Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Blind Item #1

This B list singer/part-time tweener actress threw a fit yesterday when she decided that the suite at her hotel was not large enough. She told concert promoters she wouldn't play unless they upgraded her to a three bedroom suite. She was staying alone. The promoters upgraded her.


  1. Replies
    1. Anonymous7:25 AM

      The problem was that her last name wasn't "Venti"

    2. Awesome response, @Tongue. And great name.

  2. Whazzhername... uh.. not Demi, not Selena..

  3. No harm, no foul if they said OK.

    Gomez and her party rooms. Or jets.

    I need more caffeinated elixir.

  4. Whoever she was, clearly she needs her butt kicked up around her ears.

  5. The worse their behavior, the more satisfying it is to watch them tumble into obscurity.
    Go, little bitch, go!

  6. Tsk tsk tsk, Selena set, pushing people around is not gonna give you the A status you used to have, now that Ariana has dethroned you.
    What was that? You said going back to Bieber will help?

  7. Selena's not performing anywhere soon. Hasn't for a while either.

    Ariana's my guess.

  8. Enty calls Ariana A list. Serena or Demi.

  9. I have no patience for this f* cking idiocy. She should have been told there is a line of girls 100 miles long eager to jump in her place, so get in the damn room and stfu.

  10. Demi is on tour

  11. Not defending this particular artist's behavior, but if the "rider" on her performance contract designated a three room suite and what she got was smaller, then I can see where her request was justified. Either an "upgrade" or a cash payout of the difference between the smaller suite and the three bedroom suite. Blame the music business and tour "riders" for this kind of idiocy.

    1. As an addendum to my comment, here is a link to a sample tour rider (you can Google for other examples). If you scroll to the fourth page, you can see where it is fairly specific about artist and band members' accommodations. Not very elaborate for this particular artist, but nonetheless, fairly specific.,d.aWw

  12. Grande is my guess, she looks like a little bitch

  13. Anonymous9:14 AM

    She does look like a little bitch

  14. Demi did some public concert for radio the other day.

  15. If it wasn't in the rider, how sad and hollow must a person be if they need constant validation of how important they are by making ridiculous demands constantly and nitpicking at everything. I don't understand the psyche myself.

  16. The sadder thing as well about most of these ridiculous riders is the ones with crazy demands, most of the time don't touch the food or the booze. Wasteful unless the promoters are good enough to let someone take the food at least if it hasn't spoiled yet.

    You can tell the riders where they are being serious vs let's see how ridiculous I can be and they will still agree to it and that proves I'm a star. No the masses in the audience who play high prices for your concert tickets and who cheer and sing along prove you are a star. Not having a candy store in your dressing room. Well maybe that other kind of candy ha ha.

  17. Selena's options are dwindling. Only a matter of time before her sex tape gets made/or out. The only question is with whom?? Probably not the Biebs because that would be a short (in both ways- time and length.)

  18. It's gotta be Ariana Grande. She's a horrible spoiled brat.

  19. Ariana or Selena, and I'm deeply ashamed that I even know who these twats are, thanks to Enty posting so many tweener blinds.
