Monday, June 23, 2014

Blind Item #9

This former A+ list mostly television actor from a very very hit network show rarely acts any longer and prefers to be behind the camera. He has a big temper as this foreign born B list mostly movie actress, who is an Academy Award winner/nominee found out. He beat her to the point where she needed surgery to repair her hearing. The incident happened in her home country and she was responsible for hushing it up.


  1. Opie Cunningham?

    Couldn't be....

  2. David Schwimmer? Although I could never believe it.

  3. Hopefully Alan Alda or Rob Reiner are too old to do this. Reined could be though....

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. *Reiner * could be the guy though. Idk the actress.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Why should SHE hush it up? She should have had him arrested.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Replies
    1. Michael Steadman would never!

  10. Whoa.
    Not cool.
    Hopefully not Ron Howard.

  11. Doesn't say they were married @S

  12. Too many to choose from

  13. This is Peter Berg

    1. What "very very hit network show" was he on?

  14. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Thumbs up guys :) very high and very happy!

    1. Wow. How exciting!!! So glad u posted ur out and happily high.

    2. Good to hear you're doing so well & feeling no pain!

  15. Are you out of surgery already? Hope your recovery is fast sweetie! I'll bet also, it's not just the pain meds making you feel lighter.

  16. Replies
    1. @ladyh WAIT WUT NO!!

      Really? :(

    2. Naw, it's Peter Berg. I could see this as Harris though. His wifey had at least one oscar nomination. Harris has been supporting some real assholes lately

    3. Plus Harris is a mostly movie actor

    4. @LadyH I'm sorry my mind was temporarily overwhelmed with find memories of The Rock. Harris was so good, oh and Cage and Connery? That was such an entertaining movie. And mmmmmmm Michael Behn. "Like you, I swore a vow to defend our country from terrorists. Foreign. And domestic."

      So basically I'd forgotten how much I loved The Rock until today, thanks Lady H!

  17. agree Tricia, it's Peter Berg

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. He was on Chicago Hope back in the 90's

  20. @ unknown..Chicago hope

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Replies
    1. Friggin autocorrect

      Eriq La Salle

  23. Whomever he is, he's a total low life, scum bag and I hope someone beats the crap out of him so bad he needs surgery.

  24. I'd believe practically anything about Ed Harris. I'd cross the street to avoid him. He scares me.

  25. i like the david schwimmer guess

  26. Fred Savage "the wonder years". Don't know the actress

  27. I'm going with Berg on this one. This is definitely not Ronny Howard.

  28. Replies
    1. I'm not sure Wheaton could kick a woman's ass. I thought of schwimmer too but he's had a few movies recently. Peter Berg is a dick but not sure I'd classify him A for a 2nd banana to ER.

    2. Seachica

      TNG taught me that sort of stuff doesn't happen in the Federation.

      Except for maybe in DS9. But probably not.

    3. *except for if it were Jadzia and Worf, but that's consensual.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. No way Peter Berg was ever A+ or Chicago Hope was very very hit network show. Fred savage is interesting guess.

  32. He absolutely was..and Chicago hope was Huygens,ER huge
    And savage directs episodic schlock tv..not likely to find him beating down a woman in her foreign country
    He was also re revealed as the former actor who never leaves his house and has assistants do errands

  33. Also based in character assessments / testimonials of both berg and savage..ones, um an asshole(widely known as berg)
    Ones a sweetheart...ask Winnie cooper

  34. Never heard of Berg. Maybe he's an A overseas.....

  35. Haven't seen Savages, but looking at IMDB, I don't see Berg listed there on the acting or producting/directing side. Obviously, I could have missed something.

  36. Peter Berg is most definitely not A+ just for Chicago Hope. It was an ensemble series and not huge like ER. If Sofia Vergara, the highest paid woman on TV, is a current B / A because of her show only, then nobody mentioned above except for Fred Savage is or ever has been more than a solid A at best.

  37. @frufru thought he had producing credit, which is sometimes uncredited..know he's friends with Oliver stone Here. American actor started in TV..his former show was nominated almost every year in mid to late 90s
    For best drama, best ensemble, best actor/tress etc..transitioned to film then directing.
    Famously dated Madonna at one point

  38. Oliver Stone directed Savages.
    Peter Berg directed Battleship

  39. I'm aware.....just said they Re friends, think he had a prod. Cred

  40. Frankly it could be Alec Baldwin.

  41. Except fir which projects is known for behind a camera...he's Never, behind a camera

  42. If going Fred savage route which I posted as a joke when this blind first posted..why not Kirk Cameron then? He directs inspirational, religious programs..

  43. ? Fred savage is married for years with kids, my eye dr was at his and his bro bens wedding because they are lifelong family friends..he is probably, one of the nicest, most normal people in that insane circus called show biz.

  44. @Tricia, why does it bother you if people have guesses contrary to your own?

  45. It doesn't..but there is no substantive nature to tome, so I just share what I know,often on a personal level,as I appreciate when others do

  46. I'll digress to,no worries....just illuminates possibilities and helps discount non possibilities, which in turn, helps sort, solve the blinds...which I thought was the point

  47. oT
    Great news@ wahoo.....Godspeed recovery

  48. um.... ok. Thanks for clarification. :-)

  49. No worries, sorry if it seemed offputting:(

    1. Tricia, I post in mobile order, not chronological,so God knows what happens down thread.

      I think we need an icon for people that actually know some of the people referenced in these blinds. I'm a complete non Hollywood-ite, but I know some of you traverse those gold plated streets (that was irony, the gold bit - it would likely be brass ;).

      I think we probably bug you Hollywood-ins with our guesses, and I guess some of my non-HW types get finicky.

      Personally I like it when people with a personal celeb story talk.

      In conclusion: if you know any of these people, even tangentially, please go with it XD

  50. Apologies to all for that actually:)

  51. No worries. Lots can get lost in the translation of typing.

  52. Y'all are hurting my heart with some of these guesses. LOL

    So happy for you @wahoowifey! Keep us updated.

  53. Yikes...I'm going to have to go with Peter Burg. I refuse to believe little Opie Cunningham is a violent man.

  54. I read this as Mickey Dolenz because was there ever really any teevee hit as big as The Monkees?

  55. David Schwimmer dated academy award winning Israeli actress Mili Avital in the early 2000s.

  56. Wait. What? Why all the hate for Ed Harris?? What's the story that I've never heard? I don't believe this is him. He is former A movies, not A+ television.

  57. I agree, the Monkees was the biggest U.S. t.v. show ever. But, no way this is my boo Micky Dolenz.

  58. Peter Horton, he played Gary on Thirty Something.
    After he did some acting but mostly went in Directing. There were some unsavory rumors about his abusive nature...

  59. Ed Harris isn't a tv actor. He doesn't beat women. He's the kindest man you'd ever want to meet.

    Busfield molests underage actresses on the shows he directs. I don't know if he beats women, wouldn't put it past that scumbag.

  60. I don't usually guess on these kind of things, seems to malign innocent people if I'm wrong, but the name that came to my mind reading the description was Zach Braff. A+ TV actor now behind the scenes. Didn't handle his "Punk'd" episode well so who knows about anger issues? (Disclaimer: SO not a fan of Punk'd, just saying....)

  61. It's not just that Ed Harris is more films than TV. My late mom worked w/him in the early 80s when he was the lead in a super-obscure indie film--she found he was not just a terrific actor--it was a pleasure to act with him, & he was a truly stand-up, all-round decent guy.

    Super-Obscure indie was shot a couple of years before Harris got natl raves for Fool for Love (S Shepard play) & The Right Stuff. I'd hate to think he went to the Dark Side afterwards.

  62. Jonathan Frakes — Ryker in Star Trek, now mostly a director.
    Na, kidding. He's been married for thirty years, and he seems a cook guy.

    Eriq La Salle, David Schwimmer and Peter Berg are good choices, but Berg would be mostly known today as being the A list director of various films.

  63. Since we're on the ER train, what about Noah Wylie? He was big on ER, has been in (TV) films, and currently stars and produces Falling Skies.
