Sunday, June 22, 2014

Blind Item #11

This A list mostly movie actress who recently "starred" in one of the biggest movies ever was a big pain at an event where she was paid to attend. No one liked her and she was rude and dismissive to people and the company is never having her back.


  1. Angie
    Ecevt for women in UK

  2. Sandy? But "starred"? That space movie?

    1. Maybe Zoe Saldana? She's in Star Trek. Avatar is the highest grossing movie of all-time.

  3. That actress who played the cancer patient with the cancer patient boyfriend?

    1. I was thinking the same thing. The girls from The Fault in our Stars (or something like that)

    2. The fault in our stars is doing really well but not "biggest movie ever" status.

    3. It did have the biggest preorder sales

  4. Starred as in...animated/VO work

    1. Kristen Bell (Frozen)???

      I love her though...

    2. That's what I was thinking. Maybe voice work on Frozen??

    3. I don't want to believe it, but I've heard from several people that Kristen Bell is stuck up and big headed.

    4. It's definitely written to sound like K.Bell, except would she be considered mostly movies? Even the V.Mars movie (which, combined with Frozen, is what put her on everyone's radar big-time) was a sequel to her big break... on tv. I'm just really hoping it's not true and she's as chill and awesome as I'd like to believe!! :\

  5. Hmmm. I think Tricia might have tagged it

  6. Malificient wasn't one of the biggest movies ever, I don't think.

  7. I could never see angie being anything but wonderful to people.

  8. Yes, it is..still grossing

  9. I like Tricia's guess!

  10. or Emma Stone. She annoys me to no end. She is not pretty, her voice is more crackheady than Lohans and she is the new Spiderman movies suck! I see her in the new Revlon commercials and a model she is not.....

    1. You're breaking my heart, Derek! I love Emma. I've had a crush on her since Superbad

    2. Whaaaaaaat, Derek?? Emma Stone is awesome! And I had a crush on her since then too, jack!

    3. I love Emma Stone as well.

    4. I'm w/ you Derek...only movie I liked her in was Superbad, other than that not so much

    5. Awe. I loved Emma in Superbad. Wasn't she also in Zombieland ?

  11. Maybe Idina Menzel with frozen? I love her and hate to think it but Kristen would never so it has to be her

  12. Ooh hats good Tricia - so Idina then? But she's not mostly movie by a long shot. And it would never be Kristen.

  13. *in the new spiderman movies which suck

  14. What about an animated movie? They starred in it but vocally, so we may not think of them as having starred in it .

    Soo Frozen, Lego? Not sure if their leading actresses fit though. Idina is big on broadway, Kristin did HBO recently although it does say mostly. Meh idk.

    1. Elizabeth Banks did the lead female voice in the Lego movie.

  15. Slumdog millionaire?

  16. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Bullock would make sense with the Space movie, and also the recent blinds making her out to be a complete pain.

    1. How kind of you to back up my admittedly very poor guess TnC.

    2. Anonymous11:30 AM

      Well that, and I think you are right...:)

  17. Ms Jolie has many.....moments. Most good, and the oft reported ones
    Some....not quite so...lovely
    Maybe maleficient brought out her other side again:(

  18. Maleficent is not one of the biggest movies of all time.

    If Kristen Bell can be considered A, I vote her for Frozen. She's is a total nightmare of a person.

    1. Is she Wig? Everyone seems to love her. But that bloody sloth thing made me stabby (to quote a few bods on here).

    2. Yep, Vi. I've had to work with her a number of times and she's the worst. Rude, entitled, over dramatic, and throws the "don't you know who I am" card when she doesn't get her way.

      She knows when to turn it on.

    3. Wow I thought she was cool too. Huh. Ya never know.

    4. I'm def w/ Wigs on this.
      K. Bell first came to mind.

    5. Really, Bell is a nightmare?
      I really doubt that Craig Ferguson would have taken her to Paris for a week of his show if she was a nightmare.
      He can't stand phonies!

    6. I never watched VM so I've never quite understood the love for KBell. Hubby & I recently watched Frozen. We thought it was ok but that movies from when we were a kid were much better. Like Beauty & the Beast, Aladdin, The Little Mermaid, The Lion King etc.
      So glad to know from K(Wiigs) that I don't have to like her bc she sounds very snooty.

  19. Maleficient is an animated movie...hence my guess at top

  20. St. Ang is only saintly, just ask Jennifer Aniston.

    Seriously?! Ang of the kiss her brother, wear blood is *nice*?!

    1. Omg that Aniston thing was 10 yrs ago can we not move on? And yes the woman who spends the majority if her time traveling the world and helping others who are far less fortunate than her is nice.

      I will never understand the Angie hate

  21. The Fault of the Stars or whatever was not even the biggest movie of the month. My guess is still Scar Jo with the Avengers. Idina is more a singer is she not?

  22. Idina Mendel is a sweetheart I've worked it and theatre with some film
    She's a list broadway...nowhere near in film she's she's never been anything other than a V/O character

  23. Maleficent not animated. It does really fit Kristen Bell but that's just so hard to believe. I mean, how can you watch that sloth video and not love her forever?

  24. Maleficient is considered a"fantasy film" which is distinquhed from an actual film..hence"asterisks with term starring"

  25. "Starred" implies animated. Going with Kristen Bell from Frozen

  26. If Kristin bell is an a list film actress I want my SaG card revoked.
    That' is frankly, not possible. She's b list...A list former tv

  27. I'm with Wigs on this one. Kristen Bell seems like she takes herself too seriously!

  28. Angelina was the star of the movie. I think "starred" means she was in an ensemble cast where there are multiple stars, like The Avengers, or their character was a cartoon.

  29. Paltrow. She's always going on about her "superhero" turns in the Iron Man/Avengers universe franchise, as if she's the one carrying the movie and everyone is there to see her. Plus she bugs everyone.

  30. Angie in Singapore cutting her birthday cake looked like she wanted to kill someone.

    1. Natalie Portman is in DM at Shanghai film festival. STAR WARS.

  31. The woman who married Dax Sheppard takes herself too seriously? Seriously?!

  32. @Jack ducky- I know...I know....but, she's been out and about slamming the paps lately and rubbed me the wrong way in some of her interviews.

    1. She's a sarcastic smartass which is what I love about her, candyland. I don't watch many interviews with her though so idk.

  33. I like the Zoe Saldana guess. Avatar is the highest grossing movie ever but she's animated in it (or whatever that method they used is called)

  34. What is it with Emma Stone's voice??? It is like she is talking through a mouth full of peanut butter. Even when I am not looking at the screen, her voice snags my attention, super odd voice.

  35. Emaa Stone had some illness when she was very young which affected her voice.

    I've never heard bitchy rumors about Kristen?

    Angie is supposedly wonderful to work with.

  36. Natalie Portman
    Star wars
    Don't know the event

  37. I like the Zoe guess.

  38. I love Jolie..but we all have our days...imagine the impossibility of never having one, especially in that world of spotlights

    Still say Angie...she starred but it's a fantasy film hence the asterisk; Kristin bell..certainly a bitch by my observation, doesn't have the ranking...Zoe B plus;avengers old news it and frozen(was Indians film actually) who is a list broadway...just hit movie world


    1. Maleficent isn't one of the biggest movies of all time though and none of her other movies could be classified as such either.

    2. You're trying really hard to make Maleficent fit here.

    3. They are called "quotation marks", not *asterisks*.

  39. Sorry Adele kazeem was star of frozen, not bell lol

  40. Angelina Jolie is the star of Maleficent. She appears in human form all through the movie. This is voice work...hence the quotes as their voice was used but not their presence. I am hoping it isn't Kristen Bell as I really like her.

  41. The first name to pop into my head was Kristen Bell. I've heard she can be a total diva.

  42. Kristen better not have pulled rank on a certain Kristin or I'll go Florida on her ass! :(

  43. Bell but Cheno might fit here also us Floridians act first, think later :(

  44. Not trying to be snarky, and this probably isn't the the correct place to ask, but I've always wondered what exactly does Angelina Jolie do when she's "doing her good works around the world"? As far as I can tell, she is just doing photo ops, which isn't necessarily a bad thing if it brings some attention to children in need. But is that all--photos??? Does she administer vaccines? Deliver supplies? Find and diffuse land mines? Does anyone know? Again, I'm not trying to be snarky, but she gets so many accolades, and I can't tell what she does.

    1. This talks about some of it

  45. I agree with the Kristen Bell guess, but thought she was mostly TV. I guess she's mostly movies now, though.

    I really did try to find that sloth video charming, but ended up rolling my eyes. Actresses (and actors) can be so over the top in that annoying, "Look at me!" way. Photos, pap shots and "dusted off" clips of them being adorable in their own minds are very strategically "leaked" online or by some talk show host at every opportunity while they pretend to be surprised or embarrassed.

  46. wasn't Idina Mendel in 'Enchanted' ??? -she's really nice though- I like Kristen Bell guess for sure!!! I can't picture Anj being rude with the Queen there... & Daniel Day-Lewis!!! she'd embarrass herself in front of those class acts & she wouldn't get to be a Dame, imho.

  47. agggh,menzel I mean 4 the singer... mendel 4 Kerri R.'s awesome dress..

  48. or mendel for both.wtfk

  49. @Jack I'm right there with you. I like Angie too. She seems aiight.

    I think Kristin Bell is effing awesome. Every interview with her the girl is just lovely. It doesn't seem like an act like some of these bitches.

  50. Angelina sneaks(oft unannounced that DO NOT GET PHOTOGRAPHED)into war-torn hellholes for one where ambushes,guerilla attacks,diseases rampant giving many hope & the knowledge that they are not forgotten!! most people would Never venture to these areas,esp.if they have children. My sister works in the field for Save The Children(Yemen now)& Ang does a lot even for people's spirits & gives em a voice & a face!

  51. If this was Angie it would have been huge news since she is known for being kind. Juicy stuff. And yes I believe Angelina really cares about causes and doesn't just use them for a photo op unlike 90% of Hollywood. She got a lot of criticism for donating money to poor women in the Middle East soon after 9/11, got called a traitor, etc. Someone who only cares about photo ops wouldn't have done that.

    The way Enty put "starred" does sound like voice work rather than the usual live action starring role. Bell is a good guess for this.

  52. This could be a bunch of them.

  53. It's nice to know I'm not the only one here who likes Angelina

  54. This isn't Angelina. Anyway she is A+. She's actually very nice in person.

  55. As I said..I love Angelina
    Everyone has bad days
    If Veronica Mars is now A list movie...I'm officially....whatever..,.
    Just didn't think think couples retreat and forgetting Sarah marshal, while fun films I enjoyed, were, inflating A list material"
    Oh wells....learn sumtin everyday

  56. Angelina is deemed a+ celebrity!A actress
    Very few so en are A + based on the ratings system.
    Maybe Meryl Streep.

  57. And Jolie ain't no Streep

    1. Woah woah woah. While I believe nobody holds a candle to Meryl when it comes to acting I do believe angelina is an incredible actress. I'm still in awe of her when I watch Girl, Interupted.

  58. Enty called Angelina an A+ actress in a previous blind item reveal.

  59. too...I am a HUGE fan..she grew up in my hometown, went to same middle school..and awed by her...path in life she chose(not holly weird, humanitarianism)
    But, having said that...bad days happen....I may be way wrong but I've, seen her....icy.
    And enty changes the status alot@saralou....I remember being shocked at reveal she was once (A), that's why I remember it....yeah her and Diaz in same category lol,it's bananas

  60. Yeah, no snark about Angie's good works. They're genuine and heartfelt. She could rest on her laurels, ya know. She could be on permanent vacation like so many of them are. She actually gets her hands dirty. I admire her as a human being. Lousy actress but good person, IMO.

    IN "GIA"....Amaaaazing!!!

  62. Agreed. I was just thinking about that movie actually. Angelina in anything is amazing in my opinion but her earlier stuff is my fav. Have you ever seen Foxfire? I love her in that.

  63. I agree her work was strong in GIa..but she WAS Gia at that point in time, as she has expressed herself...and I think , well, to see her do say more of a stretch, like Shakespeare , moliere, or even slapstick farrelly bros stuff, would be interesting...oddly enough, was watching the dreadful..original sin with band eras and thought, she kinda has relied on that arched eyebrow, pouty lip, steely blue eye/could kiss u or f u up look...alot.

  64. Angie is an overrated actress imo. If she wasn't gorgeous, she would not have an Oscar, as she would not get hired in the higher caliber movies that she has been in. She's hot and has an interesting personality and life. She just happens to be an actor as well.

  65. And she happens to be an actor because her dad was a big time actor in his day...doors open easier., a lot talented people don't have that-opportunity

  66. The movie she got an oscar for was Girl, Interupted one of her first big movies which she was not "gorgeous" in. She is extremely talented. Over the last few years she's made some questionable decisions as far as which movies she's been in but she's still a great actress and she doesn't get parts because she's "hot". There are plenty of hot people in the world. She gets parts because she's got the talent.

  67. Jon's an oscar winner who pulled a ton of weight , and mind you, he's a good dude,(well he was to my uncle/family for years)
    Point is, her dad wasn't a janitor, and hence....she divined her career for pure talent and against the odds determination

  68. She DIDNT divine her career, meant to say

  69. I have to bail on this Jolie convo. I'm far too passionate about her and I can't understand the hate or the idea that she's a bad actress who relies soley on her looks.

    I'm off to commiserate over the fact that America couldn't keep Portugal from scoring for 5 damn secs!

  70. Wasn't me that said she gets roles cause she's hot..her doors opened based on nepotism , but she deserved to be and remain in rink, because she does have Talent...just needs a bit more-diversified roles, is all I said

  71. She wouldn't have been in Gia or any of her other movies leading up to Girl, Interrupted if she was unnattractive.

  72. No hate for her..I admire her. But, she's not---ready for canonization or the Nobel prize just yet, lol..she's quite, faulted, as we all are.

    Yeah..fuck that Portuguese final goal:(

    1. We were so close to winning

    2. Oh and Obama only won the Nobel Peace prize because he's a black president? ? I bet if they had to cast votes now he would not win.
      It is Anniston who cannot act and plays same person in every part.

    3. I completely agree on Aniston, sugarbread. I don't dislike Jolie, and couldn't care less about whatever fued there was with Anniston. I think Pitt comes off looking like the shithead in that situation, not Jolie. I just don't think she lives up to a lot of the hype.

  73. Don't forget Lara Croft and Pushing Tin--- ;)

  74. "Starred" probably means animated. Frozen is in the top ten of all time. Probably Bell or Idina.

  75. "Starred" probably means animated. Frozen is in the top ten of all time. Probably Bell or Idina.

  76. I'm going to Subway, does anyone want anything?

  77. Yall are dumb. It is Scar Jo or Kristen Bell----

  78. What planet are you on that you think Malificent would be considered one of the biggest movies ever? It's not even the biggest movie of the year.

  79. or Kate Winslet----good guess alice! ***joking about the dumb obvs**** BUT it is not Angie or Idina ---and defiantly not Natalie---she is very classy and nice.

  80. Shailene Woodley - The Fault in Our Stars ?

  81. Samantha Morton

    I would consider her A lot based on her acclaim/prestige alone. I can see the argument that she's not, I just don't agree. Yay personal opinions!

    John Carter - Only 2 years old, approximately 4th most expensive film of all time (so a diff perspective on the wording of "biggest"), also 2nd biggest loss for a movie of all time. That last is just something I thought was interesting. It's the new Waterworld.


    Her - Samantha was replaced by ScarJo in post-production for the VO work. However, she acted opposite J Phoenix in all of his scenes and was the original "her." ScarJo got billing and acclaim but Samantha Morton was pivotal to Phoenix's performance as even he admits. Samantha has been a bit outspoken in the past for losing low budget roles to names with bigger box office draw and sex appeal. (See: Fur)

    Admittedly I was unable to find an event but I also didn't put that much effort into it. I just thought I'd toss out a new name. It's probably ScarJo because one of the Avengers movies is the 2nd highest grossing film and she wasn't actually seen in Her.

    (Yes, she's not American but I'm not 100% sure that is always stated when applicable.)

    1. Jeeeez that is way longer than I thought. Sorry it's late and I didn't realize before posting. And my brain is fried after a day of tiny screamy grubby creatures.

  82. A rude A-lister...shocker. Not!

  83. Maleficent has a lot of CGI

    but does that make it animated?

  84. Please not Jennifer Lawrence.



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