Justin Bieber Got Two Women Pregnant
There are at least two women out in the world who decided they wanted to have unprotected sex with Justin Bieber and according to In Touch, they both got pregnant. The article in this week;s issue doesn't say whether the women went through to term with their pregnancies. The article says the pregnancies were dealt with. If that means abortion, that would seem to be the polar opposite of what Justin has espoused publicly about his religious beliefs and those of the pastor who baptizes him on what seems a fairly regular basis. After determining the relationships and pregnancies were legitimate, the article says that both women were given a lump sum of money and cut off from Justin forever. It is interesting to note that the cover of In Touch is dominated by Jennifer Aniston announcing she is going to raise her baby alone. Yeah, that is the third time this month some tabloid had nothing to give their readers but another Jen is pregnant story.