Sunday, June 29, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

June 16, 2014

This former A list mostly movie actor from a franchise that no longer exists, is still hovering in that A-/B+ list range. He is also secretly dating someone to keep it all out of the press. She thinks she is the only one and for now is content to keep things quiet. Another reason he might be keeping it quiet though is because he has also been hooking up with this A+ list singer who he hooked up with about a year ago for the first time. They have reconnected in a big way.

Robert Pattinson/Katy Perry


  1. Are we supposed to guess the secret one? Good morning/afternoon all!

  2. That's quite a hot couple actually IMO.

    1. I could deal with the endless gossip on these two. I kinda like it! The prob go at it like bunnies.

  3. Anonymous10:03 AM

    i dont know why, but my knee jerk reaction was to call katy loose or some such nonsense. if i were her i'd run amok boning cute famous rich guys too. shame on me!

  4. Why would she be loose? In this senereo rob is the one fucking two women so if you're going to judge anyone for being "loose" it should be him. Or maybe we could stop shaming ppl altogether for how many ppl they choose to date/sleep with.

  5. But Katy does or doesn't know he has a secret girlfriend?

    Sorry, I don't care who the guy is, if he has a girlfriend or SO he's not going to turn me on!

  6. Alert the media, twentysomething "heartthrob" is a player

  7. He seems like such a doofus. Is he?

  8. Anonymous10:13 AM

    @just ducky

    lets try NOT to make sense of a random internet comment, m'kay? is this typically what u do on Sunday's? challenge comments that make u uncomfortably pissed.

  9. Anonymous10:18 AM

    yeah, i dont care...

    1. Okay. I'll go cry into my pillow about that. Have a nice day.

    2. Ok that's enough snark outta u fancy
      Beat it if u can't be nice

  10. And a thousand Twihard fans hearts just melted into a puddle of glittery goo at the mere mention of Edward being with anyone else but Bella.

  11. Anonymous10:23 AM

    im quite alright with u just shutting the hell up, no crying necessary...


  12. Everyone wants to pair him with Katy Perry, but I don't buy it. I think she has him firmly in the friend zone, even if he might be interested in more.

    Wasn't Katy just on a romantic Carribbean trip with Diplo?

  13. Charlie I'm late, but I'm here now! Cease and desist of the Katy shaming people! She a good girl. haha

  14. When I see Katy, all I can see is John Mayer and Russell Brand. She willingly chose to be with those to.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Could the secret girlfriend be Rose McGowan, who was in that vampire picture Enty posted the other day?

  17. I meant Katy choose those two rather gross men. Although Rob seems to drink, and seems drunk/high in interviews not sure is Rob is quite at their level.

  18. Planted blind to un-gay him

  19. Rob ripping on the sparklepire movie kind of made me like him. Plus he was Cedric Diggory.

    I kind of don't buy this. Katy seems to like the kinky guys. Really kinky guys. She did date John Mayer for quite a long time & he's super kinky. Supposedly so is Russell Brand.

  20. Random fact..Kaley Perry and k stew share the same publicist.

  21. really thinks that enty is falling for a few of Rob's hater fans that like to send shit to the tabloids. Enty my man you need to really check your "sources" and they need to not be annie packer or poopstool. Two of the biggest Rob haters in the fandom

  22. When I am forced to think of Katy Perry I think of scat play. Can you be in a relationship that didn't include some kind of kink after that?

  23. Katy and Kristen do have the same publicist, which is why I find the Katy/Rob rumor odd. I think if they were dating, Katy/Kristen publicist would have Katy/Rob just be more obvious about it. It would dispel the rumors and help him pick up more male fans.

  24. Anonymous7:26 PM


    u dont tell me what to do sweetie. jack ducky started the snark. i was posting to entys comment.

  25. Anonymous7:36 PM

    i just re-read the comments HOW IN THE HELL AM I BEING MEAN? I started out minding my own business. jack duckys first comment to me was quite curt or did u not notice?

