Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Chris Martin And Alexa Chung Are Hooking Up

Chris Martin might be still living with The Goopster and the tabloids seem to think the couple is coupling again, but they obviously have not noticed that Alexa Chung and Chris Martin have been spending time together away from LA and away from paps while in Asia together. No better place to hide than a Tokyo hotel room. Sure, they could have just been meeting to discuss fashion or a future musical project for Alexa, but I think that is highly unlikely. It is really interesting that they waited until Chris got away from LA and the rumors about Alexa before they hooked up again. It is tough to hook up in LA and have the paps spot you and then go home to The Goopster and say everything is great.


  1. Wait I thought he was consciously coupling with Rhianna?

    Also Alexa Chung is such a fucking groupie. He better wrap it before he taps it. Twice just to be sure.

  2. No. I read that Alexander was all cosy with her old flame The very lovely Alex Turnet at a wedding just last week. You heard the truth here first.

    1. @Violet: I would take Alex Turner over Chris Martin every time. Both are talented but, damn, his voice and lyrics. Also, "why'd you only call me when you're high" I've decided is about Chung. (Yeah, I'm just jealous)

    2. Non Nom. I truly <3 Alex T.

  3. I do not know who she is.

  4. Alexa - goddamn sex changing autocorrect.

  5. And Alex Turner - not Turnet.

  6. Someone get the girl a hairbrush.

  7. That makes WAY more sense than the Connie that I kept picturing. He looks so much happier, though, and oddly hot sometimes, so you do, fella

  8. Gotta love Asia, bet lots of girls popping out of their tops there, 7!

    I just read on radar yesterday that they are reconciling, so Goop is delusional then? I'm confused. Alls I know is that Alexa has strange taste and/or unfortunate self esteem issues, but at least Chris isn't a hipster pedo like Watkins

  9. What does Alexa Chung do?

    1. She is a model, but I only knew of her because I girl I worked with got her hair cut, so she isn't very good at getting her name out there.

  10. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Great. Now I'm picturing Connie Chung and Maury Povich in a hotel room.

    1. @TNC I used to like you.

    2. Anonymous8:48 AM

      Sorry! But getting image stuck in your head is the only way to get it out of mine.

    3. @TNC LOL happy to be of assistance but not in that BI kinda way.

  11. Chris go for J-Lo next! I can't keep track of your dick of her vagina and this would help me out brah. I don't have time to make like a flow chart or Venn diagram ok?

  12. This has been going on for a good while, he like them skinny and bulimic.

  13. Holy misread! I just glanced and my mind saw Wang Chung. Actually, that would be way more fun to read about...

    1. @Charlie - I'm trying to imagine what a Coldplay/Wang Chung collaboration would sound like. I sure miss those fun-filled days when I'd just have fun and Wang Chung all night!

  14. Anonymous8:28 AM

    wow...i really need to get my eyes checked. he was hot in the last photo i saw him in.

    1. It was the sweater, fancy. I'm pretty sure

  15. Alexa Chung is such a starfucker. She is so full of herself and thinks that every thing she says and does is iconic.
    Bitch won a competition to present some crappy teen Saturday morning tv.
    And she was boring as he'll on it.

    Chris Martin isn't any prize either. Anyone who would marry Goop has to have questionable mental faculties.

    1. Yeah Alex Zane and Simon Amstell she ain't. Not even Miquita Oliver who she took over from. She's right up her own arse.

    2. She sounds unsurprisingly just like Kate bonesworth
      Fashion icon in her mind only
      Beige in beige out
      Husband stealer.

  16. Lainey has been saying this for months. Even before he and Goopy consciously uncoupled (insert eye roll here)

  17. @Charlie - I read it as Chris Brown. Let's rewrite this as Chris Brown & Wang Chung.

  18. Do you guys think goopy controls him somewhat? As if she said "I don't want your hookups in LA or anywhere near our kids" ? The way Madonna did when she first separated from Guy Ritchie.
    In a lot if blinds revealed it was indicated she was controlling him.
    I can picture her convincing him into things with the "protecting the brand" business approach.

  19. I vote Connie Chung!

  20. Oh please!!!! Seven!!!! Clickety click Connie Chung in her red dress singing seductively! It is so terrible and hilarious!

  21. Their babies would be so ugly.

  22. I was going to ask the same thing, what does Alexa Chung do and now I wanna know who else she's been associated with to make her a starfucking groupie. No doubt she is just curious.

    And was this sent from the dept of redundancy dept.? "..spending time together away from LA and away from paps while in Asia together."

  23. She's a fug ana brit model & boring host, with the most horrendous fashion sense, and a massive ego, hopefully Chris is smart & doesn't put a ring on it & just stays single for a while. Compared to her Goppy is a prize.

  24. Him & Connie Chung I would totally ship that, I want that to happen.

  25. I'm jumping on the Good Ship Chronnie with y'all.

  26. I would hit that in a minute too bad shes after famous ass and I'm not.

  27. Imagine both GP and Alexa pointing at each other when the topic of who inspired "Magic" comes up. That's a pretty insipid song.

  28. Goop and martin are like a rabbit hole. Its goes on and on and on and freaky shit keeps happening.

  29. her getting pregnant would be SO epic in the house of goop

  30. This BL isn't news. It's been reported for a few months now. Maybe they decided "conscious uncoupling" = "hallway pass" for a while? That and they need some promo for Gwendolina? But this Alexa mooch error is just another Hookup Gen bimbo - zero value.

  31. I bet Connie and Maury had some fiery 'lovemaking'.

  32. Connie said that Maury is the most decadent man she's ever met so I'll bet their whoopie is far from vanilla!..and the named their house Povichung which is pretty cool.

  33. Lainey HAS been saying this for months

    what more-she says Alexa makes Chris feel more like a man than Goopy did with all of the young girl adoration

    really think this fueled the conscious uncoupling-he was not willing to hold up the facade anymore

  34. First he's with Gwyneth, then cheats with Kate Bosworth, and now he's with Alexa Chung...he certainly likes sleeping with the walking dead!! You could couldn't find three bonier living corpses to shag, well except Rachel Zoe.

  35. I don't get Alexa Chung, she always pays so much attention to her clothes and shoes yet leaves her hair in a scraggly mess. It always looks like she didn't brush it and cut it with blunt scissors.

  36. You were kinda slow on the uptake with this one enty - they've been seeing other since last August.

  37. Sorry, I'm so late, @scissors. Holy crap, that video is going to give me nightmares!

    Thanks for the memories
