Sunday, June 01, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

March 22, 2013

Back in the day this B-/C+ list mostly movie actor would try his hardest to get his A- list significant other to do swaps with other couples. She rarely complied. It turns out he has no such issues with his current significant other. She is up for anything and everything and at least once a week they either swap with a couple or have a threesome.

David Arquette


  1. Ugh with the swapping! We all know my opinion on this: too. Much. Work.

  2. hes such a lost cause. fucking Arquettes.

  3. Is this the waitress he knocked up?

  4. LOL everyone thought this was Reese, Ryan P & Ashley Greene. Anonymous was the only one to guess David at the last minute

  5. Good for him.


  6. True dirty love, after all that time. Yay!

  7. Anonymous9:39 AM

    What's that Ed?



  8. ???
    According to other Enty blinds,it was Courtney Cox who was into threesomes and swingers

    But good for David if he found the perfect partner

  9. It took him how long to figure out what every highschool football player knows, date a girl in lower social standing &she'll do whatever crazy crap you what.

  10. There is not enough brain numbing boxed wine in the world to make me lower my standards to that level.

    1. Uh uh, me either. He looks kind of greasy.

  11. he knocked up the et reporter christina mclarty. ho do anything for the good life

  12. I could see wanting some fun sexy times but not with him or Courtney. Shudder is right.

  13. I never get this threesome stuff if you have that short of an attention span why even bother with the pretense of a relationship. Probably because guys like this need a woman to look after him like the child that he is rather than just being a single guy where he can have his variety 24-7. Just hire a housekeeper probably cheaper in the long run but then David does not work much so he probably can't afford one.

  14. Very sad when someone can call getting knocked up by David Arquette "the good life". The worst parts of my life are better than that!

  15. Well no shit...she was married to Joe Francis, that should tell you what kind of girl she is!!

  16. Mazel tov to them!

  17. Why bother with a "relationship" if you want to swap or indulge in threesomes? This sort of thing always ends badly.

  18. Can't hate on the guy, he is an animal lover and adopted from a local rescue. Besides, what people do in their bedroom is their business, as long as everyone is consenting I don't see why this is an issue or in need of special attention.
