Monday, June 02, 2014

Ann B Davis Has Died

Actress Ann B. Davis, an American television legend who held "The Brady Bunch" together in her role as housekeeper Alice Nelson, died Sunday. She was 88.


  1. Would that we all live so long. RIP, lovely lady, I bet you had a very interesting life.

  2. RIP.
    I was thinking about all the cool characters on TV that were named Alice this morning:

    Alice Kramden from The Honeymooners
    Alice from The Brady Bunch and
    Alice the diner waitress

    But you really don't find girls named Alice in life anymore. Alice gave way to Alyson.

    1. Sandy, the name Alice has had a bit of a resurgence in Australia in the last 10 years. I've come across a lot of little girls named Alice and my younger cousin is named Alice. Older, traditional names have become quite popular again. I even saw an Agnes (yikes!) in the birth notices in the newspaper the other day.

  3. Good Morning All, from the CDC.

  4. Bye Alice. No more getting ignored at the meat counter.

  5. Good morning all, Charlie, whaddaya mean CDC?

  6. And whenever I hear Alice, I always think of "Alice's Restaurant" by Arlo Guthrie. You can get, anything you want, at Alice's restaurant, excepting Alice! Ear worms for all!

    1. Anonymous7:40 AM

      Oh that's a great song!
      ("And they ALL moved away from me on the bench there...")

    2. Just wait until it comes around on the GUI-tar, TNC!

  7. Hi, TTM! Center for Disease Control. Some dingdong in Quality opened an attachment they shouldn't have and a ransomware virus encrypted all of our shared network files. PDF's, spreadsheets, documents, pics, the works.

    Thank gawd for backups.

    1. You'd think QUALITY would know better. Hope all straightens oot! I once worked at a place where the president of the company opened up the Lovebug virus. When asked why he would do that, he said he wanted to know who loved him.

  8. She was in Love That Bob way back when and was hilarious. RIP.

  9. 88 is a good long run, we all should be so lucky.

  10. RIP Ann B Davis. We'll miss you Alice.

  11. RiIPx

    My daughters middle name is Alice, she has two middle names, after two of her great grandmothers. For the Alice one, It was both her grandmother and her great grandmothers name on my husbands side. Her first name is her own:-))

    1. My daughter has 2 middle names, too, after both late grandmothers, & her first name is all her own & not used before in our family.

  12. RIP Alice.

    Whose going to clean up all the muddy paw prints Tiger leaves in the kitchen now?

  13. RIP. Alice doesn't live here anymore.
    Huge sads.

  14. Oh Alice! This makes me sad. She may have been old, but she was a sharp one up to the end. I'm wondering if that shower had a safety bar? Once you hit middle age, death by shower is a real possibility, so you need something to grab onto.

  15. RIP Alice. I hope Sam the Butcher greeted her with a warm hug when she got to Heaven.

    @Charlie: I got hit with that last week. My hard drive is fucked, and I only have about 1/2 the worthwhile stuff backed up. I can access but not open the files in safe mode, so I am slowly transferring to an external before I wipe it.

    Damn virus cock blocked system restore, then wiped the restore points. It also jacked up my router and printer.

    I got it on a pop up when clicking a link to ExtremeTube. The pop up service must have been hacked and the URL the moneypak virus was sent from not on my blocked list.

  16. Count - That happens way more than it should, disease-laden pop-ups and ads making it through the ad service's defenses. A friend of mine got hit with a different one while visiting a Cheezburger site, maybe Rage Comics or Failblog.

    That ILOVEYOU bug. I had a graphic design job, working on a catalog. It was mostly done... and the IT guy opened an e-mail containing that damn virus. Sat and watched the virus corrupt, one by one, every last photo and file.

  17. Zeek: I don't think this one damages the files, it just locks you out of them. It latches on somewhere in the Windows user profile. I had some tech support guy tell me how to make another admin profile, but everytime I tried to make a remedy or access a file, it asked for my original PW and cockblocked me.

    The last virus I had was an actual FBI tracking thing that I got while searching Facebook or MySpace w/ the names of the dead whores they found buried in the Long Island beach. I guess they figured the killer would be looking them up, so they put some shit on the whore's pages. That was pretty easy to get rid of though.

  18. Loved Ann B Davis. RIP funny lady.
