Monday, June 23, 2014

Leonardo DiCaprio Said No To A Woman

There are not too many times I can recall Leonardo DiCaprio ever saying no to a woman, but according to The NY Post, it did happen over the weekend. A woman was celebrating her birthday in the same club where Leo was partying and while he did wish her a happy birthday, he refused to pose for a photo with her. That seems lame. Why not? Because he is too big? Because she was not a model he was trying to score with? I bet he would take a photo if one of the Victoria's Secret models wanted a photo with him. How much time does it take for a photo? It is not like you are doing anything other than drinking and partying. You are not rushing somewhere.


  1. b/c leo is an a + list douchenozzle

  2. Awe. Leo. You need to respect your fans. It was one photo and her birthday.

  3. Let some air out of your head Leo.

  4. It's not even a story this. I don't care whether he would or wouldn't. Personally I would never ask a celeb for a photo if I saw them out and about. Rude.

    1. I disagree. He has his wealth and power because of his fans. He has his fans to thank for everything. I hardly feel sorry for a celebrity who is approached to have their picture taken. It's not like Leo doesn't have the means to stay out of the public eye if it is privacy he wants!

    2. We have a couple of local celebs (very big name ones in their field). It's embarrassing to see them hassled when they're on their own time. I never blame them for saying no.

    3. No you are wrong H Gal. If a celeb has a meet and greet or is doing promotion work than absolutely that is there job to smile, shake hands, take pictures, and be polite. However out in a club or restaurant or shopping that is NOT their job. All it takes is one person getting the photo and they have a line 50 people deep wanting pics, many of whom don't even know who the "celeb" is. They don't owe random strangers kindness and pics and if that means people don't buy tickets to their movies so be it. But the public do not own celebrities merely because of their popularity.

    4. I was at a special event one night in a VIP section and actually introduced myself to several big celebrities just to tell them I was a fan, but never asked a single one of them for a photo. I felt that would be awkward and intrusive, unless they volunteer one, I wouldn't have been offended if they had turned me down.

    5. I don't think it is rude to ask, it would be rude to just snap him without asking. but likewise I don't think it's rude to say no. He obviously wasn't rude in his manner if he wished her a happy birthday.

  5. Prob didn't want proof of his "partying" to surface. He claims to have never done a drug. He can DENY,DENY, DENY, but the cameras don't lie. Y'all.

    1. Well...I never asked, but I have a friend who is a member of Leo's "pussy posse" and has been friends with him since childhood; I know it doesn't mean anything about Leo, but my frond has been and always will be totally drug-free. So it's not like all his boys are doing drugs and Leo is the one saintly type who stays away, he hangs with dudes who don't use.

    2. @Aeol
      That's actually pretty interesting to know. I was a big fan of his acting since he started on growing pains. And although it's discouraging to see him with model after model, it's nice to know that he's ground with long time friends. I also have heard a lot about him trying to live a green lifestyle.

  6. He's not obligated to take a photo with anyone. Doesn't sound like he was an asshole about it. Seems like you're trying to make a story where there isn't one.

  7. Party On Jack! I mean, Leo.

  8. I'm not even trying to be rude but who effing cares?

  9. the title makes it sound like he always says yes. its common knowledge he is a douche and refuses common fan interaction.

  10. Non story, but yea, bet she wasn't a young ana hottie with bolt ons.

  11. Unless a camera is on him "For his fans"
    Then no. He doesn't sign shit.

  12. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Maybe he didn't want photos taken of him partying by people he doesn't know in a private establishment? Can't imagine anyone else who feels that way, except us normal, non Facebook brainwashed snags who feel our partying doesn't need to be advertised to the world. So sick of people's dumb expectation that their every whim must be met with open arms.

  13. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Maybe he didn't want photos taken of him partying by people he doesn't know in a private establishment? Can't imagine anyone else who feels that way, except us normal, non Facebook brainwashed snags who feel our partying doesn't need to be advertised to the world. So sick of people's dumb expectation that their every whim must be met with open arms.

  14. Thank you AJ...I can't fault the guy either. You can ask but don't be butt hurt of they say no. It's their night out too and they go get a private life.

  15. How us it that his head is getting bigger and lumpier?

    1. @Kristin
      I know ?!? Hence my let some air out of your head comment. It's started to remind me of a football. Is he the real life grown up version of Stewie Griffth ?

  16. If he didn't tell her to F Off then this should be a kindness blind compared to some of the others.

  17. I am sorry, but I find it ridiculous that celebs are required to take photos at all times or they are considered a douche.

  18. What a ridiculous non story.

  19. I still would with Leo. I don't care how sleazy ppl think he is. He's king of the world!

  20. Snooze.

    Jack no. look at him in that pic.

  21. @Orvilla, that is a bad pic! Enty always chooses the worst pics for these things. I STILL WOULD.

    1. Nooooo Jack! His melon always looks like that. He's in a constant state of sweating custard and cocaine.

  22. TBH I've always loved movie actor Leo but his real life play boy ways are a turn off.
    That said, I've ran into a few celebs. When on the street & out in every day stuff I've never asked to take a photo. But it was this girls bday and she was probably tipsy and saw her favorite movie crush. I don't know I'd be polite enough to not ask for a pic in that situation.

  23. And whoa there's another AJ !!!
    Hi other AJ !!! I see your point.

  24. He probably said no because if it got out to the tabloids, it would cause a rumor that he was actually dating this person.

  25. That's really odd. I wonder why? Maybe he was worried he'd look bad. Unknown above may be right. Maybe he didn't want the tabloids to start with him. He tries to stay under the radar.

  26. Kristen, unless Leo goes on a racist, homophobic, sexist rant or he beats up some woman then I still would. I don't care. I've loved him since Growing Pains and I will love him forever.

  27. I don't mind this at all. Once a celeb starts taking pictures in an establishment it's a signal for everyone around to line up and soon turns into a crazy thing.

    He was on his own time, not doing promotion. He was with friends. He spoke nicely with her.

    No harm done in my book. Celebs don't owe the public 24/7 access and pics.

  28. Anonymous8:52 AM

    non story...

  29. Can't be Leonardo Catchahoe if you are busy taking photos.

  30. Wait I didn't catch that. My post was to AJ Productions.

    Every now and again another Sherry shows up here as well first AJ.

    1. There was another Kristin for a while. She was funny but got me into trouble a time or two.

    2. @Sherry
      Hence forth you are First Lady Sherry :-)

    3. @Kristin
      And I dun thee First Lady Kristin as well ;-)

  31. I don't see how there is any implied requirement to do fan pics while a celeb is out on their personal time. As long as they're nice to the fan, that's what's important.

    It's "nice" to get a photo, but they'd literally spend all their time outside their house doing fan pics if it was a requirement.

  32. If you read the Page Six blurb, the blonde fell into their booth and he did wish her a happy birthday, just replied not at this time, when asked for photo.

    Mountain out of molehill.

  33. Someone check this genepool. He could be Jack Nicholson's son from an illicit one night affair.

  34. I personally would never bother a celebrity, I don't understand the need for a photo or an autograph, I just need the picture in my head, though kids tend to melt even the hardest Hollywood heart, but one can't help be impressed given all the demands on their time the celebrities who are good to their fans and they tend to be the celebrities who understand that ultimately the fans are the ones that paid your way to success.

    No fanbase, no movies, no concert tour. Some actually enjoy talking to their fans and not just to try and sleep with them. I know of one band that 30 years later still knew and even kept in contact with a large group of fans who were supporting them in the struggling years. Because they always knew the fans made them.

    Those lowly fans that allowed him the opportunity to bone Victoria Secret Models. He sure would not have if he hadn't been famous or rich. He was cute as a kid but now, not so and if he had a non famous Jonah Hill as his wingman. Yeah you see what I am saying.

    That said I understand esp in a private club if you pose for a photo with one person then the problem may be everyone comes running over but again funny how some celebs just as big and often more talented manage it.

  35. And of course the other problem is many of those people who want the photo aren't even fans, just celebrity picture collectors.

  36. Im sure there is more to the story than what is reported. Leo will always be gold in my eyes. He can do no wrong.

  37. So he says yes to a photo 1000 times, but says no once and hes a dirtbag? Im pretty neutral when it comes to him, but he has the right to say no to a pic without it indicating he is the scum of the earth!

  38. I'm not saying I WOULDN'T, but not sure I would.
    Gilbert Grape, almost yeah. Catch Me If You Can, The Beach....I WOULD.

    Now.....I'd have to sniff around some to decide.

    But, sadly, as time goes on he sometimes resembles Jack.

    On other hand, the young Jack wasn't bad looking......really.

    1. He looked good in Gatsby

    2. True Emily. And prob a good few additional movies.

      Sigh. I don't want to see the Jack in him but sometimes I can't help it. (I mean jack is great to watch, but Leo has been great looking and great to watch.). Sighhh

  39. If I looked bloated and hungover for the past 15 years I wouldn't want to be photographed either.

  40. Anonymous12:20 PM

    at least he wished her happy bday

  41. To be fair to him, this is not contextualised. Firstly we don't know how many other people had asked him to pose for a photo that night. She could have been the fiftieth.
    Second, she could have been bugging him for other shit,,,sign this, let me buy you a drink, join our party. Third, dudes entitled to some private time without the expectation that every single time someone interrupts his private party and asks he has to stop his conversation and do as requested, irrelevant of his mood.
    Fourth, she could have been drunk, belligerent or rude.
    Fifth, I also think it's a bit douchy to interrupt and ask a celeb for a photo or an autograph when they are on their downtime and doing their own thing. I could never do it,
    Sixth and lastly, I suspect the woman to be a pain in the ass, because quite frankly how the hell does enty know he said no,,,,is she telling everyone and complaining?

  42. Wow he has gotten bloated and ugly. Hard to believe this is the same guy all the girls were wild over when I was a teenager.

    And yes of course Enty he would have taken the picture if it was some supermodel and then probably asked her to come home with him.

  43. the king of man hos

    second only the Jack Nicholson

  44. I agree with those that said essentially he's NOT OBLIGATED to pose for photos. or autographs.

    he's on his private time.

    I wouldn't dream of bothering a celebrity especcially when on private time.

  45. anyone else notice he looks like nicholson here

  46. That's a terrible photo of him Enty

    Still love you Leo

  47. For those of you speaking rudely about Leo read this -

    Leonardo DiCaprio Pledges $7 Million At The D.C. Ocean Conference

    Earlier this year the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation howled and cut a $3 million check to Oceana. Oceana is an organization of environmental advocates dedicated to saving ocean wildlife. Today at the Ocean conference, DiCaprio pledged another $7 million from his foundation “to meaningful conservation projects” over the next two years! Woof-woof!

    DiCaprio’s grant will help save sharks, dolphins, whales, sea turtles and other endangered species that fisherman catch in gill nets off the California coast, mostly for catching seafood and swordfish. “The foundation and Leo’s support for campaigns like our efforts to ban the drift gill nets in California will help Oceana win more protections for countless sharks and other marine animals and for ocean habitats in the Pacific and Arctic – which include some of the most productive ocean places in the world,” said Oceana CEO Andy Sharpless.

    It’s safe to say that DiCaprio is on a wildlife and oceanic rescue mission! In 2013 he awarded a $3 million grant to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) to help rescue Nepal’s tigers! Also last year, Christie’s auction house raised $38.8 million through a charity art auction and donations, for the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation. DiCaprio organized the 33 works in The 11th Hour Auction and set 13 records for artists including Carol Bove, Joe Bradley, Mark Grotjahn, Raymond Pettibon and Mark Ryden, among others.

    Thank you Leo for bringing the plight of our oceans onto the global rescue world map!

  48. If a chick wants a famous dudes attention, make eye contact, slight smile, look away, and then don't look back.
    If a drink, his security, or he himself, doesn't turn up in front if you, LEAVE HIM ALONE.

    If it's a meet and greet, that's different.

    I don't know if this works for gay man to man, it probably does.

    Although one time I was practically (unknowingly) squished up against one of my Celeb crushes at the time.
    But my head was turned toward my BFF, and I shouted loud to be heard, "OMG I gotta pee like a horse race". Then
    I felt this tapping on my shoulder, and my friend turns my face towards him. He said, "the bathroom is right there. When you're done can I buy you a drink?"
    We squealed and giggled all the way to the Ladies room.

    1. Yeah, so the "bathroom" comment works if you're in ears shot and he finds that crude talk charming.

  49. Leo is no animal lover. It was his suggestion to use a chimpanzee in the Wolf of Wallstreet. Scorsese's team then found one from the Rosaire group (known animal abusers).

    Apes to not belong in the entertainment industry. DiCaprio and Scorsese are both pond scum.

  50. Leo is seriously losing the hot.

  51. When Russell Crowe was filming up here (and his wife was with him - nearly two years ago now), he would take a photo with ANYbody and their baby. LOL. Leo is a self-important, mommy-issues knob.

  52. That picture reminds me of what'shisface from the actors studio. Dead ringer!

  53. That $7 million donation is fantastic, but mind you, right after that impassioned speech about saving the oceans he flew from DC to that giant floating brothel off the coast of Brazil.

    Wonder what kind of carbon footprint a yacht that size leaves.




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