Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

June 6, 2014

This C list lesser known sister of this huge entertainment family hates her more well known A list sister. The C lister thinks her career was ruined by the more famous sister. She also thinks the more famous sister threw her under the bus when it came to their even more famous brother. That is the reason the C lister had to hustle and scheme to make money and never got the monthly stipend everyone else received.

LaToya Jackson


  1. Team Janet. She seems like the only relatively sane person in that family. and she is a bit kookoo herself....

  2. What did Janet tell Michael to make him cut her??!

  3. Team LaToya allllll day. Janet has been making cash from middle eastern men for decades so why go out of her way to mess with the detective's cash flow.

  4. there are no normal Jacksons

  5. Every single member of this family is riding the crazy train to nowhere.

  6. monthly stipend? does anyone else think that's not a good idea giving your siblings money for nothing every month? wth?

  7. Maybe Rebbie isn't on the crazy train?

  8. They should have been pulled off the tit a long time ago.

  9. Wasn't this revealed a couple weeks ago?

    1. Feels like it because it was posted only a couple weeks ago! VIP nailed this one!

  10. I laughed...what career??

  11. @ derek - don't kid yourself. Janet is just as delusional as the rest of that fucked up family.

  12. LaToya never really had a career. You know Mom guilted Michael in the 80's, then Janet in the 90's to take care of the rest of them. Janet's career tanked after the superbowl, even though JT is fine, & without Michael she had to marry rich to take care of that family. I didn't believe Wife Swap when they had another brother on, no one would pay to see the other perform.

  13. I laughed at Wife Swap, ain't no one paying to see Randy.

    It's no fair that Janet's took the hit for the superbowl stunt, the little dick Justin is thriving.

    1. Yes, it is fair she took the hit.
      He wasn't wearing the tricked out bra & nipple shield.
      She had to know what was going to happen when he pulled on it, whether he knew is just conjecture, until one of them finally tells the truth.

  14. That family is a nest of vipers. Less said about tgem the better.

  15. I never liked Janet. There's something shifty about her. She tries to be too sugar sweet. Not to be trusted, that one.

  16. At one point, LaToya acknowledged that Michael was a molester and claimed to have shown proof to Katherine. She's since done a complete 180.

  17. No...Janet didn't ruin LaToya's career. Janet has talent, LaToya doesn't.

  18. Rebbie(?) lives in Europe. She doesn't have time for that foolishness.
    Janet married a billionaire plus she's still getting residuals from her music, TV, and movies.
    Someone told them they were royalty and it went to their heads.

  19. And I hate Jermaine's hair.

  20. Makes perfect sense...Michael hated LaToya!

  21. Why did Michael hate LaToya??

  22. LaToya, the reason Janet is more famous than you, is because she got smart and went off to Minneapolis with Terry Lewis and Jimmy Jam in 1985. Those three made some fucking GREAT music!

  23. Remember when LaToya was in the Say Say Say video and was kinda like MJs love interest along with the McCartneys? They're all weirdos. Damn Joe.

  24. Janet was behind the mothers kidnapping to Arizona and slapping Paris in the driveway.
    Janet wants Michael estate to keep up rest of family so she doesn't have to.
    Janet us shady and shifty as fu.k and the kids know it now.

  25. I remember all the 'oh Rebbie's the normal one,' but wasn't Rebbie in on that absurd kidnapping thing of Katherine Jackson?

  26. A brief summary of Janet Jackson:

    James deBarge. Rumored child that was raised by a family member while she went on with her life.

    Rene Elizondo. Never admitted that they were married but did announce their divorce.

    I have no idea what was going on with Jermaine Dupri.

    As others have already indicated above she's participated in various other shenanigans with both her family and others.

    Not a very nice person. Beautiful smile though.

  27. That whole stipend this doesn't surprise me about Michael. However, LaToya can't blame Janet for Michael's actions. She stupidly got involved with Jack Gordon and started talking crap about the family. Whether you have a great or terrible family, you keep the mess quiet.

    Even with her becoming part of the family again back in the 90s, I don't know how Michael would trust her completely again; she was the closest one to him before her marriage.

    I still love Janet and the rest of the family!!! They're just as messy as a LOT of people, especially ones who do keep their business quiet.



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