Monday, June 23, 2014

Blind Item #6 - Kindness

This A+list entertainer (singer) felt so bad for the pap crush and the security she had with her at a crowded lunch place yesterday that she bought the entire restaurant lunch.


  1. Taylor, Katie (for Reno),Madonna etc

  2. Wasn't Brit papped out to lunch?

    Or is this Swift on her Carrie Bradshaw ho stroll?

    Who eats lunch?

  3. mariah?
    any photos from a singer at lunch yesterday?

  4. Rihanna or Taylor.

    Also I'm starting to feel sick :(

  5. Madonna is in the DM out with her new "boy toy" they are saying.

  6. Don't think it's Kelly Clarkson. She just had a baby. I'd imagine she is trying to lie low for a wee bit.

  7. Oh hey so you mean she got even more press just for spending what's likely half an hour's wage for her to buy lunch for people that she inconvenienced by calling the paps on herself and making no attempt to have a private lunch?

    Yeah sure that's a kindness right there. Next....

    1. Press is press. I don't know who this is so I should have said "likely" called them herself (or PR, manager, etc) but I'm not exactly concerned with offending this person by that. As someone who is near all those pap-crushed restaurants in LA I can confirm the paps don't sit there all day waiting to see who pops in for a bite. They only come and make others' lives hell when they are called.

      But that's why opinions are great! We can all have one, yay!

  8. In a world of selfish assholes, whomever it was actually cared about the inconvenience he/she was causing others. How refreshing!

  9. JLo ?
    Maybe looking for some positive PR.

  10. I really don't believe taylor calls paps on herself. Why would she need to? She's one of the biggest celebrities in the world and gets tons of press.

  11. I'll throw one "Cher" out there for variety.

  12. ^ This. I live in NY and beyond stage doors and certain spots, the paps would have to be called for the photo op.

    Used to live in LA, saw many celebs out on the street all the time, no paps.

  13. Love your Avi Tigercat. Bill the Cat was a fav..

    So maybe Madge did call the Paps but didn't think it would be that much of a crush so now she's sorry? Maybe it happened that way?

  14. Thanks @Sherry!

    That's possible, too.

    Another is someone for the restaurant made a call to bolster their business rep.

    Generally, there's a tip off but it doesn't necessarily have to be the celeb.

    A good rule of thumb is does the celeb have a need/agenda to promote themselves?

    Although the younger media generation appears inclined to 24/7 saturation.

  15. I also thought most restaurants and hotels where celebs congregate the paps have staffers who tip them off after all who tips off Enty.

    1. @Tina Yeah that's true, some do report like that but the celebs that don't want the attention learn not to go back. And I've also seen a celeb pull up in a Lambo, wait for the paps to show up, then go shopping at Kitsons.

      But if this is an A list singer she knows the drill, she pays people to know the drill, she knows what paps are like, she knows which restaurants get you pap'd and which don't, she knows how to go out for lunch and not be overrun with paps, etc.

      I have no problem admitting when I'm wrong, I will comment on the reveal and apologize to their reputation if this is revealed with pictures of that singer clearly looking like she was trying not to be noticed. But perfect hair skin makeup and designer clothing? That's questionable.

    2. @Tina so answer your question came out super long and more just reiterated my point (which is annoying, I know). I'm not trying to convince you, I just have a babbling problem apparently. :) Apologies!

  16. Britney. She seems really generous with her time/money.

  17. Oh no kidding Riven and no apologies need for me. I would think that when a celeb shows a kindness that tip could come from anyone who benefited from that generosity, I'd tweet that myself if I had a smartphone LOL.

    Even I know where the areas are in NYC and LA that is permanent pap zones, just watch TMZ for a few episodes, and funny how so many other A listers etc manage to never be photographed and yet the same group of about 30 - 50 always do?

    The other thing that is funny - many clubs and restaurants have private entrances or you can arrange to sneak in but you see celebs coming in and out of the public entrance where the paps are standing. But then they act all put out, oh please save your acting for your day job.

  18. Brittany would have had to get authorization to spend her money. Doesn't rule her out but it would have a taken a call or text. I'd go with Katy Perry or older, Bette Midler.

  19. Swift is nice enough to people to actually do this.

  20. Britney do have her own card and can use A lot of money if she wants to, I think the rumors back in 2009 said she have like 5000$ a month or something could be raised since then. Britney has the biggest heart BUT there were like, 2 papparazies or something.
