Monday, June 23, 2014

Lindsay Lohan And Kate Moss Are Fighting

The first person Lindsay Lohan tried to call when she got to London was Jamie Hince. Jamie is of course married to Kate Moss and Kate wasn't happy at all to learn that Lindsay tried to get in touch. Last year Jamie helped Lindsay with a couple of songs and some recording advice and apparently Lindsay made it pretty clear that she would be willing to do what it took to get him to help her a lot. This got back to Kate and she told Jamie he couldn't talk to Lindsay any longer. So, when Lindsay tried to get in touch with Jamie, this sent Kate into full on anger mode and has been trash talking Lindsay whenever she gets a chance. So far the pair have only showed up at the same time at one place because one of Kate's people calls to make sure Lindsay isn't around.


  1. Lindsay better watch it.

  2. I thought everyone trash talked Lindsay anyway. To be fair I wouldn't let Lilo within 10 ft of Mr V and he's not anywhere near as cool as Mr Moss.

  3. Run, LiLo, Run.

  4. Yep lindsay might think she is all badass and can get a Hilton sibling beat up but I wouldn't mess with the Moss. She looks like she don't play!

  5. Heroin chic vs The Millenial Cockroach?? No contest. Kate better watch oot!

  6. lol Lindsay can't even fuck for tracks properly.

    Stay in London 4EVER Please, love NYC.

  7. What are with all these dumb chicks trying to start shit with Kate? And yes I'm including Miley in that even though I love her

    1. I'm just wondering if maybe Kate has looked at the common denominator in these situations. ..I KNOW for a FACT Miley is totally not gay, too!!!!!


    2. How are you still typing? How are you not falling over right now?

  8. The scariest thing of this story though is that presumably Lilo wants to be a pop star now?

    1. She's had like two albums out already

  9. Kate has Naomi on speed dial. Watch out Lindsay

    1. Get a phone upside yo head!

    2. Ha ha ha! Naomi would kill Blohan and Dina

  10. LiLo gets others to fight for her, but she's not on her home turf, she's on Kate's, also Kate will fight her own fights & fight dirty. LiLo will get her ass kicked.

  11. But Kate does have the Home Team advantage.

    Team Kate! (Rooting from the Visitors side)

  12. As Hince is healthy and boning Moss bareback regularly, he must be one of the few chosen inmunized to whatever LiLo has in her crotch.

  13. radar online says kendra wilson husband cheated on her with a trannie during her pregnancy
    cue the enty article in 3.2.1

  14. correct, lindsay is still feigning a music career and got "signed" to a "recording label" here in my hometown.

    i cant get interested in this because its just drug addicts bickering with each other.

  15. Dare I say it? Kate looks a little chunky in that picture.

    Oh yes Lohag is nothing up against Moss. If she were smart she'd talk to her before it reached opening up a can of whoop ass proportions. But we all know she ain't smart.

    1. That's what chunky looks like for Kate Moss? Damn she looks good.

  16. I have zero fucks to give about this.

  17. *transvestite or transgender or transsexual. Tranny is a very offensive word.

  18. sorry.. thats how radar typed it. just retyped it.. no offense meant this early in the morning.. i offend much later when caffeine has kicked in

  19. Lilo you met your match…

  20. Someone take over as shot caller! I've got a Kindergarten graduation to attend! Have a great morning, y'all!

    1. @TTM
      Awe. Have fun with wee little TTM Jr :-)

  21. Go Kate!!! Bury that skank Ho Lohan into oblivion! You'll be doing the world a great humanitarian service. While your at it, send Ho Hilton and all the rest of their stripper / hooker land passe into oblivion too.

  22. who would EVER consider LiLo a threat? baaahahaha! the real issue here is whether or not Kate trusts her husband.

  23. I find the fact that Kate calls looking for Lilo first to be a little unbelievable. If anything, Linds should be laying low and avoiding Kate, when Kate isn't having her kicked out of the places she wants to go to.

  24. bout time someone put Lohan in her place

    sniveling little brat

    I'd kick her ass if she came sniffing around my husband too-sounds like he had no interest-good for him

  25. If this guy helped her with songs on her last attempt, why would she work with him again? I never even heard one of her songs on her last CD. He must not be a hit maker. Unless she only wants the D.

    who cares...

  26. This isn't some L.A. Hanger-On she's messing with. (Even though that's basically all LL is anymore) Kate Moss basically owns that scene. Good luck with that, Lindsay.

  27. I'll go with Croydon over LI.

    I kinda like this mean girls / Chiltern Firehouse / bitch ho down. It's like schlock gossip (that was for you @ Tricia Shaw :))))))

  28. Just in to point out that this pretty much contradicts the Kate Moss / Lohan BI guesses last week or so about the A model getting burnt recently by hanging out with a party girl. This heavily implies Kate wouldn't have anything to do with Lohan in the last few weeks. Did they ever actually "hang out" lately?

    I can't recall the exact wording I just remember the main guess was Kate & Lindsay.

    1. Just reread the whole piece and it doesn't imply, it heavily states it. So if that BI is revealed as Kate & Lindsay the Enterns have some source problems. Mouthpieces instead of sources perhaps?

  29. I'm team Kate.

    Lindsay is such trash. Jamie better run in the opposite direction of Lindsey, if he's smart. If he's going to cheat, at least find someone who is not loaded with diseases. It's not worth it.

  30. I'd pay to see KM whoop Blohan's ass!

  31. Hince must know where to get the good drugs. Lohan will be be hanging with Pete Doherty in no time.

  32. Any man would have to be desperate to get involved with Lohan at this point...there is nothing attractive left there anymore. And I doubt Kate Moss' husband is desperate.

    I'm not a Lindsay hater, I just think it's extremely sad that she's wasted so much talent and life for drugs and alcohol.

  33. Kate's a Sarf Lahndan girl. She's from Croydon. You DO N O T mess with a Croydon bitch's man. She'll have you! And for all Kate's la-de-da ways now, posh frocks, bags and all, she's a ghetto girl at heart. MISTAKE Lohan. MISTAKE.
    Oh to be a fly on the wall when she takes Lindsay down........!

  34. T. E. Cuz said..."lindsay is still feigning a music career and got "signed" to a "recording label" here in my hometown."

    WHAT!?!?!? Nooooo!!!! Why God, why???

    My car is in the shop. I'm TRAPPED! Lindsay - please, please, PLEASE don't come back to the US to work on your record! Stay in London!

  35. Lohan is like a plague and i wkdnt want her anywhere near my husband either.

  36. Haha - I would pay good money to see it when Kate beats Lindsey's ass. And she will beat her ass. 😃

  37. I'm surprised at this, it would indicate kate is concerned her guy would likely do Lindsay given the chance. If kates reacting like this, and it's only because of this, then kates bothered. If she did not think he would, she would simply not give a shit.

    1. Lohans list had some impressive names .... Christ knows how



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