Thursday, June 26, 2014

Blind Item #2

This A+ list movie director and this permanent A list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner can't stand each other. Seated next to each other at different tables the other night, neither spoke to the other but were stuck because there were no other tables left. The A list actor just got quietly drunk before going on a rant outside the restaurant when he left about the director.


  1. seated next to each other at different tables.... what

    1. T.E. you've seen those award shows, they pack em in like sardines...

  2. Michael Bay

  3. But is Clooney mostly movie ?

  4. Spielberg and Johnny Dipp!

  5. I was also thinking Clooney, but maybe David O Russel?

    1. What with all the fisticuffs on Three Kings and all

    2. I like the guess TTM. Supposedly Clooney can't stand Russell.

      Just for different and because I saw it on Southpark last night, Speilberg and Ford. LOL!!

  6. I take that back and say Spielberg and Sean Penn.

  7. Yep..clooney all movie except FOL, and so e cable maybe

  8. How about Oldman ? He just went on that rant about Mel in Playboy. He's back peddling now but ....

  9. James Cameron would be too easy for the director wouldn't he? Nobody likes that ass.

  10. Anonymous6:49 AM

    michael bey and the universe...

    1. Congrats Fancy my first laugh of the day.

  11. I think Oldman is the answer to the blind about the very racist A list actor that is foreign born. The one who refuses to work with other races and hates everyone not white....

    1. Anonymous6:57 AM

      Oh I hope you are wrong about that Derek. No offense. I really like Gary Oldman.

    2. Oldman is a class act.

    3. Oldman is a class act.

    4. Reno, are you joking?

  12. No Penn for TV, so Spielberg and Texas T-Rex.

  13. Sean Penn. I can't stand him.

  14. Cloons def. Quiet drunky..reserved, which is impressive, penn a hot mess all the time

  15. Oldman hasn't won an Oscar. He's always a bridesmaid and never a bride.

  16. Old man hasn't drank in 20 or so years.he sober

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. David O'Russell and Clooney hate each other since they filmed Three Kings.

  19. I thought Clooney was still in Italy designing his wedding and passing laws protecting his privacy....

  20. i would have described it as "seated at consecutive tables".... but thats just me.

  21. I really like him as an actor but he is an asshole of a person. I even think he is hot---he looked really good when he modeled for Prada last year....

  22. Good point Henriettte

  23. But I so o'russell A plus?

  24. I could see this being Clint Eastwood and Clooney. Eastwood only talks to chairs of course.

  25. Anonymous7:05 AM

    gary oldman made some scandalous comments lately see DLISTED to read them. FWIW...he was in Basquiat (movie about a black artist) and book of eli (Denzel movie). he works frequently so he is not hurting for parts. My point is that he starts in movies with blacks.

    1. Fancy!!!
      Old man sounds like he has had his hand slammed in the Politically correct drawer.sounds like he has decided to stop adapting to the changing culture.
      I've been bruised myself since I refer to AAmericans as black. Damn 70's. Can't shake that Black is Beautiful is now a bad thing.

  26. Also, was anyone else taken aback by the comments of Oldman? Damn, defending sugar tits Gibson is just asking for death in that business. Eeek.

  27. I was very surprised at Oldman's rantings. Especially about Mel & something that happened years ago.

  28. Michael Bay is worse than a hack. At least a hack can make a good choice every now and then.

    Saw Transformers: Age of Extinction and here's the review: 2 hours and 45 minutes of the exact same shit we've seen in the last three movies. Nothing different, no drama, no real excitement and Prime wins in the end. Oh and the Dinobots suck in it.

  29. Americans are Americans

    why is any prefix needed

    and since when is every American that is black automatically African?

    Americans need to drop all of the prefixes

  30. Wait! I missed Oldman rants! What?

  31. Anonymous7:32 AM


    oldman (and many in hollywood) like gibson because despite those comment he's a stand up and loyal guy. he bends over backwards to help others in his industry. some are afraid to stand by him, which is admirable. Oldmans comments are kinda "MEH" TO ME PERSONALLY. im still a fan of both mens work.

    I dont know what all the fuss is about with the effing AA bullshit. i was born black and shall die black in the interim my label need not change. Its ridiculous that that happened to u Steamy.


    ((smiles warmly and bats eyes @Sherry)) :^)

  32. Can I do a rant about how much I hate those HTC1 commercials with Oldman. I usually love the guy and he played Commissioner Gordon better than I imagined anyone ever doing the part, but those "Blah, blah, blah" commercials make me want to shoot him and then myself.

  33. Anonymous7:34 AM

    *some are NOT afraid...

    George clooney film blog calling michael bay the antichrist

  35. For what it's worth

  36. I don't know if this is Clooney or not, but I hope people are joking when they say his only TV was Facts of Life. His years on NBC's drama ER were what put him on the map and launched him into leading film roles!

    1. Anonymous7:50 AM

      Meg, don't forget his role as Booker on Roseanne! Poufy hair made him who he is now.

    2. And, there was George's fabulous turn on the NBC series, "Sisters." He was really good, and sexy as hell. THAT's when I discovered George Clooney. I think it was his work in that good series which got him casted in "ER". And the rest, they say, is History.

  37. maybe I wasn't clear or didn't get it out, meant simply to say his first gig was FOL in TV

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. People in Hollywood should be required to spend some time in the real world or in corporate America. The kind of infantile behavior they can get away with is unbelievable. They should be able to control their emotions a little better since it is their job

  40. To state the obvious I assume Spielberg and Gibson hate each other.

  41. Clooney and Clint. Clint mocked Clooney's man crush, Obama.

  42. Derek I refuse to believe that Oldman is the racist foreign born actor that refuses to work with other races, he does however bristle at political correctness run amok and to that I might have to agree with him. Bottomline is Mel Gibson does seem to have some really loyal friends from Oldman to RDJ to Jody Foster which would suggest at least that Gibson has a split personality. I applaud anyone who does not care whether they say anything lest they upset the certain mindset of many in Hollywood. Many of the same people who BTW defend Woody Allen, Roman Polanski, and keep giving Terence Howard roles.

    The other irony is that Mel Gibson for example had many black and Jewish friends before he got himself into trouble, I don't know if any of them stuck around or not.

    However I know for a fact Oldman and Spielberg hate each other- they had huge disagreements over the film The Contender.

  43. Good points fancyscreenname, One of his finest performances was Drexel Spivey a white pimp who thinks he is a black man.

  44. Okay I take that back because Oldman had not been permanent A list, after pissing off Spielberg he had to claw his way back, he was in the straight to DVD wilderness for a while, and he no longer drinks.

  45. Anonymous10:23 AM


    i was gonna mention that role but instead chose the other two. I thought he was SO memorable in that movie. i couldnt remember the movie but after a quick google it was true romance. my fav is DRACULA, FWIW.

    LOOOOOOVED him in that. fan for life. my 20yo self once told a crowd that DRACULA was my favorite love story. it got weird . lol
    but i explained that i found it romantic that he found her after all those centuries and love broke the spell and blah blah blah. to which my audience responded "OH...never thought about it that way". tehehehe

  46. Oldman a great actor, and I agree with your comments about him being unfairly portrayed at moment...

    But two things here:he never won an oscar and he doesn't drink

  47. I would love it if it was Speilberg and Mel Gibson.

  48. Yes Oldman was nominated finally for the George Smiley role in Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy but Jean Desjardin won.

    I have been a fan of Oldman since Sid and Nancy. He has done a lot of odd movies but he was often the best part of weird or bad movies and some of his made for TV work just shows you the quality of stuff British TV was doing back in the 1980s. Dracula was one of his best roles.

    One of my favourite UK movies was directed by Stephen Frears called Prick Up Your Ears based on the life of gay playright Joe Orton. Oldman, Alfred Molina and Vanessa Redgrave were brilliant and Oldman played Orton to the hilt. It is nice matching piece to My Beautiful Launderette with Daniel Day Lewis.

    He is that generation's chameleon actor and it is no surprise that Tom Hardy has said many times Oldman was his acting inspiration and he can't believe that Oldman is now one of his friends. They've worked together on three movies now.

    1. Anonymous11:55 AM

      Also feel Someone has to mention Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead. Loved him in that movie.

  49. Speilberg has the power to have someone moved, wherever he is. If he were seating next to the President at some show business event, the President would have to move.

  50. Agree re: R&G and Prick Up Your Ears. Also, RowdyRodimus, check out Cinema Sins' Everything Wrong With the Transformers:

  51. Gary Oldman is one of my favorite actors. He is extremely talented, and I think he is getting a raw deal with the big fuss about his interview in Playboy. He actually had some very insightful comments about celebrity children and raising kids in the entertainment world that got totally overlooked.

  52. Liddy. I hadn't heard of his recent interview when I posted. Hence my next post of I hadn't heard of his recent interview.

  53. I can't believe no one mentioned Romeo Is Bleeding. That is one of my favorite Oldman movies!!!

  54. Gary Oldman in 'The Professional" -scary good. DRRRRAAAAAAACULA ...damn sexy beast

  55. It's Spielberg and Affleck. Remember the rumors Spielberg blocked him from Best Director for Argo? Yet Affleck won the Best Picture Oscar as a Producer(and shared one with Damon for co-writing Good Will Hunting) so he still fits.
