Friday, June 20, 2014

Blind Item #6

This A list mostly television actor from a very hit network show was at a party this weekend and was asked about his craziest sex and he said it was with this daughter of a politician while her sister was in the next room and guards outside the house.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. One of the Bush daughters and......

  3. Seems likely to be one of the Bush girls, but both Jon Huntsman and Al Gore have attractive daughters.

  4. Henna Bush was the real party girl and kinda cute. Who can it be who screwed an 18 yr old or so?

  5. I thought one of the Gore daughters, but I'll bet the Bushes were freaky deek.

  6. I can buy Asston and Jenna @ Derek

  7. It's Ashton & a Bush twin:,,626026,00.html

  8. If that's Ashton's definition of crazy sex, I guess he still thinks Spin-the-Bottle is how you get a girl in the closet. Shhhh! Teehee!! Don't let them hear us!

  9. True story. I am the daughter of a politician and I have a sister. But I have never had sex with Ashton Kutcher.

  10. Ashton Kutcher and the Bush twins. Very old news.

  11. Asston ratted out the Bush girls for smoking weed at a party back in the day. Def Asshat/Jenna
    Go Derek!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. My guess was a total fluke actually

  14. Drat. For a minute, I was hoping there wa sa secret Bush daughter named Henna, @Sandy. Flaming tresses, no doubt.
    How would they have explained her body art?

  15. As is mr kutcher so career Derek :)
    Well done

  16. I am totally hanging out in this thread so I don't have to scroll down and see Pitbull in his pedal pushers.

    1. @Sass71 wait you mean it's not an actual pitbull? Nah still not watching it. But seriously I thought he was playing on the viral dogs in nylons thingy.

  17. @Tricia---haha true---thanks I try...

  18. @derek..we all do lol!!!
    Sometimes we hit:)))

  19. What? The guards were outside the house right? Not remotely interested in him. It's a big house, The sister was in the next room, and she was her sister, so gets these things and wouldn't interrupt and def not tell the parents. The door probably locked. And that's the craziest sex he ever had? Dude doesn't know the meaning of crazy sex.,,,not that I do really, to be fair, but c'mon,,,,that's the craziest??

  20. Oh and if it was Ashton,,,I can't believe for one moment the first time he did Demi it did not strike him as the craziest sex he ever had. Lol.

  21. @Seven bragging about it may be recent but he's posting it like it's a mystery or something. This is more like an OT subject... "hey REMEMEVR that guy who slept with that one presidents daughter? He was bragging about it again this weekend. What was the last hookup you bragged about?"

  22. (Autocorrect that is so not how one spells "remember.")

  23. @Riven, I thought was a subtle MV dig at E!

    Ha, you just gave E a new OT subject! That one should be interesting!

  24. Jenna worked for Brad Pitt and Brad Grey back even Pitt was married to Anniston.

  25. @Seven OH! I gotcha now! Lol ok I can see the fact that he's got a pregnant girlfriance now and just bragged about his crazy bush sex. Yeah I would fuck a Ukrainian but not fuck with one. Same with Russia.

    Which reminds me of a fun fact, I can't prove it but I recently googled my real name for funsies and the only picture that comes up of a person is a head shot of Vladimir Putin. I still haven't figured out why lol.

  26. @Riven, if it makes you feel any better, whenever I google my real (first) name and check images, the first five that come up is a "performance artist" who shares my name (and it's not even a porn star name!).

  27. was so hoping this involved Palin Spawn.

  28. One of Arnold and Maria's daughters if the Govenor has guards.

  29. I was going to say Megan McCain, she seems to be quite the party girl & wants to be famous.

  30. Idk, but Abby Huntsman is a fucking Goddess...

  31. Nailing a politician's daughter for sport is crazy but not in a sexual way.
