Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Blind Item #4

This former A list mostly movie actress has a lot of demons in her closet and she has apparently been cutting herself and self harming on the set of her new movie. Lots of long sleeves in her wardrobe now.


  1. Oh man, hugs and kisses to whoever this is. Hope u get help sweetie.

    1. I second, auntliddy. Hope there aren't any parasites aboot waiting to latch on

  2. Is Demi Moore filming anything?

  3. Winona is filming something but I don't wanna believe it is her. She is busy with her charities yall!

  4. I can not fathom cutting myself on purpose. I have a hairy canary when I get a paper cut.....

    1. I remember watching a nutbag (technical term) on The Real World in Cancun said she used to be a cutter but nkw switched to getting tattoos, gave her the same feeling. So now I wonder about the young angsty and multi-tattooed when I see them

    2. Aren't you sweet?! And totally not an idiot.

  5. Winona always described as almost A
    Renee Z

  6. Awe. This is sad.
    Hope who ever this is can get the help they need to deal with that demon.
    Really hope it's Winnona.
    I've always wondered what she + Depp would have been like if they stayed together. He's a stinky mess.

    1. *I meant I hope it's NOT Winona.
      Doh. Stupid pain pills screwing with my reading comprehension.

  7. Currently filming The Whole Truth

  8. These make me sad.

  9. Demi is filming but there are photos of her with short sleeves? I dunno.

    Winona is filing in NYC and looks like she raised a Taylor Swifts cardigan collection. But then again she seemed okay earlier this month.

  10. I hope it's not Winona, but I think that's who this BI is intended to be. There was a number of articles yesterday showing her filming n NYC.

  11. @Kristin lol at T Swifts cardigan collection. Wino probably just goes back to her trailer- drinks green tea and watches cat videos!
    Demi is probably back on the whippets and young dudes.

  12. I will never understand self harming (that is not a cue for anyone to tell me all about how it feels). Always makes me feel a little vomity to think about it.
    Anyway, I hope it isn't Winona - that kindness the other week made me feel all warm and fuzzy about her.

  13. I'm pretty sure this is implied to be Winona. She was wearing long sleeves yesterday in the photos. :/

  14. Whoever it is, has borderline personality disorder. Could be Winona or Renee.

  15. RZ had on short sleeves and/or tank top as of last week, but I guess a lot can change in that time.

  16. Sucks for whoever it is because when you're a cutter you almost always immediately regret it because you know you can't always cover them and sooner or later people are going to notice and that's embarrassing and shameful and can make you feel even worse

  17. @ Violet - I have a friend who's a recovering cutter and she's told me that cutting and focussing on cutting would decrease her anxiety in a way that even meds couldn't. (I don't understand it either; I'm just repeating what she's said.)

  18. Winona is incredibly difficult on set.

  19. @Writergirl---hey! Do you have any good stories?!?!

  20. An AD friend of mine worked on a film with her recently. Said she was mean, demanding, and always throwing tantrums. She's got exteme issues.

  21. the poor woman, whoever it is, I hope she gets help.

  22. externalized pain from cutting often masks the internal pain that is being covered up, because it is easier to tolerate.

  23. @writergirl Really? I don't ever recall seeing that about Winona? Tim Burton has said he would love to work with her again...I find that strange if she's difficult?

  24. Darren Aronosky of Black Swan also said he loved working with Winona, and wanted to keep doing so.

  25. And another filmmaker/director being very complimentary. The Letter

    Sorry for the multiple posts, I just googled it. Lol

  26. Gee my generation we dealt with teenage angst with chocolate.

  27. Sad whoever it is. I always thought the cutting thing was generational. I never heard of people doing it in the 70's/80's and now it seems quite prevalent. Seems like an odd way to deal with pain. Hope she gets some help. You have to wonder what triggered it too.

  28. The Letter was the worse movie I have EVER seen

  29. Perhaps she's a nightmare with the crew. I don't know. Just know my friend said she was a nightmare to deal with.

  30. HOT! I have been trying to compile pics of porn whore cutters, but I've been stuck on 3 for a while. It is kinda hard to find em outside of BluRay porn.

    Much like the rings of a tree tell the story of its life, the cutter scars can tell you much about the porn whore. Are they neat and orderly? Are they random in size? It is fascinating stuff.

    1. Possibly sickest thing you' ve ever posted, and thats saying alot.

  31. K-Stew seems like she may have this struggle. Is she in any films as of late?

  32. Oh Winona. Who cares what people think. This is your life just as much as theirs. Ignore all the haters.

  33. Winonna, in the recent set pics, also looks unrecognizable to me. I thought her face looked tampered with. And she had long sleeves on.

  34. @Liddy: If that was directed at me, Thank you.

    1. To state obvious to count: wasnt meant as compliment.

  35. Winona, which makes me sad, because I am watching Reality Bites as I type. She has so much talent to go along with that case of the crazies she battles.

  36. Cutting makes you feel better if meds don't work. Meds never helped me so I cut to deal with my OCD. There were quite a lot of magazine articles about it in the 1990s which I think it when it started getting noticed.

    I'd be surprised if this was Winona or Demi Moore simply because I've never heard about people past their 20s cutting. But maybe they just won't talk about it.

    1. Krissie- i dont cut, but I do pick, which is a form of cutting. And im way over 20. Finally had to go to dr when whole upper arm got infected. Dr said very common, all ages, men and women. I was surprised. Im ok now. Its likd an ocd thing.

  37. @auntliddy, yes I've also heard of picking which I've read is common not only with OCD but also with body dysmorphic disorder.

    When I first cut nobody heard much about doing that, it would have been maybe 1993. In the mid-90s some magazines like "Seventeen" talked about it a bit. They interviewed a girl who not only cut but also burned herself with cigarettes. This was the first I'd heard about it. Nowadays, thanks to the internet, you hear quite a lot about cutting, I've seen pics of Demi Lovato and i think Lindsay Lohan? with cut marks all over their arms. Like many things today I think it's easier to admit to a problem and get help because there is so much more info, and happily, people feel less ashamed about it.

  38. FWIW, Winona's role is supposed to be very frumpy. That may be the reason for the long sleeves. She's always been insane and difficult but I've never heard of her cutting before.

  39. @Krissie, my ex is bipolar and he would cut and he burned his arm with a lighter twice that ended him in the hospital.

  40. @Renoblonde, oh, that's awful. Burns are so painful, IMO worse than cuts but I guess it's the same principle, that you don't really feel the pain when you're doing it because it helps your anxiety.

    I remember the girl in "Seventeen" magazine had round red spots all over her fingers and hands from the cigarette burns. I don't have that issue anymore but the visual is still haunting. (I recall she wanted to be a model but no one would hire her because of her hands.)

  41. Krissie, I'm so sorry you went through that. Yes, it was awful, and he explained it helped his pain in his head.

  42. Thank-you Renoblondee. :)



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