Monday, June 30, 2014

Blind Items Revealed - Kindness

April 2, 2014

This A+ list entertainer(singer) did it again. Unannounced and with no publicity wanted, our entertainer spent five hours at another children's hospital in another city. As much as she gets things thrown her way for bad things she certainly spends a lot of time doing good for others and trying to make sick kids have a better day.

Taylor Swift


  1. God bless her. Every time I think she's just a little bit annoying and then she does some nice stuff.

  2. You should know enty you're one of the tossers (Good one, me). : D

  3. No one be fooled, she stalking a doctor there. (Just kidding!)

    Good on her.

  4. Shes really still a kid so I bet shes very comfortable and relates well with kids.

  5. What bad things does she do?

  6. Oh gets revenge on her exes by writing nasty songs about them.

    1. Name a musician that doesn't do that

  7. Similar blind about Britney. Good for both of them.

  8. I love the kindness blinds. Keep it up Swifty!

  9. For all the maturity ascribed to her for the way she manages her career and professional life, In her personal life she remains very much a sweet child.

  10. She goes where her handlers take her :/

  11. Maybe so-and really, good for her!-but I vividly remember the first reveal for a children's hospital blind being about Disney star Debbie Ryan when everyone-including myself-had originally guessed Swift.

  12. i've only heard one of her songs ever. so it's not like i'm a fan. but she's a good person. she doesn't have to do this but she does.

  13. That's a nice thing for her to do. She's still annoying and phony. Although, to be fair, all the photo-op trips to the gym where she's dressed to the nines and never works out do crack me up. She's not a total loss.

  14. Please. She knows the story will probably leak anyways. She wants to seem like the genuine article by not "purposely" trying to publicize her hospital visits.

  15. I think it's sweet of her. Even if it gets out and gives her some good publicity it still doesn't matter because I bet the kids love it.

  16. she may be the creepy cat lady, but I always respect how well she treats her fans. Especially the younger fans and sick kids.
