Sunday, June 29, 2014

Blind Item #5

This married A list entertainer(singer)/ sometime really bad actor is such a jerk that the only people he can get to do anything with him are people he pays.


  1. Timberpussy??
    His wife is on payroll too ya?

    1. She sure isn't on his jock....

  2. Ima guess Prince. I don't like Timberlake but is he considered a really bad actor?

  3. Derek- I think that's the general consensus. I'll be thinking of you when I'm walking in the Chicago Pride Parade with my client's float today!

  4. I call bullshit. Timberlake is A+ and I doubt he has to pay anyone to hang with him.

  5. Justin T? I believe there was the same blind( revealed) last year

  6. Timberlake makes sense. The st Jude's ppl didn't want to be associated with him anymore for that charity golf tourney Pretty bad you're such a jerk a charity would rather go without $ than deal with your ass anymore

  7. Definitely Timberlake. I've heard this rumor about him several times.

  8. @Candy---hahah thanks-I think! I went out last night to the festivities--lots of fun. I will skip the parade today--too many people. I saw the band Against Me play and the lead singer is now a transgender which took me a back a little cause I use to listen to them all the time and had no idea....

    1. Cool, Derek. Love Thrash Unreal. Where were they playing?

  9. Gene Simmons. Love the guy but he is in his own words, an asshole. Part of the reason Peter and Ace left KISS again in the early 00's. That and the fact that they were signed on like hired guns instead of the founding members of the band they are.

  10. I thought this was revealed before too. Timberlake. And don't forget the blind about his wife pulling the celeb card to try to bypass security somewhere and had to slink back in line. What a gorgeous couple.

  11. Well ain't that a kick in the pants. Here's some advice: quit being an ass! I don't have to pay anyone to hang out with me. 1) because I'm awesome 2) I don't have the money to anyways. Carry on.

  12. Does he pay Jimmy Fallon to live up his ass then?

  13. a big park, at first I didn't realize it was them playing and was thinking this chick makes Courtney Love look like Heidi Klum lol

    1. How did they sound? Trying to be circumspect. Were the vocals very different?

  14. I've heard Timberlake is a royal prick--Rich too young without anyone pulling him back down to earth. I will forever heart him on SNL, though!

  15. Im not a huge fan --so no expert compared to from before--only know Thrash unreal and a couple others---but they sounded good I only stayed for a few songs. He still sounded very masculine. It was Pride so I am not sure how their other tours will go with homophobes etc though...

  16. Anonymous10:06 AM

    dont really believe this. entourages can survive on what falls off of the celebrity. some hang on just for the random perks. a bad attitude wont scare most of these guys off.

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  18. This seems like a repeat blind or, at the very least, very similar to a few others that have been revealed as Timberlake.

  19. Why, it can't be Timberlake. He's in a commercial in which it's revealed that he's so humble and loves his fans so much that he just shows up at their homes for impromptu visits.

    That said, I love it when he guest-hosts on SNL.

  20. Laura Jane Grace grew up with Gender Dysmorphia Disorder. She has been transitioning publicly since 2012 and identifies as female (ergo the pronoun to use now is "she" not "he"). Of all music communities to have a musician come out as transgender, punk would be hands down the most open, accepting and welcoming. We're not perfect but we are all the unwelcome ones after all.

    It's Laura, my fucking hero, I couldn't not comment.

    1. *Gender Dysphoria

    2. Ugh I'm going back to bed. I somehow lost the sentence that had any reference to Against Me! which is pretty important if you don't know Tom is now Laura.

      I also lost the sentence that said last I heard Laura was specifically trying not to change her voice, to keep some continuity for their fans as she goes through all the other changes. But I'm not certain if that's still the case.

  21. Dude, Enty HATEs timber timber timberlake. He had another blind that was almost a repeat of this one. Jimmy Fallon seems to like him. Lol

  22. Isn't Jimmy Fallon supposedly a jerk too? Maybe that's why they get along so well.

  23. Don't all celebrities pay people to hang around them?

  24. That's a retread from another BI published last year.

    And Timberlake was fine in The Social Network and Bad Teacher. His range is very narrow, but he doesn't pretend to be the new Brando either.

  25. I think Enty always describes JT as a bad actor. I've only watched the Saturday Night Live stuff though so I have zero opinion on his acting skills. The man can perform a catchy song though, for sure.

  26. Runner Runner was Awful Awful
    Nuf said

  27. Riven, THANK YOU. Between Enty always saying "transgendered" and Derek's incorrect titles, I'm glad someone came in and corrected.

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  28. It is Timberlake and he is a uniquely horrible person even by H'wood standards. Biel married him for the money, possible beard (she's very much into women herself) and he's universally seen as a bad actor. I've heard in order to be in any movie he's had to pony up big bucks on the production end. Sort of a pay for play. If he's not just overtly treating people like shit, he's dismissive and acts like they aren't even alive. Unbelievable NDA's for everyone who is near him, and that's why not much leaks from out of his circle but that trip to Hawaii where he wouldn't let about 8 people even leave the hotel while he was on vacation was true. He did it because he could. He pays top dollar because he has to in order to keep anyone around him. He's a very fucked up person, and miserable.

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  30. @Tara---what were my incorrect titles?---I have a few for you... have a nice day : )

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  32. Timberlake's a tool and a terrible actor but he's better than Alicia Keys. I liked The Social Network and managed to sit through In Time.

  33. @Riven cry me a river lmao. You keep dangling these lame hints of your gender identify like it is the most fascinating subject in the universe yet when asked about it clam up. Newsflash its not a big deal--so if you don't wanna be asked about it stop bringing it up every other post. smh. Also this is an entertainment board not the Advocate---No one is "angry"---just most don't care....
    and Outted and ashamed? This is a comment section---no one knows you----you are slowly but painfully outing yourself as a crybaby....

  34. This has been posted before but it was phrased differently. People he pays to be his friends because he has no real friends as he is such a tool - Justin Timberlake. That makes me understand why he married Jessica Biel. She is a total mean girl.Together they can be horrible to each other.
