Sunday, June 22, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

May 27, 2014

This sometime A+ list mostly movie actor was hammered when he bet almost $500K during a trip to Vegas last week and lost it all. He also spilled a several thousand dollar bottle of wine all over the table. Not Ben Affleck.

Nicolas Cage


  1. Replies
    1. Well done. Right out of the gates, Violet

    2. Awesome Job, Violet!

  2. I call bullshit. He doesn't have 500K to lose.

    1. Maybe so Jack but people are stupid when it comes to movie stahs...
      The thrill of having Nic CAGE!! on a string might be enough for someone to be foolish and not check his money history.
      But I digress...
      Bugs said it BEST!

    2. I guess you're right but that sounds like a lot of money to just wave off if somebody even a movie star can't actually pay it

    3. They extend credit to celebs at these casinos

    4. He should have gotten the Snipes treatment. He probably does have the money. He comes from a wealthy family. Celebrity poor is different from us normal people poor.

  3. He should get a toke in Dumb and Dumber 3

  4. Toke is good spelchek HOWEVER I wrote role!

  5. Good afternoon evening morning I'm back from enjoying outside and cleaning out my brain from yesterday.

  6. Good morning, sandyboo!

  7. Good afternoon, sandy!

  8. At his prime as an A+ actor, he was making $20 Million per film.
    But, still what an idiot!

  9. Afternoon sandy.

  10. Sandy - hello. What's up with your brain?

  11. Anonymous10:07 AM

    It's not easy to lose that much money as you are Leaving Las Vegas. Especially when they are Raising Arizona property taxes on the condo you own there...

    1. Her we go. Trying to stay Google free....

      Maybe he was trying to impress a Valley Girl, TNC?

    2. Anonymous10:19 AM

      (I agree to your terms Charlie)

      I think he might have been. But he wasn't prepared to Faceoff against her boyfriend. Knew he couldn't Kick-ass without winning a lot of money.

    3. Anonymous10:23 AM

      Personally, I don't see why anyone cares. It's not like he's some National Treasure. I find him rather Crood tbh. If I had my way, he'd be Gone in 60 Seconds. Next!

    4. Apparently, when he rolled Snake Eyes, it was the Kiss of Death.

    5. Anonymous10:27 AM

      (Nicely done!)
      Yeah. He thought he'd reach for the Moon. Struck out though, sadly.

    6. Don't be mad, it's just that he's Wild At Heart

    7. Anonymous10:31 AM

      Just can't see him as The Family Man he used to be. Especially as his wife now has to sell The Rock he have her when he proposed to pay his gambling debts.

    8. Being busted like that, looks like he probably had to fly home via Con Air. He was probably distracted, because Peggy Sue Got Married.

    9. Anonymous10:58 AM

      Could be. But anyone who blows that kinda money gambling is clearly compensating for something. I've heard it's only 8MM....

    10. (Nice!)

      That may be, but you definitely don't want to cross the Lord of War.

    11. Anonymous11:14 AM

      Well maybe he can get some money if he published an autobiography. Just needs to find a good Ghostrider.
      *writer. Stupid autocorrect.

      (A bit of a stretch I know, but I'm out of movies, and can't figure out how to work Red Rock West in).

  12. He makes it and spends it as fast as he can. Why else do think he does 50 movies a year. Also, anyone see the DM article where Sting says he has spent all his money? Is that a Blind Gossip one where Trudie was stuck in an Italian Hotel because she couldn't pay the bill?

    1. Yup. He tries to say he wants his kids to earn their own living but really he and Spendy blew it all on matching leather pants and threesome partners and drugs. Thanks dad!!
      Regarding Tess...I mean nic cage .. it's not like he's broke and owes the Irs anything. Oh wait. ....

  13. My brain was slightly hungover Violet needed a clearing out. And I come back and see a 242 comment section that was only 204 when I left and no fights!

  14. So Nic Cage dropped 500K on one night in Vegas? That's high praise, high praise.

  15. Morning sandy, yepper, that was an awesome sight for the

  16. Casinos don't give a shit about what your actual earnings are or how much to lose, especially if you're famous. They love putting up celebs with gambling problems and bleeding them dry. Junior Seau is a perfect example. He was gambling all over Nevada his last years even though he was having massive financial problems. He gambled away millions upon millions, his average bet was nearly $40K...

  17. Casinos must not understand Nic is broke and cant pay them back the extended courtesy they gave him.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. The casinos will cater to the celebs to attract and keep happy the high rollers who have the actual money to lose.

  20. He a mess. And he has no moola to lose according to irs. Notice if he is losing they aint kicking him out, only if you win. Thats so off kilter- the casinos use every dirty trick in the book to get u to gamble- free booze, beautiful girls, dim lighting, free smokes- but god forbid YOU do anything to try to win. Fuck them. Im glad lopez used their rug to take a nap, and glad ol' thin lips affleck counted cards there. I hope he does it again.

  21. Casinos don't give a half mill credit line to anyone that they aren't sure will pay, regardless of how famous the person may be.

  22. He should have made a visit to the Bunny Ranch. My times there have been... fun.

  23. He was SO GOOD in Leaving Las Vegas, allll downhill since then. Also Valley Girl and Raising Arizona. Done witchu, Mr. Cage!

  24. @Gossip-Monster I DID see that Sting article and came to the same conclusion as you.

    $180 million bucks all spent in one lifetime. To quote Keanu Reeves, "Whooaa."

  25. Wait Sting blew all his money? 180mm? Wow and here I am concerned about how much I can drop at the Farmers mkt.

    I'm not surprised if a casino let a famous very drunk guy bet that kind of cash. Drunk being the operative word here. That's what they want so you WILL lose.

    As Licky pointed out so long as you're losing you can stay. You start winning and it's adios muchachos.

  26. sting is selling his london mansion w/ more to come i'm sure

  27. FINALLY the perfect moment for this little beauty.

    1. Hehe, @JSierra

    2. I've been trying to post this for ages: I cannot believe that awesome gif hasn't received the love it deserves.

      Thank you, JSierra, from the bottom of my heart.

  28. Cage can pick up a couple million easy peasy by filming a commercial in Japan. Cage is hugely popular in Asia, but a few million won't solve his problems with his penchant for spending. Meanwhile Sting could go on tour for a year or two and generate $50 million but how long could he hold on to it?

  29. I read the sting article too. First of all, im sure his kids are well educated and living in house daddy bought. And mean no shade, id do same. Secondly, it didnt say he was broke, just that he has plans for his money- they hv a staff, yadda yadda, and prob knows what he is goingvto do with it. Mb donate it? Plus, he really isnt that old- he cld live another 20 or 30 years, so best be careful! He seemed embarassed he had so much money.

  30. Nah, Sting isn't broke. He's selling the 9-bedroom house in London because they are empty nesters. He said he's not leaving his trust funds for his kids and they don't expect it, but if they needed help of course he would help them. Chances are he's helped them get a leg up on life already.

  31. Nicolas cage lives in Las Vegas now

  32. The casinos will get their money. They don't build those things by letting anyone stiff them.

  33. Sting said he's not leaving his kids any money because it would be an albatross around their necks. He also said he and his wife spend it as fast as they get it so that there isn't much to leave anyway.

    I didn't know he was selling his London digs. I figured he was just blowing smoke so the kids don't shove him down a flight of stairs.

  34. His real life has become more entertaining than his acting. Check out "Red Rock West", "Vampire's Kiss", and "Raising Arizona" to see him on his acting ascent. All great movies.



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