Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Charges Dropped Against Paul Simon And Edie Brickell

Paul Simon and Edie Brickell were due in court yesterday, but prosecutors in the case decided not to press charges for disorderly conduct against either of them. That means if they stay out of trouble for the next 13 months that the charges will be erased from their record. Of course since they are celebrities and the whole thing played out in public, we will of course always remember and there will never be a complete erasing of charges. It sounds like a night that got out of control, but it also sounded like this was not the first time this has happened, but only the first time that police had actually been called. Actually, maybe the police have been called before but kept everything hush hush. I wonder how that situation at home or away from home that led to this is proceeding. Do you think it is or they gave up that thing they were doing that broke the other's heart.


  1. ok so you still have 49 other ways to leave your lover Paul and Edie

  2. "or they gave up that thing they were doing that broke the other's heart"

    Huh? Did I miss out on an announcement or reveal?

  3. Everything was kept hush hush? Do I hear the sound of silence eclipsing this case?

  4. They took a walk over The Bridge Over Troubled Waters Charlie

  5. Marriage is tough y'all.

  6. And what she is is what she is and what they are uh huh

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. The bigger question is: does he need a bodyguard to protect him from his long-loved gal?

  9. I guess one of them can be Homeward Bound now because the other one isn't being The Boxer

  10. Er der Blogger being Kerfluey?

  11. Maybe she took his Kodachrome.

  12. so sad, he looks so old….I can't stand it

  13. Paul Is A Rock after all and an Island

  14. All taking place in America too.

  15. He can change his name to "Al" and leave her.

  16. I wanna play the word game, but I don't know who the hell these people are. I think I need more coffee to jump start my brain.

  17. oh goodness Hammer you just made a whole bunch of people feel like they re ancient. Paul Simon forever A++ musician you never heard of? Simon & Garfunkel??

  18. I wonder if Edie has Diamonds on the Soles of Her Shoes?

  19. And Edie Brickell, Hammer? Existentialist Poster GirlChild for the late 80s?

    It's okay, sandy, for me anyway. I've embraced the old. Well, except for the whole 6 months thing

  20. Hangs head in shame*

    I was born in the 80's and raised on hair bands, Madonna, stuff like that. Guess I'm off to YouTube to expand my horizons.

    1. @HammerGirl no shame! So was I! We can rock out with out socks out to Van Hagar together right? We'll end the night sippin on some gin & juice and singing "Glory of Love" while watching the (original of course) Karate Kid.

  21. I only know of Edie Brickell because Marnie Michaels (on GIRLS) does a an Avril Lavigne style cover of one of her songs...

  22. wow.

    this is like knowing paul mccartney from his old band, wings.

  23. I'm just an old hippie who listens to S & G, Neil Young, and all those dudes on the regular. BUT, my heart just about broke years ago when I watched the Vh1 deal where Paul narrates his Graceland Concert in Central Park. (It's a gorgeous double album that I've listened to a zillion times.) Paul is so incredibly into his beautiful genius that it's unbearable. I don't know how Art didn't kill him like a thousand times over. I don't know how Edie stands it. It took me some serious recovery time after listening to him worship himself to be able to just enjoy the music again.

    1. Frugra, that description made me laugh hard. Actually makes me want to see it and hear him speak about it. Ha!

  24. Anonymous7:20 AM

    So now Paul is packing up and going to Graceland? And Edie thought she knew bohemians...

  25. And there you have your answer Enty. Listen to Fufra. I lister to Graceland all the time and it's a lovely album. Like Sons in the Key of Life or Thriller just a true classic. Know why? Cuz almost all the songs are good.

    And they have melody and NO BLOODY AUTOTUNE!

    Sorry music now doesn't exist it seems. *Shufffles off to scream at kids to get off her lawn.*.

    1. @Sherry - Amen, sister! Back when music was goddamn music. My brother once listened to Aja (Steely Dan album, for all you young 'uns out there) for a year straight. He didn't see any need to put on anything else, as that album's got all the perfection you'll ever need.

      And Stevie Wonder makes my day on the regular. I listen to him on the way to school, and wish I could get permission to pipe his music through the PA system - think it would make everyone have a good day, every day. Learning and good behavior would probably go way up :-).

  26. Im glad this is resolved for them. As for the broke my heart thing, dont forget these are two creative and emtional people. I once told my husband he broke my heart because he wouldnt let me buy a wicker sofa! Lol. So things are said in heat of moment that may not stand scrutiny. And I too hate the way celebs of past are getting older. Its ok for me, not them! Lol

  27. I took a res once for them when I worked at a swanky hotel. Paid by Tommy Mottola's credit card. Best res, though, was Judge Reinhold who made the call all by himself and was very sweet.

  28. wait a minute, liddy. you mean WE'RE getting old too?

    i try to ignore that part. LOL.

    1. Nancer, part of reason i hate THEM getting old looking is because then..... I must be older too! Lol

  29. I don't think it was ever revealed officially, but everyone thought the couple where the wife was having an affair with her school kid's teacher was Paul Simon/Edie Brickell. A month or so after that blind item, this story broke.

  30. @Seachica - good call. You're right on the money, honey.

  31. Gah! Just came to post what Seachica said. Sleeping in is not helping out here.

  32. Frufra the only problem with Aja is it's too short. Loved that album too. Although I didn't listen to it for a full year to the exclusion of all others.

  33. I listen to that good ol' classic shit, too, ladies. I'm a hippie-at-heart with her turquoise and patchouli who was born 20 years too late. The current car CDs are Van, Joni, and the Beatles. I truly don't think much has been made in the last 25 years or so that can really match the genius of the '60s and '70s (except for some stuff from those very same '60s and '70s artists).

    *joining Sherry to yell at those damn kids whilst popping some Doan's Pills*

  34. Some of you guys need to get in touch with me. I'm thinking of buying a VW micro-bus, painting it up and hitting the road. We'll live off the land and kindness of others.

    1. Brenda L, you must grow grass on the roof like my work colleague did. He chose standard yard grass but there are other options. Especially these days in Denver.

  35. @Brenda, Sherry, and AKM - I'm in, but only if we can have an "Ass, Gas, or Grass - Nobody Rides for Free" bumper sticker. It's one of my life goals. I'm just waiting until I retire from teaching elementary school, because the Man 'round here would can my ass for that.

    @Sherry - my brother was in a crazy place that year - primary caregiver to a wacky 2 year old, working from home, while his wife worked and was writing a book at night. I think Aja was his happy place. And, he was way too tired when he got in the car to dig out another CD, so he just let it roll.

  36. Oh, and AKM - rock on with your turquoise and Doan's pills! I'm grabbing my back just like the picture on the bottle as I type this :-).

  37. Edie Brickell. I wonder how many mean kids gave her the nickname Butter

  38. "Bridge Over Troubled Waters" was the number one song the week I was born, so I'll always know Simon and Garfunkel.
