Sunday, June 22, 2014

Blind Item #12

This corporate beverage giant only sends money and food to countries where the country will also allow it to send in its products that are not good for anyone.


  1. Coke

    To go with the bastages at Nestle

    1. Coke would neva. This is Pepsi greedy ass... Or Arizona

  2. Who owns Coke now InBev or something like that?

  3. All of them. On behalf of my stock portfolio... keep smoking, China!

  4. Anyone read about Lohan getting in a scrap with Kate Moss at the bar? lol---Kate still throws down if she is being disrespected by the youngins

    1. Blohan was contacting James hincey her husband and Kate Moss got scrappy with her.

    2. I'd pay to see Lohan get her ass kicked by Kate Moss

    3. Add me to that list as well @ jack.

    4. Oooh, Ducky so would I. Lohag getting a good ole ass whoopin' would be awesome. Imagine the meme on that one.

    5. I'd be P O'd if a holler was contacting my husband too.

      And I'd like to think there would be no scrappy fight, I'd put Blowhan down quick, Ninja style.

      (I'm a big talker, I hate physical fighting. And Blowhan prob be happy to get clocked so she could sue.)

  5. has to be McDonalds, even FIFA got Brasil to change it's laws to let Budweiser sell its beer in the stands. It is a huge sponsor for FIFA.

    Go Team USA crush Portugal! and beer drink beer!!

  6. Soda is bad ya'll. I'm trying to quit.

    1. Sugar, I got it bad!!! I quit Diet coke for 3 years..then, it pulled me back in..I hate myself!

  7. Im drinking a coca cola right now. It is GOOOOD

  8. Coke isn't InBev which owns Anheuser Busch Heinekin and a shitload of others

  9. For once I agree with timebob and think we should all switch to beer

  10. Anonymous11:35 AM

    OT - well ladies and gents I just wanna share after a recent topic on here (several weeks ago) that I’m going in for surgery in the morning to have my boobies reduced and lifted…I’m a 36DDD and they have always caused me much discomfort, back pain, shoulder pain etc. and I’m a small girl. I have been planning this since last year and hearing all the positive stories you guys said that day bout friends and what not was really helpful with my fears and such. Strangely I’m not telling anyone I know (except Wahoohubby who will be there the whole time holding my hand) but I don’t mind telling you guys for some reason. Even though I have been reading this site for 4-5 years now and don’t comment often, there is still a little family vibe. I will let you all know how it goes. Wish me luck :)

    1. Good luck and wishing you a speedy recovery!

    2. Good luck to you wahoo! My mom had it 2 years ago and LOVES it. Thinking of you.

    3. Wahoo,I'm wishing you a speedy recovery with your biggest issue being, what to do with the old bras...:-)
      What a weight off your shoulders, lol
      May you drugs be good and your snugli stuffed with the softest down ...
      . Good VIBES

    4. Anonymous11:56 AM

      Awwww Thanks you guys :) @'s funny you say that. I have 6 or 7 very pricey "minimizers" in my drawer that I'm asking hubby today "should I just toss these now.." and he's like "we'll yeah why not..." and I just shove them right back in the drawer. I can't seem to think I'm not going to ever need them But god I can't to go and buy new ones in a few weeks. Normal cutey ones ;) @ Tricia I'll take a couple thank you!!!

    5. I too have Huge Knockers I would love to get reduced. It's on my to do list. Keep us updated. Take your phone to bed and your charger and update us on your status. Texting while on pain pills is always a Good Idea. Best Wishes. Hopefully not a lot of scarring. .

    6. Best wishes wahooaifey!!

    7. Bestest wishes wahh! Everyone i know who has had it done LOVES the way it came out. You will too!!!!

    8. Anonymous12:23 PM

      @sugar lol...Having huge knockers is tough ya'll !!!! Hadn't thought of that but I can do that. Won't bore you guys with too many details :(

    9. I was thinking wahoo, if your surgeon reduces, I'll bet he expands. Maybe he can donate your old bras to the new ddd's, by choice.
      Call em training brahs...

    10. Anonymous12:56 PM know...wouldn't it be funny if there was like a drop box in the waiting room. Like the one at Lens Crafters that I drop my old glasses in. Maybe different boxes with different sizes ;)

    11. Best wishes to you for a quick and easy recovery.

    12. Wahoowifey, as my friend who had a reduction was told, no one was ever sorry they had the operation. Hands down women who have it done are so much happier and confident of their body afterwards. The operation does have a longer recovery time than augmentation and scarring can be a little bit if an issue but you will be immensely happy you did it. A lot of insurance policies allow for it as well.

      I wish you all the best for a speedy recovery. Thank you for sharing and bring us with you while you're laid up healing. Sounds like there are quite a few who would be grateful to have the same operation.

    13. Anonymous1:36 PM

      @Sherry thank you! I too have heard ONLY good things. And yep my insurance is covering it!!!! Feel so lucky. At 43 and not planning to wear innytiny little bikinis anymore, scars are no big deal for me. As long as look good shape wise scar lines are not a big deal to me.

    14. The scars fade over time and they make that new topical medication now that reduces that. That wasn't available when my friend had her breasts done. Probably vitamin E anyway. You will be so happy you did it.

    15. Good luck in your surgery @wahoowifey. Hope you and your hubby enjoy the new set of knockers.

    16. Congrats Woohoo! I'm so happy for u!! It's a big size, I wear the same size but I'm 5'11" and ....they get in tbe way! Clothing, Its hard to find things to line up right and anything bare looks slutty. AND THE BAck ACHE!
      I hear ya. Funny tho, mine were purchased. First a C, I should have stopped but I got mad (much younger) and my bf bought me bigger ones even tho he liked the C's. I try not to regret it, but it's soooo hard to find clothes that don't look obscene (Cali warm weather clothes) or blouses that don't pull to"there". AND YOU'd THINK IN THE DAY IF THE BEWB JOB it wouldn't be a prob, but it is! I was 32aa to 34c now 34DDD (or F). C was the best!!!! It's funny, I wouldn't have ever understood your pain when I was AA. Lol. I would say you had it made!
      Do you have curly hair too????i have straight hair and really live curly hair, and I curl mine a lot while other women take a straightener to their hair. Funny how that goes.

      But bewbs don't define us, but feeling good does. I'm glad ur getting this done for yourself AND that your hubby is supportive.

      Hope you'll post update on your recovery as well as your satisfaction.

      Oh and PS. 2 surgeries here and nooooo scars. You may be surprised. (I was too lazy to use any cream.)

      Hope you have restful snooze and wake up with ur dream newbies. Honk honk.

    17. Sorry Loooong post.

      But at least WooHoo took us from immoral soda pop pedflars to HOOTERS! Which is much more fun to talk about.

    18. @Woohoo. 1 last thing- u said u haven't told people in ur "real life" and I have to say I did tbe same and I've been glad. Of coarse my family n close friends knew, but as I went forward I kept it to myself almost always. I no regrets. It's just easier!!

    19. "Wahoo". I named u "woohoo" on account of ur new WooHOOTERS.

    20. @Wahoo-Congrats and good luck! I would LOVE to have reduction surgery. If I may ask, what did you have to do to get insurance to pay?

      Surgery ProTip-if you tend to get nauseous post-surgery, ask your doctor for those seasick patches. I always used to be so, so, sick afterwards, but no more!

    21. Anonymous4:19 PM

      @Sincerely...thank you girl. Yeah C is the best and that's what I'm hoping for. I was C for a while when I was a teen. I'm 5"3 and 125 and I totally know what you mean about the clothes. I'm a trendy fashionable lesbian trapped in a straight girl's body and the boobs just don't match me. I'm far from a prude chick but I refuse to wear anything that looks like I'm "showing" them off. I lean toward Cosima Orphan Black style and I have thought smaller boobs were more "me". Thanks again for sharing :) It helps a lot!

    22. Anonymous4:36 PM

      @Meauxelle Well with my insurance company the protocol is such that I went to see the surgeon first and she (the surgeon) took a lot of measurements, pictures and a lengthy questionnaire. When I went through al that..."they" the folks at the surgeon's office send a long letter with all the "numbers and pics" if you will and if it fits the insurance company's criteria then they will approve it. I just had to pray for a few weeks not ever knowing what my insurance company's criteria is (one could never know right?) and hope I got the letter I wanted. A few weeks later I got the letter in the mail that said I was approved for coverage. (I cried) and then proceeded with making my next appointment with the surgeon. Re: nausea...I have had major surgery in the past and I consider myself so lucky that I'm not one to have bad adverse reactions to all the stuff they give you. But I will remember the patch you speak of should I need it...Thank you so very much :)

    23. My best friend did this, she had one F and one triple D maybe???, anyway she had them reduced to small C's and love love loves them and I've seen them and they are fantastic! No regrets except not doing it sooner. Good luck! Good boobies!

    24. People will actually look you in the eye when they talk to you.

  11. I ain't switching to no beer I'm drinking it already.

  12. Good luck wahoowifey!! All the ohms and good vibes for you!

  13. Good luck, Wahoo! Sending good vibes your way.

  14. Good luck Wahoo---sounds like a standard procedure you should be fine

  15. Good luck wahoowifey...

  16. Hey everyone! Looks like y'all had fun last night!

    I'm going with Pepsi...they probably send aquafina along with a boat load of Mountain Dew!

  17. Best wishes wahoo wifey...
    Ihave a cold one waiting upon your return home:)

  18. Oh, and good luck Wahoo!!!

  19. Good luck Wahoo. Sending massive happy vibes from this side if the Atlantic.

  20. Brawndo. Its got electrolytes n shit

  21. Who owns Cuervo, now? Lolol

  22. Hey ttm are we gonna go ot at book club about true blood tonight? ? I haven't read book.

    1. I can put up a post if you want, sugarbread! Plus maybe a social, everyone seemed to have fun last night! Lemme know if you want one!

    2. True Blood premiere post:

      Sorry no clicky. Clicky on my profile; though

  23. Is tonite book club night already?

    1. No, it's next Sunday, but I can put up a social post if needed? I put up a True Blood post already, this is the series finale, right?

  24. Long time reader, first time poster. Going with Pepsi, since they're linked to Taco Bell and KFC.

    1. Yay for posting from lurking, Nongraceful!

  25. Stupid blind. ALL OF THEM. Their sole purpose is to earn as much money for their stockholders as possible in any way possible. As long as my stock keeps raising, color me happy.

  26. Hi Nongraceful! I'm with you on the Pepsi train...

  27. @wahoowifey. Good luck. You won't believe how great you will feel in a few days when the pain goes. Your posture will improve and you will look inches taller.

  28. Good luck Wahoowifey! You'll feel much better when it's done!

  29. See us guys dont want anything reduced by surgeons in fact they make these miracle drugs and shit to increase widths and girths. :)

  30. Anonymous1:00 PM

    @ sandy lol no kidding. Thanks everybody...making me feel much better. Trying to clean the house today and pretty sure I'm going to be up all night. Have to leave the house at 4:30 am. ugghhh.

  31. Good For You Wahoowifey-it's a big step & one you will be sooo happy you took.Two of my friends had it done & are so happy they did.Their back feels better & they now play beach volleyball, tennis & go trailrunning & use the treadmill which was painful for them before & made them self-conscious!Great Luck & enjoy the hightime!

  32. Hi There Nongraceful Blonde!!! great guess too.

  33. Best wishes for a speedy recovery! Awesome!

  34. Also wifey wanted to add that we made a plaster casting of my friends bra as a piece of art to remind her of her former size.

    Count me on the Pepsi train for the Corp giant poisoning other countries. And I actually like Pepsi and will have a diet about 1x a yr.

  35. Anonymous1:31 PM

    @rolotomassi thanks for those stories really does help my nerves. Believe it or not the thing I'm dreading the most is...well I'm told the boob thingy you wear for the first two weeks is extremely tight and very uncomfortable and I can be a little bit claustrophobic so I'm worried I'm going to be freaking out if I feel I can't breath and you can't take it off. :( Pain schmain got good pills for that! And I got a awesome surgeon...they're going to be "real and spectacular"!

  36. Cmon Enty- this is a fucking blind????? What next?- this large computer software company actually collects private data from its customers but wants you to think it is private?? We want celeb gossip not business shit!!

  37. So, is the bad beverage baby formula? Can we discuss not-young celebrities who's nude images suggest benefit from reductions? Mimi Rodgers? Kathy Bates?

  38. @wahoowifey...good for you! I had reduction surgery 2.5 years ago, the best thing I ever did for myself, I just wish I hadn't waited until I was 40!

    The scars fade very well, use the scar ointment recommended by your doctor. Do not use Vitamin E, it will make the scars darker.

    Good luck, you'll do great!

  39. @wahoowifey...Also, don't worry about the bandages, it's not as bad as you think. For me, the worst part was wearing a sports bra 24/7 for...hmm..I can't even remember now for how seemed like forever.

    I'm almost three years later now and I still can't wear bras with underwire, it bothers me. Not that I need them really, but that was my other adjustment, I had never bought a bra without underwire before. Or bought a bra just off the rack!

  40. Wahoo wifey will send a prayer up for your health and comfort. I agree with everyone else, you're going to be thrilled with the results. I like the CDAN community too. Long time reader, infrequent commenter.

  41. Anonymous2:24 PM

    @ HR Lady...thank you! I wondered about the underwire part. That had crossed my mind...whether or not I would need one going forward. But can't say I will miss them...the wires. Thanks for the vitamin e advice. You guys have made me feel so much better :) Not telling anyone but telling you guys was a good choice. I almost didn't share. I'm more of an observer than a sharer. But I'm breathing a little easier now.

  42. @wahoo...I don't think you'll need one, but that's a personal choice.

    I find the wires dig in where the scars are, right under the breast. But I also found that the shape of wired bras frankly, don't look as nice as Au natural anymore. Lol. So I stick to bralettes or wireless. I had a lift at same time, so I can even go braless with dresses etc and still look good.

    It's a whole new world for you I guarantee it, everything will be an exciting revelation!

  43. BTW, by not-young, I had Heather Graham and Uma Thurman in mind. Topless on film in their 20's, now, not so much.

  44. You guys better write spoilers while I'm there. I don't have Hbo anymore:(

  45. @wahoo My mom always has a real tough time with surgeries, she's had a ton (knees, back, etc. on and on) and her breast reduction was the most easy for her. She had minimal pain, and the thingy you wear for 2 weeks didn't bother her. Don't worry, you'll do great!

  46. Wahoo I agree with Reno - have had numerous surgeries and by far the reduction was the easiest in all ways - waking up, recovery, pain, etc.. Don't worry bout the bra being to tight, that won't be bad either. It's been about 7 years for me and scars aren't bad and I have no problem with underwire. Don't worry if you boobs seem a little high - they usually bring them up high knowing they'll settle lower. Enjoy!!

  47. Good luck and good vibes Wahoo! I think you'll feel like a new woman and I wish you a speedy recovery. You can use your down time to cheer on Simona Halep at Wimbledon. She was mocked when she had her reduction a few years ago, and she just played in the French Open final. Her career is going so well now. All the best!

  48. Anonymous4:56 PM

    @reno & peg...yeah me too. That's one good thing is that I have been thru a colectomy (diverticulitis) and this can't possibly compare pain wise. Haven't had children but Diver is the worst pain imaginable (attacks & surgery). It's weird but pain is my least concern...but thanks you guys for the reassurances...means a lot. Makes me a little less scared of that harness bra vest thingy...

  49. I don't post all that often but just wanted to wish you well @wahoowifey! A good friend of mine had it done recently and had a great experience. I'm sure you will too! :-)

  50. Anonymous5:10 PM

    @ chopchop thank you so much and again everybody. Puts faith back in me about the comradery on this site. It gets rough at times but been here through thick and thin and now I know why :) btw...I miss XanderDyle. I wish he were still around.

    1. You miss Xander Dyle?? After the whole tshirt debacle??

    2. Anonymous5:43 PM

      Oh sh*t girl what happened?!?!? I know there was a t-shirt story for another cd&n'er who went thru something rough but I didn't know it went sour. Miss that part....Dammit. So bummed. Feel free to fill me in if you got the

  51. I'm thinking wahoo missed all of the assholery that Xander exhibited. Xander sold shirts here, saying the money would go to a commenter and their family after they went through a horribly tragedy.. The money was never given to this person for months. Finally people called him out on the here, and he sent the money.

    On a different topic, my aunt had a breast reduction, and is as happy as a clam now. Good luck to you!

  52. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Oh @ pip...again I missed all that. Bummer...f*ck him then!!!!!!!

  53. "products aren't good for you". What does that mean? That sounds like tobacco to me, but you said beverage giant, so another vote for Coke. BUT, how is coke bad for you? If you drink it like water, yeah? But it's not like it gives you lung cancer and a host of other cancers like tobacco, which is subsidized by the US government.

  54. First time poster - Nestle. Evil corporate b*stards.

    Wahoo - my older sis had this done about 1 year ago. Not too much pain or recovery time, easily tolerated. She now LOVES wearing t-shirts and thinner materials. Wouldn't have touched them before, I'm sure you know why.

    Best of luck!

  55. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Thank you so much Victoria! Yes I know EXACTLY what you mean!!!!

  56. If it is Coke, then I hope they make Ricin and there will be a whole lot of death in the Middle East soon.

  57. Here's to a successful surgery and a quick recovery @wahoo.

  58. Oh, and it's Pepsi.

  59. So Enty is now a health expert

  60. Here is a 34DDD to 34C success story, tennis pro Simona Halep:

    1. Anonymous12:57 AM

      @ Mark oh woowww thank you Mark. I just watched her at the French Open a few weeks ago. Had no idea. She definitely need that. I don't how that girl played before.

  61. All big corporations and companies do this. Its not a secret. People just turn a blind eye.

  62. I LOVE you people!
    All the love for Woohoo(thanks for that one, Sincerely Your Friend!)

    Woo, feel free to send pics to me, since we all know I missed out on the ones that were 'real. And they're spectacular' all those years ago!

  63. Wahoo:
    I know I'm late to the party, but just wanted to say Im praying for you today. Keep in touch let us all know how your doing. I'm excited for you. A few friends have had it done, they are really really happy. I know, you will be too!



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