Thursday, June 19, 2014

Blind Item #3

This aging permanent A list entertainer is quietly making changes to his trust and will and his family is probably going to be surprised at who ends up with control of his estate. Our A lister is not doing well and probably does not have longer than a year to live.


  1. Replies
    1. I agree with Montana, Tony was just in the photos a couple of days ago

    2. As much as it pains me, I second

  2. Let's play guess the old man who's going to die soon. Always fun.

  3. It better not be McCartney again this week Enty! :( (Have nothing to say about anyone else this week either.)

  4. I don't think its Tony, I just saw him recently and he seems to be doing fine. Still performing and doing swell.

    No clue though as to who this could be. Maybe Kirk Douglas.

  5. @Violet, The Nearly Departed

  6. I love will fuckery! When Im not involved of course, lol. Who will he leave money to? The cat? The dog? Some association? The second of three wives? The prodigal son? The drug addict daughter? A secret love child? Gosh, now i cant wait for him to die! Kidding!

  7. Goodness I really suck at the details. Entertainer. Damn it Jessi. I have no clue then.

  8. Leave it to staff. The people that wipe your butt deserve a parting gift.

  9. Always classy to predict the death of someone

  10. Only as classy as predicting divorces, outing addicts and gays. Guess there's a "moral" line on blind gossip sites?

  11. I hope this isn't Tony.
    I ran into him on the street in NYC and he was extremly polite & gracious to me.
    And TBH despite his age, he's quite handsome in person.

  12. Not sure if it's him but has anyone seen the thing about Bill Murray on Happy Place?

  13. Glen Campbell? He's been very ill and I saw recently that he may have taken a turn for the worse.

    1. @Groggy. Doesn't Glen have Alzheimer's? I don't think any will changes would be considered legal in his state of mind.

  14. I think you got it, Groggy

  15. @EvieShackles
    Death ,rape and sickness are so entertaining in Enty's mind and for us

  16. Rod Stewart? ? Notoriously bad relationship with son Sean. Gives Kimberly and her daughter everything and has recently rediscovered a daughter he gave up for adoption when he was 17 about 3 years ago.

  17. Glen Campbell has dementia, so he's not capable of making decisions for himself nowadays. Could this be MANILOW?

    1. The only good thing about this thread is the now-unleashed opportunity to sing:

      Oh Mandy! You came and you gave without taking!

      But I pushed you away, Oh Mandy!

      I need my Gweeds,dang it!! It's been DAYS!

    2. Ah,the song that first broke my heart. Mandy.

  18. I like the Kirk Douglas and Glen Campbell guesses, but I hope they're wrong.

    Can you imagine the Douglas family mêlée that would ensue? (Maybe he'll make CZJ executor! ) Likely not as bad as the Kasems (who have been very quiet lately, much to my surprise), but still.

  19. I think I'm right as rain with Bieber. If I were into death pools, which I'm not, I'd go all in on the Biebs.

  20. Yes where is this info coming from, given one would hope that the lawyers are fully acquainted about keeping a client's business confidential or they could lose their licence to practice but let me tell you lawyers gossip when they shouldn't be, and the same extends to law firm staff, unless the person who is dying is telling other people presumably who he trusts but perhaps needs to rethink that now.

  21. I don't think it's Glen Campbell. His Alzheimer's is pretty advanced, apparently, and I cant see him having the capacity to make changes to his will.

    I dunno though..Bob Barker? He's kind of A list in a very, very specific way....yeah..I got nothin'

  22. Can't be Glen Campbell. He has had dementia for awhile so he can't change anything legal and have it stick. And Tony Bennett's son is his manager and handles his money.

  23. Didn't Kirk Douglas already die?

    I say Jerry Lewis

  24. Sir Paul making his ex Heather his executor.

  25. Does Paul have a daughter with Heather Mills?

  26. You guys are confusing me...has there been word that Sir Paul is ill?

  27. This is too generic and could be a few people in ill health. When an A list entertainer dies within the next year, Enty will then reveal the blind as that person.

  28. How is Jerry Lewis these days? I haven't heard much from him for a while.

  29. Jerry Lewis creeps me out

  30. Meme / topper
    Jerry Kewis was in a talk show "The Talk" about 2 weeks ago and it was shocking to me as to how healthy he seemed. He looked and spoke really well. He was very nice too.
    I could have sworn he was really facing years ago, even skipping his own telethons.
    But nope.
    He was pretty spry for his age.

  31. Possibly Clint Eastwood, although he's looks pretty healthy. Stumped.

  32. Possibly Clint Eastwood, although he's looks pretty healthy. Stumped.

  33. Possibly Clint Eastwood, although he's looks pretty healthy. Stumped.

  34. Enty handles wills and probate, according to the NY Post, remember folks? The blind has nothing to do with predicting someone's death. (We're all going to die.) It's someone who is changing his will and Enty is either the lawyer or with the firm handling it.

  35. Wayne Newton epitomizes entertainer

  36. How is reflecting on death classy or not, one way or the other? We ARE all going to die; there's no sense in shoving your head up your ass about it. Personally, I'd love to know when I have a year left. I'd make good use of the time.

  37. Macca or George Michael.

    Macca may leave the fairly recent wife in charge which will piss off his kids. Stella will re-think her anti-murder stance.

    Who knows what George Michael will do? Maybe leave it all to Elton's charity, pissing off his family.

    Kirk Douglas can't die fast enough for me. Natalie Wood's sister will finally out him as a rapist.

  38. Paul is A++ list.

  39. I'll go with Bowie to be different. Rumored to have been ill a while back.

  40. Paul having Ringo take over his estate... Well, it would be interesting, anyway!

  41. Al Pacino
    Robert Duvall
    Bob Dylan
    Leonard Nimoy (fabulously weathly)
    better not be macca
    maybe someone like Travolta would be expected to leave most money to Scientology but changes his mind?
