Monday, June 02, 2014

Chris Brown Is Out Of Jail

Chris Brown was released this morning from jail. Shortly after midnight, Brown was released. On May 9, a judge ordered Brown to serve 131 days in jail and because of jail overcrowding he was released after serving a little over three weeks. Brown had been in jail since March when he was kicked out of rehab. Brown was then shuttled to Washington D.C. for a trial that was postponed and flown back to California. He admitted he was guilty of violating his probation which is the reason the judge ordered him to serve more jail time. Brown still faces charges in Washington D.C., but the only thing he has left to do in California is serve 800 hours of community service. Oh, and stay out of trouble which with him is probably unlikely.


  1. He's served his time, give him 5 minutes of the benefit of the doubt, Enty! Maybe 3 minutes, what with all the overcrowding.

  2. It's probably unlikely he will do his 800 hours of community service as well.

  3. He'll be back…….

  4. I really must move to California before I commit any major crimes.

  5. He's a loser with a capital "L."

  6. I hope he can remember all the words to his songs so he doesn't have to do something like sink so low and get a job as a waiter.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Get ot together Chis. You're too old for that shit.

  9. I sometimes wonder what would have happened to RDJ if he was getting in trouble now.

  10. Chris, if you can't work it out, Tina Mallette wants you to come and stay at her place.

    She's real empathetic. Like Mother Theresa kinda sorta...

    Good luck Chris!

    Don't punch any girls on the way home. Tina won't like that shite.

  11. Anonymous6:32 AM

    He annoys me but I am sad for him that he is ruining his

  12. Anonymous6:35 AM


  13. Good luck with that 800 hours Chris!

  14. He'll do something else awful in a few days/weeks I'm sure and once again he'll get away with it. Must be nice to be young rich and famous.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Funny no post on Maya Angelou but within hours we a have a CB post, hilarious, guess he still relevant to you

  17. Countdown to Chris breaking the law again...5, 4, 3, 2, 1......

  18. cute lowly scot has a groupie

    1. Did I miss something over the weekend? Whats with the send CB Tina's way comment above? It seemed a little out of the blue.

    2. Yeah, what is that?

    3. Anonymous10:05 AM

      Tina sweetie. It was a joke. Its not that serious.

  19. Twat. He'll probably go & thump someone now because you know he's so SPECIAL.! & very very angry.

  20. Too much to drink ( like Tara, that lush ) and drunk posting.

    I apologized to Tina on another post.

    I do love being called 'lowly scot' ( with one t ) that gave me a good chuckle.

    Anyway, I'll try to be better behaved if I ever post again.

    Just never feel like posting unless I'm drinking ( probably like Tara, and probably a bad idea. )

    Sorry for the commotion. Carry on. ( Or throw flames my way if you want. Cheers. )

  21. Scott can you post witty stuff? That's a crowd pleaser I tell ya!

  22. I love a drunk poster that can spell..:-D
    Scott, think of it this way...At least you're falling flat in cyberspace!

  23. He'd have to work full time for 20 weeks to get 800 hrs. in. It'll never happen.

  24. Don't care, I'm rooting for him...he's a talented person and if he could change for the better I hope he does, unlike Lindsey Lohan, whom I hate and wishes she died

  25. Browns career has been ruined? All those Grammy awards after he beat Rihanna were sympathy gifts?
