Sunday, June 29, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

June 17, 2014

This former A+ list mostly movie actor had the availability of one of the nicest suites in Cannes for his use, but for the past two nights beach goers found him sleeping in a sleeping bag on the beach.

Keanu Reeves


  1. He wants to be one with nature, nothing wrong with that.

  2. I'm sure the maids at the hotel are happy they don't have to handle the stench drenched sheets had he stayed there.

  3. Doh! My Depp guess was wrong.

  4. Quelle surprise!

    (Is that how you spell it?)

  5. OT- Meshasch Taylor passed away.Mostly known from Designing Women but I thought he was funny in "Mannequin".Only 67. RIP

    1. @rolo. This was topic of Enty's 1st post today. Check it out.

  6. Reliving his River's Edge moments. If I had really bad cold, I'd do'm.

  7. SO.. People like sleeping out doors. Do you boo

  8. I think I guessed him, but I think someone beat me to it.
    Oh well.
    I'd beach it with Keanu, I wouldn't sleep a wink though. He's worth a little sand in the sac & crack.

  9. He's saving his money.

  10. @freya. He had a plush suite avail to him, he chose the surf Brah!

    1. It didn't say he had already rented the room, just that one was available. He's either thrifty or filming "Bill & Ted's Wet and Wild Adventure."

  11. Something doesn't fit here. June 14 and 15 Keanu was in Paris, not Cannes. He went straight home to LA after that.

  12. He's such an odd duck. I love him tho'.

  13. Anonymous12:11 PM

    id loooooove to sleep in a sleeping bag on a beach in Cannes. are u SERIOUS???

  14. Ha ha I kinda like Keanu. You just know he'd be one of the few movie stars who wouldn't make ridiculous demands and yell at waiters and that kind of shit. He'd be relaxed and he wouldn't care if someone brought him the "wrong" brand of wine or whatever.

  15. This actually sounds really awesome. And please tell me he was naked.

  16. @jack ducky - You've heard the one about the Buddhist monk who went to the pizzaria, right?

  17. I'd snuggle in a sleeping bag and watch the sunrise with Keanu any day

  18. wow, read the haters. Keanu one of the nicest, most generous millionaires anyone could meet. If you never camped on a beach you'd never understand how nice it is, the sounds of the ocena lull you inot a deep sleep.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Actually estimated to be worth $350 million!

  21. One of my best friends is close with his family and used to date him, and from what she has said, it sounds just like him. He'd do that to enjoy the sound of the waves and breeze off the water.

  22. By all reports, a nice guy, and super generous with his money. Just because he's not interested in playing the PR/I'm a celebrity game doesn't make him an "odd duck".

    Agreed @leo4now...dates don't match up to make this realistic. And seriously, some reporter didn't catch wind of this and run down to the beach for exclusive pics?

  23. @now4leo
    Enty must think there is a beach at Paris ;p
    And you must know Enty doesn't care what it doesn't fit

  24. Makes me LOVE HIM MORE!!!!

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. I love that! Sleeping on the beach- mmmmmmm. So peaceful. Until sand in da butt. Lol. Love keanau.

  28. Hey, I've slept on the beach in Cannes. Can't beat it.

  29. thanks @Sincerely, I never saw that I said, Im on the sloooow boat today--

  30. Aww fair play. I wouldn't do it myself as I get a head cold if I so much as have a window open when I sleep, but if it included a Keanu... ;)

  31. The least he could've done was to rent out his suite to some poor Craigslister for $20 bucks.

  32. Re-living his Point Break Days. I'd be ok finding him sleeping in my back yard. ;-)

  33. I'll gladly join him!

  34. I don't know you guys. In *just* a sleeping bag - no tent?
    I think he might be broken in some way.

  35. maybe he just want to get his beach on

    you know-be at one with nature

  36. It's illegal to sleep or camp out on the beaches at Cannes. It's also very dangerous. I don't believe this blind. If people saw him and knew who he was, why no pics? Why hasn't this story been anywhere but here?

  37. It sounds like he just enjoys sleeping on the beach. It's soothing and relaxing listening to the waves while the stars twinkle above you.

  38. I bet there were no pics ( if this really happened ) because he most likely was up and off the beach as soon of the first rays of sunlight hit. Who's going to be up at dawn in Cannes ( unless they haven't gone to bed yet ) ?
    If anything, perhaps he did this at a pervious time while in Cannes and told someone about it.
    It's like a game of telephone bc the details get more muddled the more it's retold.
    Two years ago becomes this year ( etc. ) .....
