Monday, June 30, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

April 1, 2014

This former A+ list mostly movie actor who hangs on to A list strictly because of his name hates his new movie role. The role has him looking well beyond his years and as a result is having to pay for sex which he is loathe to do.

Richard Gere


  1. This one makes no sense to me. I mean, production couldn't just make him look "well beyond his years" with daily makeup & special effects?? How low budget was it?

  2. "result is having to pay for sex which he is loathe to do."

    Sideeye, Sure he does.

  3. Can't he simply get out if costume / character?
    Anyway, who knew jerbals were so discriminating?

  4. So he had to age himself in real life for the role? He does know by now that movie make-up comes off, right? Excuses excuses, Richard...

  5. "Oh, whoa is me. This won't feel nearly as good because I had to pay this gorgeous woman to sleep with me. I feel so unfulfilled"

  6. He was just in Best Exotic Marigold Hotel 2. Maybe he had to develop a pot belly, or grow an ugly beard, or look visibly old in some other fashion.

  7. How much is he paying?? (Just out of curiousity.)

  8. Hardly seems like devout Buddhist behavior.

  9. Hes in his late fifties or early sixties with a full head of grey hair and he was married forever to Carey Lowell and hes out paying for sex because hes not Richard Gere anymore? B.s.

  10. BS

    Richard Gere doesn't pay for sex

  11. he took weight on. then took the role to mask that. it is not the lipstick he can not wipe off the face.

    maybe he pays to be able to keep it on while this time swallowing the gerbil... :-)

  12. I bet his mantra every morning is "I was married to Cindy Crawford,bitches"
    Over and over again. Probably more effective than coffee as a wake me up.

  13. No. Even if he gained weight, a lot of it, even if he lost his hair, all of it, he still wouldn't have to pay for sex.

    a) his face is still handsome. But that's irrelevant, because
    b) fame hos will sleep with ANY man who has money/power. He can be a complete troll. Give me a break. And yes, there are plenty of very young, very beautiful fame hos.

  14. No way. He's Richard Gere!

  15. @Seven, love it! And love Prof. X. :)

  16. Maybe ladies over 35 will wont pay for sex but for some these Youngs one he will.

  17. Cute new pic : )

  18. He has money...there are young chippies out there who will do it for free. Especially wanna be models and actresses who feel that they can make it to the top with his help.

  19. Thanks, @Dena and @Steampunk! :)

  20. Padma Lakshmi only dresses cheap, but she charges the BIG bucks! Pay up Old Man Gere.

  21. Is he in another country where they don't know who he is? If Cavali can get some young model hottie, so can Richard.

  22. This is funny timing bc yesterday I watched the Curb Your Enthusiasm where someone spreads a rumor about Larry that he stuck a gerbil up his butt and I was wondering if Larry based it on something he knew about Richard Gere

  23. Anonymous10:45 AM

    u know what richard...bite me. u didn't get laid enough when u were pretty? some guys NEVER see that much action in their lifetime for free. suck it up. aging IS what it IS. u r no longer an with it. ((eyeroll))

  24. He is shooting a movie in which he plays a homeless man. He has to look pretty bad for the role, he grew a beard, stopped grooming himself, etc. In fact, there was an article in the NY Daily News bout how some woman gave him money thinking he really WAS homeless.

  25. This is utter BS. Gere would never have to pay for sex. Please.

  26. This is B.S. because all he has to do is call me.

  27. Keep in mind even for celeb men there's a point after which their advancing age outstrips their fame and wealth. Sure there are some like Connery or even maybe Nicholson who have that old man charm but even they have stories of them paying. For a guy like Gere who's a jerk who's basically always gotten by on looks it believable that he could have to pay if there's a sudden steep decrease in attractiveness. They may not Always pay after that point but where they used to be able to get any girl, fewer will be able to give him a free roll. Sucks when those dudes hit the wall but it happens (looking at you Clooney).

    1. Perfect example: Gene Simmons

  28. Gene Simmons is in no way comparable to Richard gere. Gene Simmons was never pretty.

    If gere is paying for it, it's because he wants to, not because he has to. When a man is worth a hundred million, it doesn't matter what he looks or smells like, I'm ashamed to say of my own gender, but there is always some woman who will do him simply because he is rich. However this is Richard gere, and no way he can't get laid for free. He's still attractive, he's still Richard gere and he's still filthy rich,

  29. If Richard had to pay for it, this world is going to hell.

  30. If he's paying, it's b/c he wants a professional (discretion, talent and no strings attached, for starters), not for lack of opportunities.

    I'm willing to bet that MANY gorgeous and uninhibited women would love to spend an hour or two with him for free.

    At the end of the day, an old and ragged Richard Gere is still *Richard Gere*.

  31. NomNom and others have it right. Young, gorgeous starlets would do him for publicity and baubles.

    If he's paying it's because he's paying them to leave or to indulge in something unusual.

  32. Didn't say he HAD to pay just that the free options fall as attractiveness goes. For a guy who's used to the cream of the crop he's prob not going to slum for the average chicks that'd do him,he'll pay to keep the relative level of talent high. Look at him like the former 10 at the club who's getting older. Sure the average schlubs still want to do her but she's used to they top guys taking a run at her. She's not going to aim lower causes in doing that she'd be admitting she's not as hot as she once was.

  33. I am ashamed to admit that I still find Richard Gere attractive

  34. Gere just finished making The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel 2. He's a great looking 64. This sounds like a joke he might have made more then the truth.

  35. Sorry, there's just no way Richard Gere is paying for sex. It's Richard Gere; the man still looks good, whatever you think of him personally.

  36. A rich movie star getting older doesn't face the same issues that your average Joe does.

    Gere can still pull Grade A ass seven days a week.

  37. Why did he take the role? Is he that desperate for money? Is he paying for sex as a character? Or in his real life? The blind is kinda of screwy. Or should I say not? HahHa!

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. I still want to know how the whole gerbil rumour got traction. He must have really pissed someone off.

  40. Richard Gere hasn't paid for sex a day in his life! No way. Wasn't there another blind that said he was taking a meditation break on his film when in reality he was getting a bj?

  41. As a homeless man:

  42. as if any celeb, one who has money espesh, has to pay, let alone Gere, this is bulldoody.
