Sunday, June 22, 2014

Blind Item #7

Two nights ago this B list reality star from an A list reality show spent the night with a blonde who looks nothing like his significant other.


  1. Is the problem that she was blonde? Not sure I understand the thrust of this blind

    1. TTM: Thrust, good choice of words.

      OT: reading a great book about the English language I think our lovers of words here would enjoy. "The Word Exchange" by Alena Graedon.
      I know Riven and Lady H would especially appreciate it. They're quite fond of language so wanted to put it out there. OT over.

    2. Thanks Sherry. Just read a review of it as well- it sounds very interesting!

    3. Just cracked it last night and about a third through it. I'm enjoying it immensely LadyH. Get at your local library.

    4. @TTM Blonde and with a peen.

    5. That sounds like fun, Sherry, I will check it oot!

    6. @Sherry I saw this, and that book sounds lovely! It's on my kindle list, thanks. :)

  2. I'm preetty sure we had this one last week. Same chap. Same blonde.

  3. Maybe it's that he doesn't have a type? Or that his baby momma is not his type?

  4. Joe Guidodooshey.

    (I hope it's not Lord D!)

  5. If it is Lord Disick I don't think Kourtney cares. She is by far my fav Kardashian but she doesn't really seem that into her relationship. She just loves her kids and wants more.

  6. So to recap,Man cheats on dark haired wife. Back to you Lisa, but first? Weather!

  7. Tweens? Reality whores.... I'm getting stabby... as TTM would say.

    1. G'morning Gweeds! Not stabby today!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I think one should be a bit more discerning about the father of your offspring - she is stuck dealing with Disick for the rest of her life unless he can be bought off.

  10. Kourtney should care isn't she knocked up again?

  11. I don't understand Kourtney's ability to look the other way. Yes they have cute kids but she is allowing his alcoholic genes to be passed on to her kids. Plus he may have plans to ensure they hit the common law mark, so he can take half of everything she has when they do split.

  12. I'm sure PMK would have Discik killed before she let him walk away with a penny of Kartrashian money.She worked too hard making whores out of her girls to let any man walk away with their money

  13. All lace- i highly doubt she thinks like that. I highly doubt she thinks at all, and in genetics are miles over her head. She prob just wants them all to have same parents.
    Ot- in re to passing on bad genetic material- i never understood why melissa whatshername choose daivid crosby to father her first 2 children. Sure hes hugely talented, but his addiction is legendary.

  14. Aunt Liddy - I've always wondered the same thing about Melissa. David has addiction issues and other health issues I wouldn't want to pass on to my kids BY CHOICE!!

  15. Apparently, even though PMK has essentially trained them to be modern-day courtesans, the Kardashian women don't really care for sex all that much. They get off on the expensive stuff they get for performing sexual acts, though. I don't think any of them would care if their SO were to cheat on them, and they probably encourage it.

  16. I'm going to say Spencer Shatt...errrr I mean Pratt, no maybe I got it right the first time

  17. Repeating a point...I don't like the terms A-list and reality show appearing in the same sentence. Call me a snob.

  18. At least Kourtney has not married him. He'll have to deal with Momager for any money.



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