Sunday, June 01, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

February 18, 2014

This A list celebrity/rapper had a seizure over the weekend but was drinking sizzurp 6 hours after. He also found out he is going to be a daddy for the millionth time.

Lil Wayne


  1. I fear our tiny fertile Gremlin is not long for this world...

  2. Maybe if he didn't do the sizzurp the odds of having another spawn would go down?

  3. I'm surprised he was able to get it up. Or find a willing vagina to insert it into.

  4. Does Lil Wayne have a big Wayne? Because I can't imagine finding sizzurp breath attractive at all and something must be drawing these women to him. Sheath it or leave it!

    1. I imagine it smells like sex and candy. Grape or should I say purple flavored

  5. He probably shares his sizzurp with his bitches. Rappers are cool like dat.

  6. not so shocking, typical rock star behavior, not the first and won't be the last. codeine is in the opiate family.

  7. Home comes I didn't "get any" while drinking sizzurp? Well, it may have been that horrendous cough. And runny nose.

    1. Ooh hot Charlie picture. MmeeeOW!

    2. Ha. Thank you, Sherry. I sent in a different pic this year. No patch.

  8. Who are all these non entities this weekend? Not only did I have to google lil Wayne I also had to google sizzurp. Apparently it's Soda, cough medicine and a jolly ranchers candy. Wtf?

    1. I tried it. It's basically same taste as a Shirley temple. Add alcohol to that if you want a buzz would have same effect. Very disappointing

  9. @7- sizzurp breath has to be better than grillz breath.

  10. Replies
    1. I think the women think the risk is worth it. They assume that child support will be enough to pay for the HIV cocktails and they are stupid enough to think the one time to get pregnant won't give them the HIV. Unfortunately for some of them, they are probably getting HIV and not the pay day they expected!

  11. Do not see the sizzurp appeal. Codeine makes me sleep. .

  12. Me too, Reno. Which, given the wracking cough I had been enduring, was sweet sweet bliss.

  13. I think it should be law that men who insist on going forth and multiplying with one night stands etc need to get a forced vasectomy after x number of children - make the number of children dependent allowable before the state clamps you down on the income and assets of the father? Since human beings do not seem to have acquired common sense in great numbers still.

    The day is coming when that's going to have to happen unless you prefer massive famines as a way of culling the human herd.

    1. @Tina Mallette; and how about the mothers?

  14. I don't really see the attraction but I've read a firsthand account that he's quite the lady charmer in person.

    1. Here are some quotes from

      Lil Wayne- I met him a few years ago. He was the nicest celeb I've ever met. He was very charming and his personality makes him very attractive.


      I've met Wayne before, very laid back. He's shorter than me with his sneakers on and I'm short (I'm 5'5 on a good day). He's not rah rah like some rappers, or all extra and over the-top-begging-for-attention. The first time he met me he walked right up to me and kissed me on the cheek upon introduction, on some Southern hospitality-type sh*t. He wasn't trying to holla in the least bit, just trying to present himself as a little gentleman I suppose. I met him in a professional situation so I have no idea how he treats groupies. His attitude may be completely different in that respect.


      I've known him since he was 16. Seen him grow from playing childish games to being a smooth talker. He pays attention to EVERYTHING a woman says. He likes to here about your life. He will make you feel loved.

      He's just a smooth ass talker.


  15. That's all this world needs is another lil Wayne spawn

  16. If Lil Wayne ever changes his name (Like Diddy and Prince), he should change it to "Jizzurp".

  17. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Guess he has enough money for child support:)))

  18. I don't have a clue how to fix the problem of men impregnating random women with no regard to the child.

  19. He wont live to see that baby if he doesnt stop drugging. Some if thise sustances bond with the sperm and oops!- you have a special needs child. Because your too selfish to wear a condom or stop drugging. Not fair to the innocent child!!!!

    1. These, substances, you're. Ugh to me!

  20. A big thanks to Prada for explaining his allure. Still looks like that scary gremlin. I'd have to be messed up on sizzurp too to do him.

  21. Bloody hell Wayne wrap it up!

  22. Wasn't he revealed as the guy who refused to take his anti-seizure medication?
