Monday, June 23, 2014

Hank Baskett Cheated With A Transgendered Woman

Radar is reporting that while Kendra Wilkinson was eight months pregnant, her husband of almost five years, Hank Baskett had an affair with a transgendered woman who models and goes by the name of Ava Sabrina London. After the affair, Hank paid the woman $2500 to have her keep quiet. You know that he was paying it himself because that amount is way too low. She could make ten times that amount if she blew open the story. Appearances and selling her story to tabloids would easily make her more than $2500.


  1. *transgender enty learn not to be an offensive asshole.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. How does the mere addition of the letters "e" and "d" at the end of a word somehow make it "offensive"? Good grief.

    3. Yeah I'm not understanding this "offensive" thing.

  2. Is this the "in" thing? Should we all find a transgendered hottie on insta for a summer fling? Maybe I should schedule a trip to Miami ;)

  3. It's one thing to pull something like this but it's a whole different story when your wife is pregnant with your child.

  4. Another one? Are you ladies feeling a little intimidated by all these men cheating with transgendered people? Is this a new trend or something?

    1. They are women so as much as I'm intimidated by beautiful women (which I am sometimes of course) its exactly the same to me. But then I believe everyone is bisexual to differing degrees and gender should be determined by the person at an appropriate age not by genital identification at birth. But I was born AT LEAST 100 years too early so I'm sure that sounds all sorts of looney toons to 95% of current earth.

    2. I'm with ya sillygurl, truer words have never been typed.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Ooooooh Hank's got a little suga in his Baskett!!! Too bad he should've figured that out before he got married. These two are a steaming hot mess

  7. transgender/transgendered who really gives a fuck? People are so PC these days it is insane. and besides she is still a home-wrecking whore

    1. How is she a home wrecker? Hank is the one married and if he did cheat then he is the home wrecker. She didn't force him to cheat. And it matters because shit offends ppl

    2. Just remember it takes teamwork to wreck a home and it's much easier to do when that home's crumbling anyway.

    3. Agreed Derek. Most MTF "transgender" people still say tranny, or at least don't mind it. Who starts these manufactured controversies?

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Their marriage was on shaky ground before she got pregnant. She would be gone on club appearances for weeks at a time and leave him St home to raise the baby. Kendra wasn't exactly Susie Homemaker.

    6. As long as you don't call her a red skinned transgendered woman. That would just be wrong.

    7. They are both home wreckers and both have fucked up morals. You don't cheat on your partner and you don't help someone do it by being the third wheel

    8. They are both home wreckers and both have fucked up morals. You don't cheat on your partner and you don't help someone do it by being the third wheel

    9. You're right, Sugar. Kendra was all over the place, partying her ass off, while Hank wanted her domesticated and a bigger family.

      This is a Band Aid Baby, pure and simple.

  8. derek and essie- i was just about to raise the same question?

    pretty strange if you ask me that this is the 'new' 'in' way to cheat.

  9. Leave Sugar out of this!

    1. LOL that's why I spelled it "suga." But I do hope this draws her out!

  10.'s not just men who are curious about transgender women *Cough cough*

  11. I don't understand why it needs to be mentioned she's transgender. Seem like they're trying to imply that somehow makes it worse? Fuck off

    1. Then why is it nessesary to mention what anyone else's gender is that someone has cheated with? Its just a detail that people want to know.

  12. Affair my ass. Trannies like that are purely P2P. He either paid up-front and then got blackmailed or "she" was going to scam him the whole time.

    1. Brian, I am going to bet that "She" (you're ignorant) is better looking than any tail you've ever pulled.

    2. @Brian - sweeping generalizations much?

    3. Blind gossip had this story 10 days ago and says hank saw her videos online and they are all clearly marked TS. So he knew what he was buying.
      There is video of her there

  13. I'm surprised that there is an expectation of fidelity when you are married to a porn star?

  14. I was scrolling quickly down and saw "Leave Sugar Tits Alone" & thought what does Mel Gibson have to do with this ?!? Than scrolled back & realized it was some one talking to Sugar.
    I need more caffeine or perhaps less ???

    1. ^
      NOT that sugar + tits was actually used. My brain just thought it was there.

    2. I have huge knockers. I don't mind being called Sugar tits.

    3. @Sugar
      Thank The Lord !!!
      I didn't want to insult. My mind just automatically puts sugar + tits together. I can't help it ;-)

  15. Here to support and ^5 what @JackDucky said.

  16. Jack Ducky - Thank you! The cheating spouse is the homewrecker, not the person he or she cheats with.

  17. @jack how is the persons identified gender NOT relevant to the story? and yeah she is a whore. She accepts money from men she sleeps with and does not care if they are married etc.

    1. Because, Derek, the way they put it in the story they're implying that the fact that she is transgender makes it all so much worse and that's not cool. He cheated that's awful the fact that he cheated with a transgender woman doesn't make it worse.

  18. Does he get the $2,500 back?

    Maybe he should contact the Better Business Bureau?

  19. You would think these posters were transgender themselves getting all hot and bothered over something that really has little to do with them.

    1. @Derek Yes, well one would think so. Maybe that's because some of us are? Although I don't see why the only advocates allowed are those advocating for themselves...

  20. @jack---I am in agreement it doesn't make it worse but it makes it a hell of a lot more interesting.....

  21. Don't they have an open relationship, or was that just a plot line or their "reality show"?

    I like her boob job though, wonder how much she paid for those.

    1. Yes.. She asked for open relationship. She just didn't specify natural born female only. Her mistake.

  22. uh she is WRECKING their home because she is humiliating Kendra and her child by selling stories to the tabloids about something that is suppose to be confidential.

    1. He wrecked their home by cheating. She is just reaping the reward.

    2. Kendra was cheating on hank the minute she recovered from the 1st baby. She just didn't get caught. Don't assume hank is the homewrecker. He just got caught

  23. whatever smh.......

  24. The headline should read "Hank Baskett Cheated with a Woman".

    And tranny is not an okay word. Transgender people are just like everyone else. We all have shit to deal with to get to a place where we are comfortable in our own skin. Their journey is just different from yours.

  25. Wow, she does not look like a tranny at all. And im guessing she got the surgery... or she has the world's smallest penis.

  26. Agree with sugarbread. Kendra isn't innocent. She cheated on him too

    Agree with Derek. I mean it takes two to tangle but she did break confidential. Can he sue her?

    1. He asked her to keep quiet by putting money in a coffee cup. She didn't sign squat. Can't sue for stupidity.

    2. It's verbal Agreement.

    3. Not if she said yes. It read that he put the money in the coffee cup asked her to keep quiet and walked out. If it wasn't an understood verbal agreement than he's just a rookie.

    4. You know damn well she accepted that money first hand and agree.

    5. Yeah but you know he won't sue!!
      Could you imagine the Nancy Grace / Dan Abrams recaps on that courtroom showdown? ??

    6. @Sugar Yes. I love Nancy dramatic ass

  27. How much you wanna bet a porn is next?

  28. transgender pre-op or post-op? Makes a difference.

  29. I have Wrecking Ball stuck in my head and I blame this post and everyone in it. The worst part is I've only ever heard the stupid chorus and it's on repeating loop. :(


    2. @SharkWeek how did I miss this?! A++ your user pic is perfect lol

      Wait damnit now it's back in my head!

  30. Wow she's really pretty. Wonder though if as someone mentioned before, it's a ruse to keep their show on the air a la Tori and Dean.

  31. It offends me when people make fun of, insult transgendered people. Society puts those people through hell... parents disown them, they get fired, get treated horribly. Transgendered people have to fight their own bodies, being opposite of who they are. None of that is reason to mock or abuse a person.

    FYI - I'm not transgendered or gay, just a regular ol' straight chick.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. @Sherry---that sounds very likely....the more exploitative scenarios the more viewers will turn in

  33. whoa, after re-reading this thread i hope i didn't help lead to any misunderstandings.

  34. Dudes w/ bolt on tits creep me out.

    1. More to play with.

    2. +1

      Its very a la frankenstein. But to each his/her/its own.

  35. Pre op Transgendered person is a twofer, two for the price of one kind of deal. Whether the men who are attracted to them are just curious, one for the memoirs dahling, or bi-curious or bi or just not sure.

  36. could someone please hook a sister up with these tranny's doctors?! My Lord and Taylor, I want to look like them

  37. "Wow, she does not look like a tranny at all. And im guessing she got the surgery... or she has the world's smallest penis."

    Or she's a good tucker - Drag Queens or is that a politically incorrect term too, do it all the time.

    1. @ Tina True true. Im a girl and the idea of tucking junk until it looks like a vag makes me feel sympathy pain.. that ish can't feel good..

  38. Anonymous11:47 AM

    this isnt directed at any one in particular, but hows about a little patience for people who dont quite GET the whole TRANSGENDER "thing". whilst sex change is quickly becoming more acceptable some are still freaked out by it. it IMO is very important to the story if this person used to be a man. im astonished that so many think its just a lil tidbit that adds no meaning. LOL--FFS. if that used to be a man that a fucking big deal. JEEZ give people the space to be freaked out by things they consider abnormal. the world is evolving slowly, people will (or not) adjust at their own pace.

  39. @Riven you are NOT transgender so if I want to be EDUCATED about transgender people I will ask a transgender person. I am sure they don't appreciate being represented by people who are not. No one here is saying its wrong or bad. I have a friend who is transgender and I am sure she does not give a flying fuck between the difference of transgender and transgendered. Also, this particular transgender person is not a very good representation of the community I imagine so why are yall so invested in making this whore be some sort of victim...good grief.

    1. @Derek do you know me? No. You have no idea what I am or am not.

      Where's this hostility at me coming from? I never tried to educate you or anyone else in this entire thread! All I did was give solidarity and support to Jack. What the fuck??

  40. And we all thought he was such a great guy! And here he is cheating! Tsk tsk.
    Oh and is everyone transgender and i just didnt know it?

  41. Riven - It's horrible. That 40% is way too high! Zero-percent would be nice.

    Nowadays you see stories of little kids who are maybe 6 or 8 years old, and are suicidal because they're in the wrong bodies. Thank goodness people are figuring this out, they're letting their kids make the change now, and saving their lives. That has the added benefit of cutting off the changes that come with puberty.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. I didn't even realize they were still airing and filming this show until this story.

  43. I call BS on this. It's POS PMK and Kong trashing Lamar all over again.

  44. Is that the new iphone in that pic?

  45. How is it a big deal if she was born a male? She isn't one anymore. Hank cheated on Kendra with woman. Hank is the whore for stepping out on Kendra. Hank was the one who was married. He is the home wrecker. No one put a gun to his head and told him to fuck other women, he chose to.

    Derek, you are so bent out of shape for people trying to "school" others, yet you are doing the same damn thing. You don't know if any of us are transgendered, have family or friends who are, or have careers that involve reaching out to the LGBT community. Stop with your tantrums.

  46. Replies
    1. Damn I wanted to see that, Count but its going to have to be laters. The image wont show on my phone for some reason.

  47. I agree the gender of the person has some relevance to the story. If he cheated with a guy, we'd want to know. It wouldn't make it better or worse but it is interesting. After all, this is still a gossip site.

    BTW, a version of this was on Blind Gossip a while back and most people guessed Khloe Kuntrashian and Lamar.

  48. Who fucking cares if she is straight, bi, lesbian, transgender. WTF! He cheated on his wife who had just had a baby ONE MONTH AGO. Should this not be the issue here?? If he was unhappy get a divorce. If you are a celebrity, you've got to know this shit will come out eventually. Now your kids are fucked up. Good job ass.

  49. I'm totally ignorant. Can someone explain what the difference is between transgender and transgendered? And why do some find transgendered and offensive term? Educate me, please!

  50. Ugh, and I just said yesterday that Hank seemed like such a nice guy. Why did they stay together for so long if they don't want to be together? For the show? Either way, I see this as boosting Kendra's career. Betcha she kicks Hank to the curb pronto. I feel really bad for their kids.

  51. I don't understand. Why does it have to be a transgender? Why can't it just be with regular woman? He's obviously NOT gay, because he's not into the man bits...but c'mon. With all the gay men and the hot transgender women out there...we natural born girls don't stand a chance.

  52. She's got a great body.
    I also feel it's relevant that she used to be a man. It does make it more interesting.

  53. UPL, since many of us here are not transgender, we don't have the authority to tell you. Just ask derek!

    Kidding aside, I had no idea "transgendered" could be considered offensive until just now. After you asked, I had to look it up.

  54. Count..That's nothing short of amazing. Whole new level of respect for my drag queen friends. Wow.

  55. I thought Kendra was the one cheating on Hank throughout their marriage?!?

  56. Until Hank or Kendra make any kind of statement, all this sounds like to me, is a big assed bunch of assumptions. We have absolutely no way of knowing (until they make a statement) what the situation of their marriage is. All I ever saw/heard was her saying that she got married too young and she missed her single lifestyle and being able to do anything/one she wanted to. Maybe baby #2 isn't even Hank's. Maybe she told him she wasn't interested in him anymore so he should go get some somewhere else. I have no idea so I'm not going to assume anything. This reminds me of the Antonio/Melanie divorce. Nobody except them really knows what happened and playing the victim can be so easy. I would hardly say only one person is responsible for the situation in either marriage. Seriously are you going to believe everything you hear or read? Half the junk you see on reality TV is bullshit. God I wish all of this reality TV would go the eff away. All these fame hungry Skaggs would crawl back under their scuzzy little rocks and we could forget they ever happened. The End.

  57. Men who get boob jobs, take hormones, and turn their dicks into "innys" don't magically become women.
    I'm sure I'm offending many of you whop have posted above, but it's just not true. You choose to ignore science and then call anyone who disagrees with you "ignorant."
    I'm guessing the irony is lost on you.

  58. That would be more than enough for me to file for divorce. She seems furious, I can't blame her.

  59. You bet having surgery or dressing like a woman doesn't make you a woman. Women know. When I saw "The Crying Game" I immediately knew that thing was a man. Look at his hands. Women know instinctively. You need a lot more than surgery, hormones and wardrobe to be a woman.

  60. @Studio54: Exactly, you also have to completely remove Reason and Accountability.

  61. Anonymous2:08 PM

    @hairydawg & studio54

    i agree...

  62. I like "SugarTitsBreadMaker".

    1. @SincerelyYourFriend
      It does have a rather nice ring to it.
      See there goes Mel Gibson changing the lexicon of CDAN.

  63. @Riven---What did I say that was hostile. Do you know what hostile means? Jack is not trans so what is your point? She identifies as a bisexual--big deal. I am not going to speak on her behalf but imo she has some pretty skewed views about that topic. For example saying she will not watch Dallas Buyers Club because she hates the idea of a man (Jared Leto) playing a transgender just so he can win awards and be more famous smh. News flash---all transgender women were born male----Jack is cool but her militant views on queer subjects isolate her from the rest of the world. And you thanking her for "educating" us about an issue that is not her story to tell was the icing on the cake....Also I thought you said you were a woman and I thought you are with a man so why change your story when it is convenient?~?~?~??

    @Pip---Having a difference of opinion is NOT having a tantrum. Please stop addressing me as well. You are always rude and annoy me.

    1. @Derek You need to calm down and go reread that post you wrote at me, perhaps trying to see from an unbiased mind. Other people directly argued with you over this and you chose to ignore them and instead take it out on me.

      I've said more than once that I'm single and have no children, so you're obviously not keeping posters straight if
      you think I am "with a man." The only person who has ever asked me about my gender or sexual identity was Hammer_Girl, so really she's the only person who could accuse me of changing my story for convenience (which she wouldn't as it hasn't changed). It is however extremely personal and I've never been comfortable discussing with strangers, Hammer being a rare exception. So think of me what you will, I have no delusions that I can or will change your mind.

      I never realized how much you clearly don't like me, but I'm glad I know that now. I'll be sure not to address you again going forward and hope that suffices. Have a good day.

  64. Why is it every time a man cheats with a transgender woman, the transgender part is mentioned?

    Why is that part important? Is she any less hot? She's more womanly than I am. Unfortunately. For me, I mean.

    I just hate that transgender part. It implies that the cheating is somehow worse or deviant because of the other party.

  65. I'll be honest. I'm kind of in a sheltered part of the world here and I had no idea there was a difference in wording. That one is offensive and one is not. I've never had the topic come up in conversation. So thank you all for educating me on something I'm utterly clueless about. Honestly. I would have unknowingly offended someone.

  66. OK. I can't stand all these manufactured controversies. Here is GLAAD's statement about why it is incorrect to use the term "transgendered," and it boils down to what is grammatically correct. It isn't some offensive term…just incorrect. FFS.
    Problematic: "transgendered"
    Preferred: "transgender"
    The adjective transgender should never have an extraneous "-ed" tacked onto the end. An "-ed" suffix adds unnecessary length to the word and can cause tense confusion and grammatical errors. For example, it is grammatically incorrect to turn transgender into a participle, as it is an adjective, not a verb, and only verbs can be used as participles by adding an "-ed" suffix.

  67. Ever think that some transgender people are proud of who they are and want to be known as trans not just a regular woman!?!??! The idiot this post is about is not a good reflection on that community but at least talking about who she is sheds light to society. You people are making the issue be a bigger one that it actually is and there are undertones of shame for the trans community by saying why cant they just say "woman". What if he cheated with a man?!?!? Should enty just right blahblahblah cheated with a "person" so he doesn't offend anyone? like wtf.....

  68. Thank you NN!!!! THANK YOU. Enough said.....Nothing worse than being schooled by people who don't know what they are talking about....

  69. @Riven stop being so sensitive and grow a pair........I like you just fine. (Not that it matters). I thought you were a woman? Are you not a woman?

  70. Of course the transgender part is relevant. His wife was recently pregnant. He certainly won't be getting his transgender lover pregnant any time soon...

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. The transgender part is relevant because IT'S A WOMAN WITH A DICK. You just don't see that every day.

  73. Riven
    I don't like you because when you guess wrong you always delete your post.

    I am a straight female, a solid 2 on the Kinsey scale...but I am so inexplicably attracted to drag queens.

  74. is transgender and transexual the same thing?

    1. Transgender is the more current inclusive term for "transsexual."
      Sex refers to a male/female binary. Gender is more of a constructionist or social, not biological, definition, which can theoretically be infinite

  75. i'm cool with SUGARTITS BREADMAKER
    why can't we call them chicks with dicks???

  76. Anonymous7:22 PM


    we should continue to address them as such. the label "chicks with dicks" is just TOO AWESOME to do away with.


  77. So this person is obviously very beautiful. But what I don't understand is where is she hiding her junk in that tiny binki bottom? Seriously, where!?

    And also, this is a very serious question for anyone who can answer. Do we refer to this person as a transgendered woman or a transgendered man or just someone who is transgender. Moving forward I'd like to know what is an appropriate way to make a reference. Thanks.

  78. Okay, just read all the posts. Thanks @Count for the photo.

  79. @Enquirer: LOL! You are the only person to ever thank me for posting that.

    1. I do not even want to know what happens if the tucker has the sudden urge to go to the potty...

    2. I guess they back out of the room??

  80. Lololol @Lady! Right?

  81. I don't want an answer to this but how the heck does a man become a sexually functioning woman? Cutting it off I cringe but understand. But how does a man develop a vagina?

    1. Ha! I think it involves surgery by some talented doctors and "placeholders". I can't think of the proper term at the time but you know those discs people put in their ears to stretch the lobes? Along those lines..

    2. Ha! I think it involves surgery by some talented doctors and "placeholders". I can't think of the proper term at the time but you know those discs people put in their ears to stretch the lobes? Along those lines..

  82. I'm sorry but if a girl still has a penis attached I do think it is of interest on a gossip site. If my husband was having an affair with a woman who had a penis I would also like that info. Plus if this person is in some kind of escort/whoring biz she's playing up her particular biology/surgery so it's of interest too.

  83. I'm sorry but if a girl still has a penis attached I do think it is of interest on a gossip site. If my husband was having an affair with a woman who had a penis I would also like that info. Plus if this person is in some kind of escort/whoring biz she's playing up her particular biology/surgery so it's of interest too.

  84. @beth olio: It is called a stent, like what they use to open a blocked artery.

  85. Dexamyl, may I please ask when you did this survey of all trans women and we answered that we had no problem with the word tranny and used it excessively? Because not only did I not get my survey, that's a crock of BULLSHIT.

    Most don't agree with or like the word, but just like the N word amongst Black folks there's generally little agreement within the community. But like the N word, which I'm no fan of but I cringe less if I hear a Black person saying it, it definitely raises more of an eyebrow if I hear someone saying it that isn't trans themselves.



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