Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Eliza Dushku And Rick Fox Have Split

After five years together, Eliza Dushku and Rick Fox have split. This has been coming for a few months, and Eliza was very gracious when she told The Boston Globe that the reason they split is that she is "a Boston girl and Rick is an LA guy." If you mean that he likes to be with other women then his girlfriend and she believes in fidelity, then yes, I can see where she was going with that statement. For some reason I thought they were actually married. They seemed like a married couple. I think another issue was that Rick is a very jealous guy. How often did anyone see Eliza out of the house at an event unless Rick was glued to her side? The former Buffy star took one last jab at Rick courtesy of LA by telling the paper, "I'd rather be a little physically cold here than emotionally cold in L.A." Eliza has never been one to hold back has she?


  1. Good for her she's tired of Hollywood and all the b.s.

  2. That is a WEIRD couple!!!! For reals! Every lesbian I know LOVES her and he is just Mr. Hollywood with those dreamy peepers. SO ODD! Oh, and totes sorry, that sucks no matter how weird of a couple you are

    1. TTM, Of Course they do. But, who doesn't love a female that kicks ass and takes names while still having a soft center to go with that crunchy exterior?
      That said, there comes a time when Hawt no longer fills the bill and it sounds like it came down to a "better with em, then without em".

    2. I'm no lesbian but she's always been one of my girl crushes.

  3. Hahaha, You tell it, girl!
    Always liked her....
    Slayers Rule!

    1. Fuck yeah, Slayer rules!

    2. Sup Steamy. Sup WareCat.
      I know ya's are talking bout Buffs but I read that as
      \m/ \m/

    3. IJU! Always a pleasure!

  4. She has a weird name.

  5. She's beautiful and love him on
    HIT the Floor

  6. I thought she left him months ago...two damn fine looking people.

  7. Can't pull one over on Faith! She is awesome.

  8. Is this where I admit to secret liking Bring it On, and the fact that I watch it whenever it plays on tv weekly?

    1. (Psst: I LOVE Bring It On! Only the first one, though. Then they get schlocky (ooooooh!))

    2. I think 'Bring it On' has aged very well - my daughter and her friends love it. None of the three female leads has had the careers they deserve, with the possible exception of Kirsten Dunst. Dushku is great in that movie, as is Gabrielle Union.

    3. Bring it On is a classic. I'll never get tired of it.

  9. She was in one of my favorite movies...Bye, Bye Love. Funny movie with Paul Reiser, Randy Quaid and Janine Garaffalo (sp). Loved Randy as the bitter ex, driving instructor. And Janine as the crazy girlfriend.

    1. Loved that movie! Watch it whenever it's on!

  10. She should have checked in with Vanessa Williams about Fox.

  11. They had always seemed to be a strange couple to me also.

    I always wondered what happened to her career. There was a time she was getting supporting roles in good movies with well known actors, then it seemed she wasn't anymore, & she was trying tv movies/shows again. Did she just not have the hot new girl hype anymore or did she piss off the wrong people.

  12. What is she going to do in Boston? It's not the entertainment capital of the world. I can see moving to NYC, but not Boston as a career move.

    1. Apparently, she's going back to college to work on her B.A.

  13. Greetings and salutations!

    Also, death to all but Metal.

  14. She's going back to school.

    I had no idea Faith was with Vanessa's cheating ex.

    "I'd rather be a little physically cold here than emotionally cold in L.A.," she said. "I missed my town and my family."

  15. Cammie got alot flack for stating she doesn't believe in fidelity, but I think alot of these models/actresses just know they will have to deal with it when you are dating rich &/or famous men.

    SMG is a bitch & screwed her own career, Eliza I think it was just that she was no longer the hot property, & there's always someone younger & prettier on a newer hotter show or movie. I don't think she & her management parleyed her career well enough, so she wasn't able to transistion.

  16. She's from Boston Henriette she's moving back home to finish school.

  17. Good love her can't stand him

  18. He's a serial cheater. A leopard doesnt and all that. Cherly hines, take note.

  19. Has he been cheating with trangenders or transgendereds???? Sorry. I couldn't resist.

    1. But remember, if he is it shouldn't be mentioned as part of tbe story.

  20. Celebs don't need to live in LA anymore to be successful, many don't. As Rachel McAdams said when asked about why she doesn't live in LA..." well, filming is all over the world now, and you know, there are planes....".

    She also said she gets to live mostly a normal, paparazzi free life not living in LA (she lives in Toronto).

    I'd love to see more Eliza onscreen. I always wondered if her career stall was related to her relationship, seems an odd coincidence. I was bummed when Dollhouse was cancelled. I believe it's on Netflix if anyone hasn't seen, worth a watch, although it was a little convoluted towards the end. Was a Joss Whedon show.

  21. Anonymous7:51 AM

    LMAO @Eliza's burn

    u go girl.

    Rick, btw is one perfect bronze GOD. FFS his looks only got better with age. mmmmmmm
    i feel like a guy that is stuck staring at a couple of HUGE perfect boobs on a cute chick. Yes rick your face is like a pair of FINE BOOBS.

    1. Hahahaha I'm dying.
      Rick Fox is a beautiful man. I always thought he looked perfect with Vanessa Williams, they were the male/female versions of each other, at least physically.
      It's a damn shame that men like that will throw away such a beautiful and accomplished woman because of their natural aging process.

  22. Good for her. It's refreshing to hear from someone who skips the typical Hollywood BS line of amicably, consciously uncoupling and maintains her dignity with a couple of well-stated sentences.

  23. I guess that for Enty,my guy is jealous ( he really likes to spend time with me or our daughter) and yes,the fact of being disagree on where live can be a problem.
    One of my colleagues recently broke with her Irish boyfriend ( he wanted to live in Ireland and she wanted to stay close of her family in France)

  24. Did anyone think a pairing of a Celtics fan and a former Laker was ever going to last?

    C'mon now.

    Wouldn't surprise me if Eliza meets someone new and gets pregnant right away I could see it as she wants kids and he doesn't since he already has them.

  25. I like Eliza and this is a little off topic but, she also said in the article repeatedly that she was moving back home to "Boston" because she misses her family and friends in her hometown. Eliza is from Watertown which is not only not a city but is nowhere near Boston. As a native resident of MA I have to say that it drives myself native Boston residents (I'm a suburbanite) a little bananas when ALL celebs from Mass identify as being "from Boston" no matter how far away from the city their actual hometowns are. (Ben Affleck: Newton. Not only is Newton not Boston, it's actually its own very large city. Jay Leno: Fall River. Again, its very own city and about 45 mins South of Boston depending on traffic. Jessica Simpson's always says that Eric Johnson is from Boston when in reality he's from my hometown (we went to the same high school; he's a few years older)-where I and his parents still live so I won't say-but it's very much a suburb and about 20-25 mins outside the city via train or MA Pike. Matt Damon: Cambridge. Again, a huge city in it's own right and Not.Boston. The list goes on and on.) It's such b*llshit. Why not just say "I'm from Massachusettes"??

  26. @PJ...I do understand where you're coming from, but I'm a small town just outside of a well known city in Canada. I always say I'm from that big city when someone asks, just easier to explain geographically.

    Otherwise, you get into the "where?" discussion, which I'm sure most celebs don't want to be bothered with.

    1. I hear ya. And in the grand scheme of life it's totally harmless and not at all a big deal. I just really don't understand why ppl can't say "I'm from Mass." Nbd. I actually think Kate Bosworth is the only native MA celeb who I've heard be honest about where she's geographically from. She vaguely says "South Shore" in interviews to-I'm assuming-protect her privacy. (Kate's family still lives in an insanely wealthy town next to my family's summer home town of Scituate. It's a really small town so I'll keep quiet but it's absolutely gorgeous!)

    2. I learned that too, JustAnotherHRLady, I used to proudly tell everyone the name of the small town I come from in BC, eventually I just said "small town.not Vancouver. Other side"

  27. Sorry. Ben was born in CA but raised in Falmouth MA (which couldn't be further from Boston as it's on the Cape!) before his family moved to Cambridge where he met Matt. Never.Lived.In.Boston.

  28. Anonymous9:17 AM

    @PJ lol

    I understand where u r coming from. im not FROM philly, but everytime bradley cooper says he's from Philadelphia i guffaw. hes from Jenkintown. Jenkintown in no philly. Philly is an entirely different beast than Jenkintown. lol. perhaps the media/pr people need them to b associated with the closest "happening" big city. probably gives them edge.

  29.'s cool that's a peeve of yours, I was just trying to explain why someone might say that.

    1. I know. I agreed with where you were coming from in my original reply. It's just funny to me that all MA celebs are "from Boston." There must be something in the water there ;)

  30. She is really beautiful but her acting is so wooden. I really wanted to adore her but cardboard has more style and personality. She may have a pulse but I could not detect it.

    Her later TV programs were so weird and Illuminati that I could not watch.

    Good for her that she is going to school and reconnecting with family. Famewhore is not a good look on has beens, and she is rapidly fading.

    Hweird is a harsh mistress. She got out alive and perhaps a bit bruised but she never went completely off the deep end so I will say ya!

  31. Five by five! I had no idea they were together. None.

  32. PJ I would just disagree that Watertown is "nowhere near Boston ": in fact it borders the Brighton borough of Boston!

  33. She doesn't even have a college picked out. Even if movies are filmed "all over the world," TV is not. She still has to audition. She does not have a name for herself, so her career is truly in the crapper.
