Tuesday, June 24, 2014

CEO Gets Slap On The Wrist For Beating Up Beverly Hills Nannies Star

Patrick Henry faced a year in jail for his assault of Beverly Hills Nannies star Ari Bellamar, but after being found guilty, the judge sentenced him to 40 hours of community service and a $400 fine. He also has to take some classes, but, really, this is nothing for a guy who threw a woman against a wall and smashed her cell phone when she tried to call the police. The guy didn't even get reprimanded at work and will keep his job and hefty salary. What does this tell us? It tells him that he can beat up just about anyone and nothing will happen to him. It makes the next woman he beats, and there will probably be more women that even if they press charges, nothing will happen to the accuser and they will have to go through the entire trial process to see a guy fined what he probably spends on lunch every day.


  1. I'm sure there will be all kinds of MRA types come out of the woodwork to explain how it's her fault anyway, right?

    Good morning and afternoon, y'all

  2. Good day peeps! Who cares he has a good lawyer

  3. tbh I'm more stunned there is a tv show called "Beverly Hills Nannies"

  4. Morning. Everyone. Had a rough night.

  5. morning Charlie and Orvilla

  6. Morning guys. Sorry you had a rough night, AJ, Crohns acting up?

    1. @TTM
      Yes indeed :-( No sleep & lots of pain.

    2. Sorry to hear that, chickie. I hope it feels better soon

    3. @TTM
      Awe. Thanks :-) Here's hoping too.

  7. I hope his lawyer got paid! At least he now has something on his record. That will help his next victim. Hopefully she received some money too. All those fake eyelashes aren't cheap!

  8. Morning friends.

  9. What company is he CEO of? And what about the kid she was supposed to be watching? Or was this unrelated to Nanny duties?

  10. Hi everyone! I'm ashamed to say I watched every episode of this show once when I was unwell. This Ari woman was a shallow piece of work (but did not deserve to be assaulted)

    1. Good morning, Becks, vacation going well?

  11. sorry AJ. hope you get some sleep today. hugs to you.

    1. @Orvilla
      Thanks :-) Me too.

  12. anyone been on dailymail yet? did you guys know about Brando's affairs with Rock Hudson, Cary Grant, and Gregory Peck? makes me like Brando more if this is true

    1. I already knew brando liked the peen just didn't know he had so much famous peen.

  13. I haven't yet, Orvilla, but that would be truly awesome if true

  14. His defense was "give me liberty or give me death". The judge agreed with the former. Probably.

  15. whoa, the housekeeper part of the story i'm trying not to think to long and hard about.

    1. Orvilla did do the jump you provided but I read that story on Vanity Fair years ago and it's truly heartbreaking. She was evil but then maybe she was the only one there too.

    2. Did NOT. Jeebus I can't seem to get that word out this Morning. Refer to Gordon Ramsey post for the other faux pas.

  16. Were there visible injuries?

  17. Don't know who either are, she looks to be another gold digger fame whore, porno history, & also on Millianaire Matchemater.

    Not that is an escuse for assualt.

  18. Only $400, seriously, even if she is a famewhore, that amount is a joke, he spends more than that on lunch or a suit or haircut.

  19. Anonymous6:40 AM

    Visible injuries or not, throwing a woman against a wall and smashing her cell phone so she can't call police is not justifiable under Any circumstances.

  20. Domestic violence is ALWAYS wrong, no matter who is the perpetrator.

    That said, the salaciousness of this story is what's making news. She is still married (separated), has a 5 year old child, met this guy online at a "millionaire matchmakers" website, and he had her flown to his cabin in Utah and was his date at Sundance before even seeing her in person. He got jealous when his friends thought she was hot and then she locked him out of the cabin. That he has alcohol management classes on the list means he was probably drunk, and is probably a mean drunk. And an a*hole with temper issues. She's a grifter who got in a douchebag's sights.

  21. Who said domestic violence was justifiable? Just trying to get all of the information instead of snippets.

  22. Thanks seven fir summary. I guess when you reach in the dating grabbag, you may get a stinker. Seriously, fine shld be much higher and he shld be doing jail time.

  23. Good morning. Hope you guys are having a better morning than me!

  24. Sugarbread I had no idea.

    Hey Amy.

  25. This is what it sounds like when two douchebags collide.

  26. Great thanks TTM! I started a bit of a photo blog if you, or anyone, wants to have a look :)
    It's linked on my profile

  27. Is there also a show called, "Beverly Hills Gardeners?"

  28. Ooh Becky. Can't wait to get on the big computer to see the pics.

    What's up Amy? Sending you hugs and hope things pick up for you darlin'.

  29. Sherry it's really interesting. I think I need to read that book...I wonder what really went on with the housekeeper. i wonder what she thought about their relationship during and after she moved away. Weird.

  30. If she didn't put out, she deserves it.

  31. Anonymous8:10 AM

    DrM, would you please be so kind as to do us all a favor and STFU? Thanks. I appreciate it.

  32. Enty enough with the hysteria, with one conviction on record this is his one bye, I am assuming he has an otherwise clean record and California has very overcrowded jails. But he does this again the penalty will be harsher. And now he is going to find himself with women trying to rile him up and getting it all on tape to make sure either they get a good payday or he does get a harsher sentence

    note to these women - learn from Oksana don't go to the media first go to the police or you've blown it

  33. What company he is a CEO of - Entropic Communications


  34. Pushed against the wall and smashed cell phone? Don't sound to me like anyone got beat up.

    1. Anonymous10:10 AM

      I'm not sure I see your point Count. I'm also not sure if what happened qualifies as "beat up" but throwing someone into a wall (and it does say he Threw her into a wall not pushed her against it) is assault, is it not? That along with smashing her cell phone so she couldn't contact police. Seems rather cut and dried to me.

  35. @TNC: Sure it is assault. I'm just saying it don't sound like beat up.

    To me "beat up" requires striking. And considering the slap on the wrist dude got, the court saw nothing much to the incident either, and they had more facts to deal with than Fugazi Enty put in this post.

  36. Anonymous10:48 AM

    @Count: Could be because the judge had more facts. Could be excellent lawyer plus first offense = wrist slap. I won't presume to know.

    I agree that "beat up" to me implies multiple striking. But Enty didn't say he beat her up. Enty opined that the guy might now feel he has a license to "beat up" women in the future. And I'm not sure I disagree.

  37. Not a lot of details with this story. It is just as likely that he pushed her up against the wall and broke her phone - not nice and probably an assault- but we have no idea of the context of the argument/dispute and the judge probably does and gave an appropriate sentence. The lack of details makes it convenient to turn it into a splash story which is what it is- rich guy beats nanny and given slap on the wrist. Would not be a sensational story if mitigating facts were given- I assume a lot more that we don't know but do acknowledge that maybe judge is idiot and was too lenient but we will probably never really know.

  38. "It tells him that he can beat up just about anyone and nothing will happen to him."

    That sounds to me like Enty saying broad got beat up.

    Reminded me of the Merriman/Tila Tequila incident where it was splashed around that he roughed her up, but all he did was grab her arms to keep her from leaving a party all drunk and drugged up. Not saying this nanny broad was drunk, but that it was a minor incident that people tried to manufacture a bigger story out of.

    1. Don't understand why someone thinks enty didn't say he beat her up- look at his tagline for the item.

  39. golf clap @ Texas. Fine work.

  40. Anonymous3:40 PM

    @texas rose. I stand corrected. So it does. I guess I was so focused on reading the actual article I ignored the headline. My bad.

    @count. It reminded me more of the time a high school friend of mine was thrown into a wall by her drunk ex boyfriend busting her lip and badly chipping one of her teeth. But as I said. I don't know all to he facts of this case. Is Enty speculating and sensationalizing? Probably. I have heard it suggested this is a gossip site. But I'm not going to jump to any conclusions that it wasn't that serious based on that alone. If he wasn't out of control, let her call the police. It's the smashing of her phone so she couldn't call for help that I found most disturbing tbh.

    1. Tongue - I don't think the mainstream media has reported on this event any less sensationally than CDAN. All too many people willing to accept the narrative given due to the nature of the story- rich guy beats nanny, gets slapped on wrist. Would love to see complete reporting on the incident to see how it really went down and what led to it but that story may not get as many readers/watchers/clicks.

  41. Hopefully people in the industry will not buy from Entropic Communications, all you have to do is check out there dozen or so competitors and buy from them. The Entropic Comm stock is down so that might be happening. But where are the stockholders, they need to get rid of this drunken, woman assaulter.
