Sunday, June 22, 2014

Blind Item #6

The people of this A list diva and everything else in her mind are threatening her ex with a restraining order because he won't stop calling and texting everyone around her. He wants more money.


  1. Who cares about Jlo

  2. It's the "in her mind" that gives Klondike blinds away right skippy, isn't it, Violet?

  3. Anonymous9:33 AM

    "A list diva and everything else in her mind" refers to WHO else?? May as well start it with "The people of JLo..."

  4. But which ex? Caspar, the unfaithful ghost or Skeletor the tax evading sponge?

  5. Morning, all. Men make horrible gold diggers. Their dicks get in the way of a successful strategy.

    Just wheb did NotSmart realize the gravy train was his priority?

    1. I'm sensing a wide open market to exploit, Guido. Like the Oklahoma Land Rush, or Life Coaches. We teach dumb ass men how to stop thinking with their lower head. Sure, we wouldn't be able to look at ourselves in the mirror, but think of all the gullible buffoons we could part from their money.

  6. Just one question: if her relation with Casper just was a RP stunt,what did JLo want to hide? An affair with Ben Affleck? Alove story with Bill Clinton? A lesbian fling with Jennifer Anniston?

    1. She wanted to hide the fact that she's actually extremely boring.

    2. Ducky. She's gonna have to work harder then.

  7. It had to have burned that all those transsexuals looked exactly like her. I don't believe for one second she is the source of the stories. That is just her PR people spinning like crazy again.

    1. Gossip, it must have burned like FIRE!!! Picking "Women" where HE gets to be the boss...

  8. Those trans girls gotta make coin, as Ru would remind us. NotSmart didn't understand the play.

  9. Go for it, Casper........get all you can get.

  10. Did Notsmart think the gravy train would never end? Even if they were banging her history should have shown it wasn't going to last forever.

  11. Oh sensei Charlie I could have used you a few decades back!

    I get the cougar thing... but twenty something dudes have o e priapic priority. It overrules pretty much everything.

  12. There's a funny story goingfaround the tabloids that Casper is buying a house on Lopez Drive. Like that makes him an obsessed stalker lol

  13. If it is casper, he better count his assets, call it a day and say thanks for the ride. And then stfu.

  14. Supposedly she leaked the Tran stories to the media to set him up to dump him cone out looking sympathetic and ruin any credibility he might have if he tried to sell stories and pay him off cheaper unlike Heidi Klum.

  15. French Girl

    Her PR people want to present her as a desirable sex vixen.

    She is hiding that she is a miserable person who can not maintain a relationship at any price.

  16. How could Jennifer not smell this one coming from the day she met and got involved with that douche? Gold-digging and extortion works both ways y'all. If anything this blind is just further evidence that La Lopez KNEW about Casper's uh, preferences, from day one and he was merely her paid companion from the jump. All involved are getting what they deserve.

  17. Why would Jennifer need a paid companion? IF she had a current medical release showing her to be clean, single hetro guys should be lined up to spend time with her and that famous booty.

  18. Haha JLo and Casper Smart

  19. This is why the Kennedys killed their whores.

    1. Oh snap! The good old days, huh?

  20. Caspar is a greedy little thing isn't he?

  21. Gotta be Caspar the greedy, tranny lovin' ghost. Keep dating those back-up dancers ladies, they're all winners.
