Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Dina Lohan Gets License Suspended For A Year

About the only unexpected thing that happened in court yesterday for Dina Lohan's DUI sentencing was that her attorney tried to make it seem like the entire experience had been an "onerous ordeal," for Dina. The judge put Dina's lawyer in his place by replying that Dina brought the ordeal upon herself. See, even with something like a DUI which is entirely on Dina, the Lohans always try and make it seem like it is somehow the fault of someone else. Dina probably thinks it is an ordeal because she has to make sure people aren't watching her drink. Lucky for her no one really follows her to Texas when she goes drinking with her boyfriend there. Yeah, she has a boyfriend. I can't believe it either. I'm assuming he is someone who doesn't believe in the internet and has never read a tabloid ever. I'm not sure why you would want to get involved with Dina. Sure, it could be a cult leader looking for new followers and is having trouble meeting quota so Dina filled a spot. Dina also has to perform 100 hours of community service which she does by leaving her community every chance she gets. When she gets her license back she has to install an interlock device on her car so she can't drink and drive.


  1. Hi TTM! This shit really isnt worth wasting comments on. Did you make blodymary chicken last night?

    1. Hey sandy! No, I didn't, it looked nice enough to grill, so I am making it today. Already in the crockpot! I am making the drunken Canadian version, a mixed Ceasar over chicken. I will let you know how it turned oot!

    2. OMG what is Blooody Mary Chicken?? I need that recipe STAT!

    3. It's on the Book Club recipe page, Becks!

    4. Thanks for posting; sounds delish!

    5. I put a pic on the Book Club Recipes page, sandy! Turned out great!

  2. Good morning/evening Sandy and TTM! I'm up booking the last of my accommodation on Air BnB...WOOT!! Europe here we come!
    How's you guys?

    1. Good morning, Becky! Yay Europe!!

    2. Ooh becky, may all your travel be upgraded, whatever you fly. Don't they know who you are?

      Seriously, fly well and have a blast.

  3. Hello! I made pulled pork and brioche last night. No drunken driving though.

  4. Well, you gotta hand it to the Lohans, they make the Lardashians (typo, and it stays) look classy.

  5. Im good BeckyMae. Europe should be fun this time of year.

  6. Good morning y'all! Another Kardashian pregnant and it's not Khloe.

    1. Which one, Sass, ya big tease?

    2. It's Kourtney...she let Lord Disick's wand near her lady garden again :(

    3. Oh man. 3 is so much harder than 2. Unless you have many, many nannies. Someone keep buying all this shite the Ks out out, Kourtney is gonna need more nannies!

    4. She needs to put the dick down.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Im having pulled pork tonight with beans and macaroni salad. Tell us is it Kylie (pleez?)

    1. I am actually gonna post my pulled pork recipe, sandy! Two ways: crockpot and smoker

  8. Does she live in Texas now?

    It was very uncomf watching this trick on the Oprah docu-series. Oh how the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Or as the broads in my fam say, "You plant tomatoes; you get tomatoes."

  9. I don't wants to work

  10. Dina has a boyfriend?

  11. Morning All. Afternoon, Violet. Pulled pork sounds lovely. Just leftovers for me last night. I did have some fresh asparagus though.

    Is this the first time Dina got popped? If so, sentencing sure has gotten stiffer with DUIs

  12. Im hoping if you use the loaded mix the vodka doesnt seep into the meat. The end result should be chicken in tomato sauce. The vodka would give it a sweet taste I think, but like wine sauce no drunky.

    I cook my pulled pork in the crockpot easier that way. Cant really have an outside grill here anyhow even though people do.

  13. Morning TTM. Morning CDANers. My lazy ass was given a tiny crock pot. Totally awesome to come home to a warm meal I didnt cook. (Putting food in a bowl to be slowly warmed is my kinda lazy. Pop a top rounds out some fancy dining.)

    1. Gweeds!!! Yay!! I was missing you yesterday, is that weird? It's probably weird. How are you? How's the shin?

  14. Its on TTM's recipe page Becky. But quickly:

    4 large boneless chicken breasts
    1 bottle of bloodymary mix
    and a crockpot.
    Cook it for 8 hours. You can add ingredients like garlic and onions and peppers to the mix if you want to. Serve it with mashed potatoes, or pasta or rice and a veggie and salad.

    1. I'm gonna add the veggies about half ways through, so they don't disintegrate

    2. Thanks Sandy! I love my slow is also a pressure cooker so I can make the same thing in 30 mins. We don't really have Bloody Mary mix here but I daresay its just tomato juice and whatever spice you want amirite?
      I might make this tomorrow for dinner! Imma have to hit the hay soon...big day tomoz...

    3. Don't want to look all colonial yo, but what makes meat officially 'pulled' please?

    4. Ps, I know I can uask Google, but I like your descriptions more :)

    5. I am using a ceasar, so it is clamato juice with Worcestershire sauce, Tabasco and celery salt

    6. TTM- Can one cook thos without the crockpot? Maybe marinate the chicken in the mix overnite?

    7. TTM- Can one cook thos without the crockpot? Maybe marinate the chicken in the mix overnite?

  15. I don't know how Charlie manages with one eye. The old 'it gets easier thing' causes me to swea r like a pirate. Glad its temporary.

    I see the pride of Canada has recorded an alternate version of a song with KKK inspired lyrics.

    Even Chiliwack doesn't want him.

  16. Oh I wish Alita! In my days as a travel agent to the rich and vacuous I got upgraded a fair bit so I reckon my luck in that area is rather depleted...I still pray to Walter the Upgrade God tho....

  17. Yeah I guess I dont really drink bloody mary's. I think it has salt and pepper in it. Maybe someone with a bottle of it can list the ingredients.

  18. I have had 40+ years of practice, Guido. Even so, I still cut corners too close sometimes and walk in to the wall. Driving at night with no visual clues for spacial distance can be interesting as well. Always love the eye exam at the DMV.

    When I used to golf, I would keep a spare patch in my bag. Whenever I got tired of taking grief, I would hand the patch to the tough talker and tell them to play the rest of the holes with it on. Shut them up pretty quick.

  19. @Alita it is cooked really slowly so that you can pull the meat apart with 2 forks...come round to my place and we will make you the BEST pulled pork in Sydney! My darling Dad's recipe from Kansas City MO!

  20. shredded meat after cooking. You cook a roast and then instead of carving it--because its really tender you use 2 forks to shred it them you put it back in the gravy and make sammitches

  21. Cripes, replies in real time. Got to pull my act together.

    Becky I thought it was a tandem act of haughty but kind. Dunno - my last upgrade to biz from economy, I sat next to someone sick. Ebola, I'm pretty sure. It was awesome to meet and greet the overlords on Europe in that condition ;)

  22. Oh some of the people in busines class are the WORST! I flew Premium to London last year on a special fare so this year it's gonna be a punish in the back. know, I know...

  23. If you use pork, and smoke it for 10-12 hours, it is AMA-ZA-ZING!

    1. I've tried smoking it, but can't keep it lit. Back to Djarums.

  24. It's like a snowstorm! If I'd experienced one! Two people replied to me before of answered another! Aaaaaaah!

    No really - all I got from that was a Newtown dinner invite. Awesome ;)

  25. Morning all. I also grilled last night. Teriyaki Chicken and vegies! Yum, pulled pork.

  26. Yeah I dunno about clamato juice TTM...that sounds groaty...

    @Alita CDaN Sydney BBQ meet up! Prob just you and me perhaps...I think the other Aussies are in Melbs :(

    1. It's totally awesome, Becky!! Makes all the difference, that's why our national mixed drink is a Ceasar and not a Bloody Mary

    2. I am in Sydney Beckymae and mad for pulled pork.

  27. So many pulled pork references in a Lohan post...coincidence?? I think not...

  28. I wrote an admission reply. It was understated but witty. It had planes, seasoning, considerations about being pulled - something for everyone. And I got this - maybe this is normal for you real time folk:

    Conflicting edits

    There was more than one attempt to edit this resource at the same time. This may have been because you double-clicked a link or a button or because someone else 

    1. Alita-i hate when that happens!!!! And as you say, its usually when you have been tres witty and brilliant! Lol

    2. Alita if you're on a laptop or desktop just right click and select reload! Not sure if it works on tablets though, definitely does not work on phones. I encountered that issue earlier today :/

  29. Uhoh Alita....your post is in The Vortex now...

  30. Ohhhh TTM so it's not a salad??

  31. Becky, I'm nearby Chatswood. Astro doesn't pay much so more but she's nest Bondi. If we do it, I'll def argue for the Town Hall ... ah, the good old days.

    1. Town Hall Steps oh girls you make me feel like a teenager again, meeting a boy for a movie date

  32. Meet ya at the Town Hall steps! I'll be the one clutching Bloody Mary mix and a pair of BBQ tongs!

  33. Like I said Becky , it was the golden replies of comment posts. Make You laugh, make you cry. An all round gem. Sigh - so sad it's lost ; (

  34. Yeah I don't think we've got critical mass yet huh ;)

    "Next year in Los Angeles!"

  35. @Alita I shall mourn your golden comment like the eyes of Oberyn Martell...

  36. Hi friends - I love to open a post and read all the friendly chatter! I'm a proud member of the OT 4 Lyfe Club!

    I just wanted to make a petty comment about how awful Dina's hair extensions look in that picture. Carry on with your friendly banter!

    1. Hey Frufra, we've had many a lovely OT chat on here xo

  37. Morning Fru! I figure Enty posts these ones just for us, it's not as though anyone cares about Dena Lohan, I mean, we're almost tired of trashing the Lindsay! Alllmost...

  38. No, Enty doesn't post these just for you. That's why there is an OT thread later in the day. Nobody but this stupid little clique cares what you had for dinner last night, or what you're having tonight and how you're going to make it. Do the rest of us a favor and go post it on your own blog instead of crapping up this one.

  39. Awww, wanton! Go on now, go spread your joy elsewhere! There is no room for hate reading in all this loveliness

  40. I'm pleased last nights tea sparked such conversation. 5 hours in the oven and home made brioche. Smug.

  41. Why you so angry, Bacon?

  42. Y'all know I haven't been around much during the school year - get me up to speed on this wanton person. What's her damage?

  43. Wanton hates joy. And light. And me. And funniness (so all of you guys too) and is probably the artist known as Bacon Ranch

    1. @TTM - thanks, dear. Your summary is both enlightening and concise. I just love me a good old comment squabble! (I'll never for the life of me understand why people gripe - just scroll on by if you don't want to read it. No one's in your house reading the comments aloud to you!)

  44. Trust me, you are not funny. At. All. Irritating is more like it.

    1. Again, why you so angry, Bacon? Maybe you should bring Folly out to play as well?

    2. What do you want Charlie?

  45. Awww, wanton, you can come up with your own stuff! Give it a try! You can do it!

  46. You guys' replies were making me hungry! But then I looked back at the site, saw the photo of Orange Oprah, and lost my appetite.

  47. Don't you have children to tend to?

    You must be extremely lonely to have to come here and post every single day, on every single thread at all times of the day. Mother of the year you will never be.

    1. Oh, c'mon Bacon. That's not nice. Are you feeling left out? I can post my recipe for wontons I you'd like. We can call it Wanton Wonton. I will bump it up with an extra helping if bitterness.

    2. Well, I don't really have the patience to create a bunch of imaginary friends to talk to as you do, so I make do with all the awesome peeps on this site.

    3. Wanton we're one person now! Remember when we were mooshki?

    4. You think Charlie and Sandypoo aren't imaginary friends? That's funny.

    5. Is it that time of the month already?

      Also, now I want wontons.

  48. I that pic she is actually pretty, therefore I googled her and found this thought from google answers. It's inspiring.

    1. Kermit

      You'd think Dina looked okay until you realise it's an animated gif - sadly her face can't move after all the procedures :((

  49. Pro tip: If your username and avatar are both food, and you get angry about food talk, you're doing it wrong.

    1. Pro tip: look up the meaning of wanton. And folly for that matter.

  50. I have a great recipe, Gayeld. For you, I will leave out the extra bitterness.

    I use pork sausage with minced water chestnut, shrimp, garlic, and green onion. The kids have fun folding them.

  51. I liked Dina on the Lindsay reality show---
    Dina: "hey O! I have NEVER been Better! I am so blessed to have such an amazing daughter!"

  52. Charlie that was lame.

    1. Go to sleep, Bacon. I think some rest woul do you good. I wasn't striving for the ultimate out down. It was considerate of you to bring out Filly to play. Where's Hall Monitor? Retire that one since Libby has left?

    2. One eye Charlie, you're the only one who brought me out today. It's Folly not Filly.

  53. You're killing me over here Charlie.

  54. I had cream cheese and jelly for dinner, and I gotta confess, the jelly was a little iffy. I cannot compete with you chefs!

    1. Liddy - what the heck is cream cheese and jelly?? Please explain to my poor unsophisticated English palate.

    2. Americans call jam ; jelly. Strange I know lol

    3. Jam and jelly are not the same in the US. Jam and preserves are crushed fruit mixed with sugar (sometimes) and pectin (sometimes). Jelly is fruit juice mixed with sugar and pectin. I make jam and preserves, but never jelly.

      Jelly vs. Jam vs. Preserves

    4. Anonymous5:53 PM

      Don't forget about marmalade!

    5. Anonymous6:06 PM

      Lol! Marmalade. Well… Certainly does have apeel...

    6. I always thought it must be jelly 'cause jam don't shake like that?

    7. Anonymous6:13 PM

      But you can't pump up the jelly.

  55. Violet, I suspect that she had a bagel topped with cream cheese and some flavor of jelly. I'm guessing Strawberry Smucker's.

    1. That explanation doesn't make it any better Charlie. So basically Philly and strawberry jam? :/

    2. Vi and chuck- yes, philly= cream cheese, and the jelly was seedless atrawberry, and it was on a flattened roll, lol

    3. If it was a bagel, i would say bagel and a schmere. Lol

  56. Sandy the chicken smells great already!

  57. Ohh I have a nommy food porn recipe for beef and blue cheese sliders. I could eat these every single day for the rest of my life, words cannot describe how delicious these little monsters are.

    Obviously this post is at least somewhat interesting because it has 100+ comments and only 4 or 5 of which are whiners. 6 now, because guuuys I am hungry after all this food talk!

  58. Anonymous9:37 AM

    @ Wanton- I am new here and certainly not part of any clique. I do enjoy TTM's posts. I am also fairly confident that making a few post online is not considered child abuse. So in my opinion, keep the recipes coming.

    1. It's no different than talking to friends while you're watching your kids. I was home with my kids for a year and while I loved it I also needed adult conversation to keep me from losing my sanity! @TTM don't stop posting because of some hateful remarks from a clearly unhappy person!

    2. Tillie, you totally get it. ^5!

      And thanks, TNC

  59. I'm glad TTM one good thing aboot a crockpit is it often makes a house smell so good for hours. (And I see this nice early thread took a very bad turn with a lonely frustrated bitch waking up in an empty bed once again and taking it out on us).

    1. Added onions and garlic at noon, smells amazing! I will post a picture on BC tonight. Thanks again for the recipe!

  60. Tongue N. Ass - A few posts? You're kidding, right? And I never said it was child abuse.

    1. Anonymous9:46 AM

      Lol. I never specified which Cheek did I? And you implied neglect. But really... Why do you care?

    2. @wanton do you have kids?

  61. Good gracious @JSierra! Those look freakin' amazing!

    1. Reno they are to die for, my family devoured them before they were even out of the oven. They are the best summer dish with a cold beer and some girlfriends coleslaw (no mayo, no sauce, just yummy, healthy deliciousness).

  62. Can't believe I missed all this...

    I was actually going to comment on how stupid it was for Orange Oprah to even go to trial on a DUI. There is no way to get out of them and it only pisses off the judge. Unless you're a huge idiot lawyers always advise against it. But of course...SHE'S not responsible for her actions. Dumb bitch.

  63. Also, I have been dying to make some scallop wontons. Had them at a restaurant in SF and they were lovely.

  64. @lc since its my recipe Ill answer for TTM. Generally speaking 8 hours in the crockpot translates to 45 minutes in the oven at 350 degrees.

    1. Oh SandyB, thank you! Do ypu think marinating the c breasts for a few hours or overnight in the mix would be okay?

  65. I dont think that step is necessary lc unless you decide to grill them. Baking them all the juices flow together and give the breasts their taste.

  66. Hi All,
    BeckyMae, have a great time in Europe. My hubby & I are going there for the first time later this year, so want to hear all about your adventure. Re:air travel, we have always gone cattle class (economy), but after last year when we flew to the US & the guy in front of me wouldn't even sit up for me to eat my meal, we saved up & paid for business. Have never looked forward to a flight so much in my life, & the lounge at the airport.
    Also Sydneyite CDaners, I live in Newcastle, catch-up possible.

    1. Maybe we are reaching critical mass! For some reason I thought that you were further north, @feral, up near the border.

      Good to see Astro too!

      RachAround was down in Melb, or at least in Vic, @Becky, so maybe that's where you got the thought.

      If I'm super lucky I'll be off to Barcelona in July ... fingers crossed. Work related, but I've not been there so am hoping that it happens. But Becky and feral - enjoy your odysseys!

      Catching up on CDaN late in the day - scrolling through this lot made we want some wanton wontons, too.

  67. Oh yay! Feral I thought you were MEL for some reason? Ok, I'll have a think about when we can do a meet up in SYD then with Astro and Alita....woot! Shall we meet for wontons in Chinatown first??? Lol.....some people take this place faaaaar too seriously....

    1. Yes let's start with a leisurely yum cha in Chinatown

  68. Let me know where you are going in Europe and I can let you know some top tips....I'm heading to Athens, Bordeaux, London, Paris and Amsterdam this time and some of Alsace too :)

  69. @J Your'e killin' me. Drooling here. I am definitely making these.

  70. I just took a look TTM looks delicious (you used it with rice?). How did the sauce come out?

    1. The sauce turned out great! Alcohol definitely burned off, and I added some frozen brown rice for the last hour to soak it up. So yummy!

  71. Ill always remember Lady Marmalade "voulez-vous couchez avec moi ce soir? "
