Friday, May 09, 2014

Your Turn

This is your chance to say something about your mother or the person who is a mother in your life. What did you get your mother for Mother's Day?


  1. Nothing as requested but she usually dislikes my gifts so I see no harm in giving her money to buy something she actually wants.

  2. I got her a signed Amber Tamblyn book.

    1. Karen! How in the Traveling Pants hell did you manage to score such a gem?

      Oh wait...

  3. TTM, started "Gone Girl", gonna have to be a reading fool to make the 18th ;-)

  4. Well it's not MD here this weekend but in the spirit of it, my mum is an all round good egg, unbelievably irritating at times, a bit mad, but has been there for me through thick and thin, adores her grandchildren and I can't imagine what life would be like without her. Oh, and she makes the best lemon meringue pie you will ever taste in your life.

  5. @Kristin, I got the copy meant for Kympossible/Canoper. Shhhh!

    1. @Karen. I'm going to just go put on my combat boots and hard hat now. No need to wait for the fireworks to start.


  6. Boo, Karen, I heard that was the last one! They are rarer than a Dodo bird egg! >:(

  7. Eff. *Canopener. Sorry, Kym!

  8. Ah see I went all soppy and everyone else is not. Just when you think you've got Americans stereotyped to a tee they go and disappoint.

    1. No worries, @Violet, E posts these every year, and every year we hear stories about good moms, bad moms, deceased moms, surrogate moms, friendly moms, alien moms. It's not a bad thing, everyone has their own experiences and it's interesting to hear the stories!

      FWIW: Anne LaMott reposted her "Why I Hate Mother's Day" Salon article on Facebook. It's an interesting read from a different perspective. (Don't worry, it's not all Debbie Downer. The last paragraph is sweet.)

      Why I Hate Mother's Day -

  9. Lost my mom 5+ years ago to cancer.

    Will be spending MD with the MIL. We all chipped in and got her a necklace since it's her birthday as well.

  10. I will admit though that I resent having had to spend the last 14 Mother Day's with my MIL since it's her BDay and she visits every year at that time. I can't NOT go and because of this I missed the last few MD's my mom was alive. Doesn't help how mean my MIL was to me when Hubby & first started dating.

  11. End of Vent. Sorry :-/

  12. My mother will get nothing from me or from her grandchildren until she seeks treatment for her mental illness.

    Since she's perfectly fine and doesn't need treatment, I haven't spoken to her in nearly 8 years and it's a very good thing.

    I hate mother's day.

  13. Anonymous10:48 AM

    making a cake. It is not a good situation and since I used to be a baker this is actually less painful than trying to pick out a card.

  14. I was getting her this scarf and bag that she really liked at Zulily (yes, I'm addicted.) But since she decided to pay for the A/C repair at my house (because she hates the guy that installed it and would rather pay someone else than have him come out again,) I'm also paying for the gilder chair she was buying for the courtyard.

  15. My mom died 27 years ago - but I still talk to her every day (mentally, that is).

    1. @SusanB
      Lost my mom a few years back but talk to her all the time too. Hardest thing after she passed was not calling her. Hugs to you.

  16. Everyone's passed on but I got some nice solar lighting for the grave site

  17. One thing my mom really needs but can never have is for me to get my health back (I have cancer), especially after my sister died five years ago too. It's been really hard on her the last several years and I get her lots of gifts, but really the only thing she wants is for me to be well again.

    1. @SlimPeachy, all the hugs for you and your mom, and all the healing vibes. I hope you both have a wonderful day together.

    2. @SlimyPeach
      Awe :-/ All the best to you and your mom this Mother's Day.

    3. Big hugs and healthy, healing vibes to you @SlimPeachy
      Hope you and your Mum enjoy your Mother's Day <3

  18. As previously mentioned: dead mom, so. :-P

    @Slim Peachy: we've only just met, but, HUG.

  19. I bought my mom lots of little presents, some that were a surprise, and a couple that she asked me to buy her when we were out shopping. We're Ukrainian, and Russian, so the dynamic in our family is often tumultuous, but at the end of the day, we all help each other out. My mom has been both parents at times, and I respect her for attempting to make up for my father's deficiencies.

  20. wishing you health and happiness Slim Peachy.

    Shout out for all the women in my life who treated me like their own child when my mother was incapable of doing it. There are several, they are wonderful and I am grateful.

    1. I too had the most loving and wonderful surrogate moms, my mother was too self absorbed to care, still us. I have had to separate myself from her judgmental ideas, guilt trips just for me and her overwhelming need to argue with me 24/7. Your right Vera, a person just needs to remove themselves from that poisonous environment. Hugs to ya!

  21. She's legit crazy so I keep my distance. Happy Mother's Day to all the sane ones out there though!

  22. A white rose for my mom and my much-loved mother-in-law who are both deceased.

    It used to be a tradition to wear a red rose to honor your mother if she was living and a white one if she was not. I don't wear them. I put them in vases. :)

  23. My mother is wonderful (sound's like a rare one on here) but anything she wants, she buys herself. Kindle, iPad, clothes, she's already bought it. Started a photo book of a school that's named after her and feel reaaaally guilty that I didn't get it finished in time. Will do it for her birthday in August. Note to self: get your ass in gear. Making her a card from my kids to go with the one I bought and will buy her some annuals in a planter for their garden. I'm blessed to have her.

    1. I'm in the same boat, @anothergreyhair - brilliant mother, that unfortunately buys herself anything she wants!

      Has all the 'i' things known to man or beast, jewellery, etc etc. Garden related gifts are definitely a goer.

    2. 'i' things = iphone, ipod, ipad, Apple tv ... those wacky older adults with their love of new tech and disposable income to pay for it. Tsk.

  24. My mom is a character in my novel. This year I bought her some cool jewelry made in a third world country that gives the women makers a living wage. Pretty cool actually.

    1. @WriterGirl
      Was the jewelry you bought Hill Tribe Silver?

  25. Mom is a racist, judgemental, a bully, and controlling...but I love her. She stuck it out. Dad bailed and she stuck it out and did the best she knew how and for that I will always love and respect her.

  26. Growing up, my mother was a horrid mother. She treated my sister and I like we were lower than dirt. As we grew up, she got worse.scolding me because I left an abusive ass with money and married my husband. She said that both of our marriages would last 6 months and she would not clean up our mess when we were dumped. My sister and bro in law celebrate their 37th this year and my husband I just celebrated 20th. Been together 22.
    My sister and I are blessed by our mother in laws who love us unconditionally, never judge, give us advice not admonishment who raised men that are awesome fathers, husbands and friends.

  27. We are surprising them with a 5day Disney cruise.

  28. I am totally exhausted from caring for her, but if I can get it done in time, I want to paint her a painting. She likes birds, so maybe an exotic bird with vibrant colors. Bought her some vividly orange roses yesterday with curly petals. They were gorgeous, and mum loved them. Either that or I will make her an amethyst bracelet. Whatever I have time for. I know I'll make her breakfast.

  29. @SlimPeachy I will say a prayer for you. Health is the greatest thing and I took mine for granted.

    I have a great mom and MIL. I'm sorry for all of you that don't. Blessings to all that need motherly love. I hope that you encounter an older mom type this weekend and it fills your heart in some way. My grandmother was nuts so my mom made sure to not repeat the pattern. She grew up in poverty and in circumstances I couldn't fathom. She is simply amazing.

    Selfishly, I revel in all holidays that get me out of doing the mundane chores. My kids are sweet and loving most of the time.

  30. Slim Peachy, I hope you do get your health back, and I wish you the very best in the meantime.

  31. @Alita, add to your list a GPS, 2 different cell phones, one for work (she's a judge) and the other for personal, 2 ipads, the mini "just because she wanted it. Tried to buy her cases for all of the above, nope, she's got it all. She's on Twitter and FB, and gets fresh flowers all the time from people who appreciate things she does for them, so potted stuff for the garden is about And after reading some of the awful stories other people have, I'll be giving her an even bigger hug than normal.

  32. I just call my mom on Mother's Day. When we lived in the same city we'd get together for dinner. Didn't even realize I was supposed to give her presents now that I'm out of public school...

  33. So thankful to my Mum for many things. I've been battling major depression and anxiety disorders for the past 8 years and I can honestly say that if weren't for her, I wouldn't be here. It's been incredibly difficult and most days I have to battle with myself just to get out of bed. After trying so many different therapies and medications, I've come to realize that I will never be the same person I used to be and I'm stuck with this devil on my back forever. But, she has has always been there for me and helped me in so many ways, that I couldn't even begin to list them. There have been times where I wouldn't blame her for giving up on me, but she never has. Not for a second. All I know is that I am incredibly lucky and so grateful to have such a beautiful and loving mother, and I owe her far more than I could ever give.

    Happy Mother's Day to all the CDAN Mamas! Hope you all get spoilt rotten.

  34. @Anothergreyhair -

    Pretty similar, except to date mine only had the one iPad Air - will not surprise me if she ends up with one though ;)

    Good on your mum for being a judge - impressive lady.

    Might be an idea for you; last Christmas I really thought about it and decided the most valuable thing I could give her was an emotion. Did what someone upthread said - bought her tribal jewellery made by women in Chad, paid correctly for their work. She really loved it.

  35. I have mixed feelings about Mother's Day, this year especially. I'm a Mom myself of 4, and Mee Maw to 1. But, my Mom is deceased, and this year it also happens to fall on my Dad's birthday, and he's deceased as well. But to my Mom, I LOVE you, and I miss you every damn day of my life. I'm still sad and angry you left me and the kids. Not your fault, just me being selfish, wishing you were still here with us. And the same goes for you, Dad. At least you're together again. Love you both. </3

  36. i bought my mom roses once for mothers day when i was about 10 or so. i had saved up all my money for weeks and bought these coral roses because i had never seen ones like that\. i had them sitting on the kitchen table on md and she comes in and says "i hate coral, you should always get red for special occasions. the coral looks cheap" and walked out. yeah that is the extent of our relationship. no matter how hard you try to do something nice for her or just live your lifr, the 1st thing she notices is always a negative, and then the next 5 and she just keeps hammering on it until it bleeds. she is extremely toxic and never unferstands why i don't call her to say hi, but she always starts in on something negative. i haven't lived in the same city as her in almost 15 yrs and never will. we mostly text and those are hostile as well. i will text her happy mother's day and try to reign it in
    ok done with rant now
    thanks 4 listening

  37. That sucks, sugarbread. Just because someone procreates, doesn't make them a good mother.

    @Anothergreyhair, a follow- up. Saw my mother today - she's got another iPad now, from work ;)

  38. @Sugarbread so sorry that you mother is so miserable. I know people like that and they suck the life out of you. @Alita, I'm laughing at your comment. I'll see mine later today and see what she's added to the electronics portfolio. I'm sure she'll tweet about it -- she's 77 this year :) Sending prayers to all of you whose mothers are passed on. I believe they are in heaven watching over you. Hope you all have some sign today that they are.
