Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Blind Item #9

For the first time that I can remember, this A list daytime star showed off her girlfriend in public. At the Daytime Emmy's no less. Our actress has been so deep in the closet for decades.


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  2. Kristian Alfonso is married to a man for quite some time now.

    Same with Kim Zimmer.

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  5. Replies
    1. I wish. I'm straight but there are a few exceptions I'd TOTALLY make with a few select unbelievably hot/sexy female celebrities. (The all around incredible Connie Britton tops my small list but Kelly is absolutely on there too!)

  6. Queen?
    I dn't think she came out yet.

  7. I always forget Latifah has a show but she is like the worst kept secret in Hollywood.

  8. This shouldn't be hard there are only 3 left and very few ppm on for decades :(

  9. Yay!! Its tough to come out of hiding- Good for her

  10. Dee Hall. It's the soap world's worst kept secret.

    1. Really? My aunt has been in the soap industry for decades and she says she's never heard this. Source? (Not insisting you're wrong, I'm just curious)

  11. I dont think Queen would be considered in the closet she just doesn't say anything.

  12. Queen Latifah is a lesbian?!
    What?! I'm just kidding. Is she back with the fitness instructor or someone else?

    And if she was so deep in the closet, it must be a glass closet because we can see right through it.

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  14. Good for them !!!
    Not sure who it is.

  15. Judith Light came out years ago Tricia

    1. I never thought about her sexuality. Huh.

  16. Judith was a presenter.
    This is her

  17. I never heard of that..and never been papped with a female companion...or discussed it, and she's on talk shows still quite a lot..

  18. Shes not in the closet its not her

  19. If she came out..she whispered it

  20. K
    Robin strasser FTW

  21. Judith Light is married to a man. Not that it means she isn't gay. But she's an LGBT rights supporter, so I doubt she's a closeted lesbian as well.

  22. Google it she came out in 2008 or 9 and helped the little kid from Who's The Boss when he came out after she did. Her son on the show.

  23. I wonder if she found that slipper I lost in my closet so long ago.

  24. Aren't Deidra Hall and Jane Elliot (Tracy Quartermaine from GH) a couple in real life?

  25. Deidre's gf is Jane Elliot (Tracy Quartermaine). Read that Hall is throwing a party soon for Elliot and former co - star Chandler Massey.

    1. Little Miss, you owe me some, I mean a Coke.

    2. Did not know Deidra is gay. Huh

    3. I gotta say...I'm kinda dumbfounded right now. Where did you hear this?

  26. Judith Light has been married to a guy for a long time. That doesn't mean that he isn't bearding for her, but she is a very active LGBT activist, so probably would have come out by now if she was gay. Deidre Hall has been married 4 times to men and the marriages lasted for multiple yearsm so unless she is like Meridith Baxter and says he's gay now, I doubt it's her.

    1. I suspect that people are getting Meredith Baxter (God, I still want to add Birney at the end) mixed up with Judith Light. I even found a "humorous" article with Judith supposedly snapping at the reporter for mixing her up with Meredith. It went on to add that the mother from "Who's The Boss?", Joanna Kearns, had come out as well.

  27. So if Deirdre hall is out throwing a party for Jane elliot(nice looking couple.), there not closeted either....

  28. Whoopi!
    final answer.

  29. Susan Flannery

    Deirdre Hall

    Michelle Stafford

    Jane Elliott

    1. I can totes see Susan Flannery. She pinged my gaydar when B&B first started back in the 80s

  30. I have never heard a whisper of Judith Light coming out. But anyway, she doesn't fit, unless she back doing daytime. Whose the Boss and Ugly Betty were her most recent thing, non?

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  33. @warecat...funny..always thought whooping was a lesbian, but she's sooo open and candid, can't see her concealing it

    Plus..she talks about dudes a lot, in a gg good she a supafreak

  34. Deidra Hall has been married four times. I doubt she's gay.

    Jane Elliot has been married once and has a son.

    I'm guessing these two might actually really be "just friends".

  35. Judith Light has been married almost 30 years and is a huge gay rights supporter. I doubt she'd be worried about being closeted.

  36. Alrighty so my original guess of hours ago

  37. I deleted it but had said ms. Strasser is a former instructor of mine, and while lovely and super cool, was a it...dunno.
    Pinged my radar and that was...20 years ago
    So..if her, which I think...good news and happy for her
    Also she exiting show or hphas fro health reasons, so maybe it was just time to come out

  38. being married does not rule you out.......or having children

    ala Meredith Baxter formerly Birney

  39. Years ago Judith Light and I were the only women in first class. When I was struggling to get my briefcase in an overhead bin (I'm short), she jumped up to help me. The men watched...

  40. Michelle Stafford

  41. Michelle Stafford, never married, she was on Y&R for forever until last year when she took a year off before joining GH, and she presented at the show with Jason Thompson and a most likely drunk Kelly Monaco.

    Honestly anyone else I can think of this being weren't at the ceremony or have left daytime behind. The smart ones though skipped the Red Carpet.

  42. @Rose No one is trying to slander Dee. The stories about her and Elliot have been out there for a long time. I think Hall is gay and, given how conservative some soap viewers are, I can't slam her for being closeted. Eliot's bff Tony Geary isn't out either, but everyone knows.

    As far as marriage and children, I don't think it proves much. Travolta, Cruise, Marcia Cross et cetera ad infinitum.

    1. Thanks for the reply! I didn't think you were slandering her at all :) I was just kinda floored at the idea of her being a closeted lesbian. But...stranger things have happened!

  43. Never heard if michelle stafford but checked her's a remote possibility....but she's still quite young compared to other vets if daytime and decades to me is..20-30 years....
    This is why why Robyn strasser compels.
    And I'd dee hall and Elliot have been so sloppy to be sorta an open secret..I think this not them either

  44. OT because truly has nothing to do with this answer
    Kelly Monaco is a ---- vacuum

  45. Diedre hall??? Or was it Tracey Bergman? ?
    Better check the photos for accuracy before outing someone enty..You don't have a good track record. .
    Michelle Stafford is gay??? Who was it that said she was way deep in co $$
    Isn't scio $$ soooo anti gaygay??
    Can whoever told me about her and Tony Ortega clarify all the deets on ms please? ?

  46. Michelle Stafford is COS as is Sharon on Y&R. Interesting story. The older actor that played Katherine Chandler's husband Murphy was long time COS. Then he called bullshit and left. Supposedly Michelle and Sharon harassed and threatened him on the set and refused to be in scenes with him.


  48. Evidently ms strasser has been veeeery vocal in the LGBT community for many years, and partook in the ABC event when a bunch of same sex couples were an "officiating member"

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  51. Diedre Hall is gay and everyone's known since before the flood.

  52. m brown..ooohhhh i didnt know sharon was scio too!!
    give me all the deets you have on her too.. i love good y/r gossip..

  53. @sugarbread I don't know anything else. She's often listed as a scientologist and shows up at their events. I read the Murphy stuff on Ortega's site. But everytime the character is dealing with her bipolar story line I wonder what she's thinking and if she's getting any pressure from anyone.

  54. Liz your aunt is a soap insider and she has NEVER heard rumors Dee Hall is a lesbian?? Really? I worked in Soaps in the 90's and think I heard that my first month..and I didn't work on NBC soaps!. I remember when Eileen Davidson was cast on Days everyone was joking Dee has sent her flowers the day she got cast..

    1. Yeah when I texted her yesterday she said that was the first time she'd heard that rumor. Apparently my aunt needs to either pay closer attention or find better gossipers! LOL
