefully not anytime soon) imagine how awkward the post will be and how crazy the comments will be?!

  48. It's honestly just sad that this is everyday life for her. I've never really been a fan of teasing her. I've always hoped she'd get help or do better because of you could see the spark of promise in her as a kid. But now, her eyes look sad & vacant and like many of you have said it could be due to mental illness.
    That's a rough battle and just like depression it quite hard on the individuals as well as their loved ones.
    My heart goes out to those who've been directly effected by mental illness.


  50. LL needs somebody that cares about her to take charge and get her the help she needs. The problem is men are either repulsed by her like myself or want to use her for a sex toy. Women feel the same way.



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