Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Blind Items Revealed - Kindness

June 5, 2014

This actress is foreign born. Really close to A list. She is a fairly good actress but it barely compares to the clothes she is always wearing. Our actress has had the same housekeeper for years. She has always matched the salary of her housekeeper every year with a bonus equivalent to the housekeeper's salary, but also paid for all the legal fees to get the relatives of the housekeeper to the States. She found all the relatives jobs and bought a house where they all live. Our actress says she would do the same for her own family and she considers the housekeeper family.

Diane Kruger


  1. Awwwww I know a few rich families in LA who do this. Go Diane!
    Oh and ^5 msgirl

  2. I always considered my housekeeper family too.

    1. Me too.

      Of course, she's my mother, so that might explain it.

  3. Shes a good soul. Its true, some monied people wld be lost without their staff, and the smart ones shiw apreciation.

  4. I got one! Now I like her even more.

  5. Usually the ones who worked their way up & very good about helping others.

  6. If I remember correctly Diana grew up with just her mom, they just scrapped by. I think it stays with you when you grow up like that, & if you get in a position to help others you do.

  7. I think Charlize should take a page from Ms.krugers play book:)

  8. I was not expecting this to be her. Kind of thought she wouldn't be one of the nice ones.

  9. Hope housekeeper doesn't sleep with her man

  10. That is so sweet and so un-Hollywood. Charlize Theron should be ashamed and learn some class from Diane, after she said she gave food she didn't liked it to "her cleaning ladies".

  11. @Maria---I read that too! She was like "I gave the cupcakes to my friend -they didn't like it so then I gave it to my maid and even she wouldn't eat it so I gave it my dog"...lmao

  12. I gave our housekeeper two Masters of the Universe DVD Sets* to give to her sons Sunday, does that count enough to give me a kindness blind?

    *The sets each had 20 episodes, not full seasons. They were volume 1 and 2 making it the first 40 episodes of the show. I didn't need them since I got the 30 anniversary set with all three series on it.

  13. Good for her - maybe a little guilt because successful celebs don't have to worry about issues like citizenship. They can live wherever they want.

  14. I really really needed a housekeeper before because I was 4 feet away from my luggage scale, and i coukdnt reach it to see if i packed too much. Really needed help. Lol

  15. Oh yeah, to be honest we really do have a housekeeper that comes over one day a week for about 5-6 hours to clean. My Dad and I are horrible at keeping house. Neither of us has the patience for it. Basically we just have her mop and clean the kitchen and bathroom. She's a sweet woman who is going to college to get a degree. She's an immigrant from Mexico and would rather do this than be on the public dole. The week before she had her kids with her and was going to make them stay outside as to not bother us while she worked but we told her not to worry, our house is her house. They came in and had a blast. They don't have any gaming systems and were playing mine (360, PS3, Wii U, FC2plus which plays nes, SNES and Genesis games, Gamecube, etc.) and watched Transformers Revenge of the Fallen and Dark of the Moon. I took them out to my storage building and found them my old Wii console, an extra controller and a few games to give them. When they left, she wouldn't take the money from my Dad so she could pay for the Wii for her kids, I told her not to worry about it and if she wanted to "pay" for it, she could help me organize some of my stuff one day when she's over.

    She took a pic of my room and that night called to tel me she drew up plans on how we could organize everything. She brought it over Sunday and honestly, it's going to look great. She's awesome!

  16. The news story about this reveal came out a week ago.

    Any more tea on potential Kruger/Jackson split? All seems to have gone quiet.

  17. Really close to A list and a fairly good actress? Ummm...

  18. This makes me like her even more.

  19. This was in my recent issue of star magazine along with several other reveals.
    Jlo and ti. Some more can't remember
    Enty's new source must work at star last few pages were all reveals.

  20. Agreed S...Enty was pretty lenient on ratings. Diane K is a fashion goddess, but good actor she ain't.

    I think the rating must have been fudged to throw us off. I've been reading CDAN for years, and Diane (I follow her) is always described as B mostly movies.

  21. Wow. This is awesome :) The following threw me off though: "She has always matched the salary of her housekeeper every year with a bonus equivalent to the housekeeper's salary..." I mean, if the housekeeper's salary was say, $70,000 and Diane matches it with a "bonus" every year, then why not just make her salary a flat out $140,000?? I don't get it...

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. She's awesome. (And I think what you did is awesome, too, @Rowdy. :) )

  24. I always said that if I was rich that I would do the same. I have a super soft spot for people in the services industry. I know it isn't easy to have to clean up after people, serve people, and deal with certain people's shit. Bless her for being awesome! I knew I always liked her for some unexplained reason.
