Friday, June 27, 2014

Kate Gosselin Asked For Free Child Care From Pennsylvania

How many single moms are in Pennsylvania who would probably love to have free child care because they are trying to swing multiple jobs and juggling their kids and forced to spend much of their paycheck on day care? My guess would be lots and there is probably a waiting list a mile long. Not to let those people stand in her way, Kate Gosselin also asked the state of Pennsylvania for free child care, calling her children disabled, just so she had a better chance of receiving the benefit. The author of the new tell all book about Kate managed to get his hands on the letter which says in part, “We have eight children four years old and under. Our six youngest are 11 months old. In a sense our children (our six 11 month olds) are disabled. They cannot feed themselves, transport themselves up and down stairs or at all, bathe themselves, get a drink when they are thirsty, go to the bathroom by themselves, put themselves to bed or dress themselves. Any one person cannot safely care for and keep eight children safe from danger, 12 hours per day, 5 days per week!”

My first suggestion would be not to have that many children. My second suggestion is to use some of the millions of dollars you have earned to hire a couple of people to take care of your kids. She probably wanted someone there so she wouldn't have to watch them at all and could go do what it is she does.The even more crazy thing is that she got one of her Senators to write a letter supporting her request. Seriously? I wonder if he gets to bodyguard her on the weekends for that.


  1. Chick bugs me..Morning ya'll

  2. At least her hair looks good.

  3. I don't like her - but back when they were babies she didn't have millions of £, and she didn't really have much choice about how many (did she? I don't know the back story). If free childcare is available, why not ask? If you don't ask you don't get.

  4. I can't stand people that are all, "Woe is me."

  5. Ugh. I cannot stand her. STFU and take care of your kids already.

  6. Sounds like before they got the show. She found a way to take care of them and the rest is history. This harpie has been unleashed to the world.

  7. Here's an idea, don't have SIX kids at one time.


  8. Sooo, babies are disabled?

    Please fuck right off mullet head (no I didn't forget that horror)

  9. Non story. She is not Octomom and she needed the help. I feel sorry for her and think the 6 youngest are really cute and well adjusted. The two tweens are bratty and obnoxious but I guess most are at that age. She seems like a good mom. Shes annoying yes but that does not make her a bad person.....

  10. I live in PA

    and I say no

  11. Did she plan to have 6 kids at once?

    1. Anonymous7:26 AM

      I'm not a doctor (not do I play one on tv) but my understanding is yes, kinda. They implant multiple embryos in the hopes that at least one develops. Typically, if they all "take", one can go in and "remove" some thereby choosing to have only one or two. She opted not to do that. Part of why she had such support with evangelicals.

  12. Not an advocate of hers but I will say that when the babies were only 11 months old, she was far from making millions.

  13. Being 11 months old is NOT a disability. smh

    It's b.s. like this that rials me up. She knew she was going to be taking advantage of the system. She knew her kids were not disabled. Yet she tries to use that excuse. Getting services for disabled people isn't exactly easy.

    I hate this coont so much.

  14. Replies
    1. hahaha, (wipes tear) Thanks VIP. I needed that...
      I be back.

    2. @VIP-I feel like there's a Golden Girls gif for every life situation. :)

  15. I'm sorry but my grandmother raised 9 effing children ALONE and wasn't making in a year what Kate makes in a month. She is so deluded.

  16. Thanks for the reminder Bot, I need to keep an eye on this baby I'm watching.

  17. She may have fooled the world, but she never fooled me.

  18. She's calling Babies disabled. She's vile.

  19. She seems like a horrible person and I'm glad she's not my mom, but I can also imagine the stress of raising eight children while your ex-husband poses for Ed Hardy and becomes a waiter and then lives in a cabin in the woods.

    But then again, if the excerpts from the book about are true, I have zero sympathy. Stress with raising kids is one thing, rubbing their faces in the dogs' mess is quite another. Perhaps she needs medication and if that's the case, I wish her the best and I hope the nannies remove all the wire coat hangers.

  20. This woman is a nut, go away already. I feel bad for those kids! :(

  21. I'm a married woman in CT, we both have full time professional jobs and we can't afford day care.


    1. You are smart, right, and tax payers thank you for using your head.
      I hope it works out for you some day if that's what you two want. (-:

  22. back when people (fools) liked her, wasn't she earning somewhere around $75,0000 per episode?

  23. The guy who wrote the book about her is a friend of Jons. He also went through the Gosselins garbage at Christmas, looking for recites and what was bought for the kids.He also hid in the ditches near the Gosselin house to watch Kate hide Easter eggs.Kate once ignored this guy and he never forgot it. Kate is control freak and isn't the most likable person but this man has had a vendetta against her long before he wrote the book about her.
    *I will be waiting for the comments from this authors supporters, calling me a sheeple*

  24. Also, I need to add-she aimed to get pregnant with this many babies with the intention of being able to cash in on them--she saw what happened with the McCaughey septuplets.
    Then she said her having that many was a consequence of society and thus society should be financially responsible--even though she consciously forced the DR's hand on helping her get that many embryos.

    1. @murphy I was just about to say the same thing. I read a story yesterday that said she saw the attention that other family got and decided she needed to have eight kids to become famous. She manipulated her IVF treatments (how does that work?) in order to have that many babies. The story also said she's obsessed with freebies but you have to be with that many mouths to feed! She just takes it overboard by not just clipping coupons but she's after free makeovers, clothes, vacations...
      Also that she latched onto Jon for his money. Did he make much in the beginning? I totally think the reason he refuses to get a big boy job is so he doesn't have to pay her child support.

  25. She was a complete bitch to those kids on camera, imagine what she was like when none are around.

  26. Where is Count? He shares my sentiments about this betch.

  27. The DM had a story yesterday about the book getting release..the excerpts made me stabby...Hate Kate!

  28. It's my understanding that her mutlitple births were not the result of IVF, but of an IUI. And, like octomom, the multiple births were the result of irresponsiblity on the part of the doctor and the Gosselins.

    It's the doctor's fault for giving such a hormone regime to a young woman, who already had twins in another IUI pregnancy.

    In an IUI, the drugs are given (usually clomid, but in this case I am assuming it was the hardcore follicle stimulating drugs) and then the sperm is inserted into the cervix with a catheter. (poor woman's catheter - turkey baster).

    When her doctor saw she had that many viable eggs growing, the cycle should have been cancelled. It was completely unethical and extremely dangerous not to.

    I doubt she even needed a fertility drugs because of her obvious fecudnity.

    So, yes, I place blame with her because she made this happen with the help with an a-hole doctor.

  29. If you can afford IVF you need to prepare yourself for the possibility of multiple children. Having 2 already, using IUI for more while simultaneously on hormones and having sex against your doctor's orders to ensure pregnancy when you can't even handle the 2 you do have is irresponsible, reckless and not my problem.

    Fuck this bitch. She got what she wanted, Deal. With. It.

  30. BTW, most extremely multiple births you read about are from IUIs, not IVF. With an IVF, the number of fertlized embryos returned to the uterus is controled. That's why Ocotomoms reproductive endocronologist got so much flack -- it is completely, and totally unethical to return that many healthy embryos to a young woman, with proven fertlity.

    With an IUI, the fertlization and implantation process occurs inside the body. That's why the Gosselins' cycle should have been cancelled. Once the doctor and the Gosselins knew 6 or more viable eggs were cooking, they should have never proceeded with the fertilization, ie, adding the sperm. And, they did know this, becasue the whole process is monitored via ultrasound.

    There was absolutely no reason for this situation to occur, ie, an unfertilized egg does not have any claim to a right to life.

  31. I remember a ccouple other couples that also have multiples by a doctor they each had 5, both came forward stating that Kate contacted them about all the free stuff & media attention, before she was pregnant with the 6, but after she had the 2 girls. I think she grew up a poor girl, never the pretty one, not the popular one, & had that many kids to get rich

  32. I don't know much about her other than what I read on gossip sites.
    On one hand I will say , God loves a tryer. If help is available then she has a right to ask. The State also have the right to say no.

    On the other hand, I am the eldest of 8 children, 2 of which are very severely mentally handicapped, which makes them basically babies (can't speak, wear nappies, need round the clock care). They are both in.their 20's now.
    My parents got some help from the State, but NOT full time nannies or anything like it.
    We just all pitched in and helped. That's what a family does

    Having babies isn't disability, it's a stage of life. They grew and developed and learned.
    So fuck this bitch! Take care of your kids. And be happy they aren't disabled!

    Its made me a great mother. I know how hard it is and I know how much work is involved, but if you have kids you look after them.

  33. I meant "extreme" multiple births and also wanted to say, I blame Jon also. He should have manned up and refused to provide the sperm that allowed the process to move forward.

  34. I'm from PA, people here strongly dislike her!

  35. Home girl had multiples on purpose, it's not like 6 babies magically manifested in her womb. Well, actually video guess they kind of did.

  36. "In a sense our children (our six 11 month olds) are disabled. They cannot feed themselves, transport themselves up and down stairs or at all, bathe themselves, get a drink when they are thirsty, go to the bathroom by themselves, put themselves to bed or dress themselves." So otherwise, they were BABIES?!?

    If infancy is a disibility now, then every single one of us on the planet throughout the history of the world was "disabled" until our 2nd or 3rd birthdays. Jesus Chr*st this woman is a real f**king piece of work. Absolutely disgusting. Why did she even want to have children much less go into debt and endure fertility treatments to have even one, much less multiples?

  37. She had 2 already. Why take further chances?
    ShellyShell - sounds interesting what you said about Kate discussing getting rich from lots of kidlets. And the not-so-pretty/popular.....cuz she is obsessed with her looks now!

    Karma is a Kate G y'all

  38. This whole story pisses me right off, but I'm happy there are states that offer free child care for working mothers who would otherwise have to fork over their entire paycheck. People find themselves left in bad financial situations (a death/divorce/whatever) and sometimes you need a hand up.
    This hooka though? Child please

  39. This kind of stuff kills me, people with plenty of cash trying (and usually able to) scam the government for free services or more money. Before I got the extra gig I have now, I was making just over $700 a month from disability and the government said I made too much for food stamps. The people down the street from where I used to live make 5K+ a month and get free housing, food stamps and child care.

    I know it's unpopular to say this, but it really does pay to be a minority when it comes to getting government help.

  40. Our six youngest are 11 months old. In a sense our children (our six 11 month olds) are disabled. They cannot feed themselves, transport themselves up and down stairs or at all, bathe themselves, get a drink when they are thirsty, go to the bathroom by themselves, put themselves to bed or dress themselves.

    What 11 month can do this???

  41. Here I am, Orvilla.

    This cunt and Octomom should head to Bartertown, get in the Thunderdome and have a 2 Sow Enter/1 Sow Leave match.

    And everyone had the stoner dad on blast that he ditch thin TurboCunt. If the poor schmuck wasn't a pot head, he'da strangled her to death. Pot helps you tolerate a lot from a broad.

  42. Totally stealing "TurboCunt" from the @Count!

  43. I actually believe fertility doctors should lose their licenses over this stuff. Many people don't want to see this industry regulated, but I absolutely think it should be because of crap like this. And, I used fertility treatments to have my child.

    I also wish people would stop watching fertility porn. WTF? The Duggers? Jon and Kate? These upalling abuses of our reproductive systems are entertainment? Stop.

    With that said, I feel really sorry for the Gosselins' children. They did not ask to be born. I hope they get the care they need.

  44. I can't wait to find this book laying around somewhere and read it! Of course I am not paying for it...

  45. Anonymous11:29 AM

    i dont mind her she doesnt bug me

  46. Stupid woman. She wanted more kids, refused to have selective abortion, then hit up Churches for money, saying how she didn't abort any of them. Typical STUPID right wing woman.

  47. Anonymous11:57 AM

    To be fair, I don't think her political leanings have anything to do with her self-serving ways. She goes where the money is, she's willing to adhere to evangelical sensibilities just as quickly as she'd adhere to super liberal as long as the dollar bills (and dead possum haircuts) were flowin'!

  48. Should they be called sextuplets proper if they came from six unique eggs? Should we have a different term to differentiate six identical twins from six fraternals caused by artificial means? The Dionne Quints were identical.

  49. There aren't any liberal/left women that want a boatload of kids, and then undergo all those procedures, then complain about the resulting brood. That's all right wing BS.

  50. Count!!!!! Yessssss!

    Meanie I think I might use 'turbo cunt' too.

  51. Yes, the McCaughey septuplets "inspired" Kate Greed, then Octobats was inspired by Kate. Further reason not to give these freak families any publicity. But the right wing just loves these lunatic family values.

  52. If you read the book snippet (free on Amazon), she manipulated the IUI. The doctor of the twins didn't think she needed it for the next pregnancy since she was able to get pregnant so quickly so Kate switched doctors. The new doctor did IUI and she had 3-4 eggs dropping. He didn't want to inseminate with that many and sent her home. She was also ordering black market hormone shots through Canada, used them, had sex with Jon, and the next time she went to the doctor, she had seven embryos (one later died). In her own books, she's extremely vague about what happened.

    Remember, she was a nurse. She knows how this stuff works.

  53. This over reproducing twat troll should be bitch slapped into oblivion. I DETEST the way she treats her children, like a rapid mommie dearest. If she is boffing that bodyguard, that is some abnormal shit right there. She is a vicious, narcacisstic bitch to her children, whose only fault was to expelled from the uterus from hell. Cps shld investigate her ass and take kids away. And btw, hiw she described her 11 month olds? Normal!!! You ungrateful bitch. Even after you overloaded that uterus, they came out healthy. You shld be thankful bitch. Ugh! I cant with her!!!

  54. In it's heyday, "Jon and Kate plus 8" had monster ratings. The "divorce" special drew 10 MILLION. By contrast, the wedding of Kim K to Humphries drew the largest K-trash ratings, of only 4 million. No wonder TLC wants to try to put the genie back in the bottle to recapture even some of those ratings. I don't see it happening. They had bible verses posted in their home when they were together as a family. Neither one of them live a Christian life anymore with drugs, girlfriends, bodyguard boyfriends, and lost the Christian right audience, for good, IMO. Single mothers don't like Kate, don't relate to her, so they never replaced their core audience.

  55. In it's heyday, "Jon and Kate plus 8" had monster ratings. The "divorce" special drew 10 MILLION. By contrast, the wedding of Kim K to Humphries drew the largest K-trash ratings, of only 4 million. No wonder TLC wants to try to put the genie back in the bottle to recapture even some of those ratings. I don't see it happening. They had bible verses posted in their home when they were together as a family. Neither one of them live a Christian life anymore with drugs, girlfriends, bodyguard boyfriends, and lost the Christian right audience, for good, IMO. Single mothers don't like Kate, don't relate to her, so they never replaced their core audience.

  56. Didn't Kate also sue the fertility drug company and get a rather large settlement? ?
