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OHN. Good morning everyone
ReplyDeleteSo deeply inappropriate I'm embarrassed to even comment on it.
ReplyDeleteShes a yacht girl she used to not wearing clothes.
ReplyDeleteHey lady h.
ReplyDeleteHello violet!!! :)
DeleteShe got confused and thought it meant something about breast cancer
ReplyDeleteMichelle Obama should've done this.
ReplyDeletePlus it looks like she's saying "gills"
ReplyDeleteSo ridiculous that this story gets next to no news coverage, yet the media went on and on for over a month about the missing Malaysia flight.... Priorities???
ReplyDeleteEh? This news is getting tons of coverage on the UK. Well not this dimwit naked woman but the other, important part.
DeleteHere in Germany too. It's one of the top stories on every newscast.
DeleteSeriously, 3-5 min on national news is it...
DeleteEr . . . not.
ReplyDeleteBut bring on the Count in 3 . . 2 . .
ReplyDeleteIt's like... how mad can you get if someone is actually THAT stupid that they think this is a good way to get the message across?
"I'm gonna write a phrase on a piece of scrap paper and hold it over my bare chest and that's going to make a difference in the world!"
I honestly think some of these "famous" people should be checked for severe learning disabilities.
Look at meeeeee!
ReplyDeleteuh... no, she realized this was a way to bring attention to herself.
ReplyDeleteWhat a dickhead
ReplyDeleteWhere are our gills, who took them and how can we get them back?
ReplyDelete(I read it that way too, portlandgirl)
It's about her getting publicity for her, not for those poor girls. When you get so desperate for attention you will strip off and hold a hand written ( and badly hand written) sign referencing an issue where young girls lives are involved, you need to realise your career ain't going anywhere. Some bandwagons you jump on and exploit. Not this one. Not naked. Not for your own benefit. It's a bit sick and desperate rather than inappropriate.
ReplyDeleteCompletely in appropriate. She should have written "Bring Back" on one ass cheek, "Our Girls" on the other, then bent over and spread em for the camera.
why is she sexualizing the situation to her own advantage? this pix is not about the girls but about her. yukkk.
ReplyDeleteumm, the kidnapped girls have no choice-they are being sold into prostitution. Ms. Shaynk, however, did apparently choose her lifestyle.
ReplyDeleteWell she definitely got HERSELF some attention, didn't she?
ReplyDeleteThere's no mystery to stories like these. We know exactly what happened and how. It doesn't create the same interest. That's why people aren't as obsessed like with the missing flight. If we knew exactly what happened to the Malaysian flight and that it crashed into the water with an engine malfunction, I guarantee there would not be so much coverage.
Her G looks like a 6, but I do the same thing when I write addresses on mail.
ReplyDeleteIt looks like the "girls" she is referring to are actually behind her sign
ReplyDeleteLol @cake
DeleteShe's wearing a bathing suit. See the pool in the background?
ReplyDeleteI laughed at how many of you acted all offended.
Hairy. Yeah. No. Inappropriate, swimming costume or not.
DeleteIf Lena Dunham or some other portly pear shaped girl had done this there would be comments like, "Good for her!", and "I like her style!".
ReplyDeleteHairy. No there wouldn't.
DeleteI probably should not have laughed at "portly pear shaped girl" but there it is
DeleteShe is so oblivious I almost feel sorry for her. I can just imagine her getting so excited for this wonderful idea that will be awe inspiring and successful in bringing back our girls, the magnanimity is overwhelming. .
ReplyDeleteHer car wash fundraiser didn't work out the way she had planned. The other bikini clad girls fled when hoopty's had to be cleaned too.
@JSierra: Do you mean the bim in the photo or whoever came up with the stupid hashtag campaign?
ReplyDeleteCount now that you mention it, both. I suppose awareness is awareness but it's silly that some people think a hash tag will save those girls.
DeleteI mean a hash tag alone, like enough people talk about it and bam everyone is safe and sound.
Deleteoh hell no
ReplyDeleteshe's either shameless or incredibly stupid. hopefully, it's the latter?
ReplyDeleteHot, underdressed girls are always relevant, whether appropriate or not.
ReplyDeleteDumber than a box of rocks #plsgivemeattention
ReplyDeleteShe can pose completely nude all she wants, it's not bringing the girls back.
ReplyDeleteAre they willing to trade all the girls for this chick? Then she would be helping. That's what she wants, right?
ReplyDeleteFame. Whore.
ReplyDeleteAnything that brings attention to out kidnapped sisters id ok in my book. I'm done with women- in this case, girls- being treated like chattel. Free them indeed!!!!!
ReplyDeleteYup when those terrorist see these hash tags on their comrades smartphones they are totally going let everyone go and send them home with a giftbag.
ReplyDelete"Our girls"? I find that offensive. Nobody ever gives a shit about some remote African country and now suddenly they're our girls. The skank in the pic just found another way of attention-whoring. I'd be surprised if she could locate Nigeria on map.
ReplyDeleteHanwi-In the family of man, they are indeed our girls.
DeleteShe wants them brought back only bc she's worried they'll cut into her biz.
ReplyDeleteI'm surprised her sign was as big as it was.
I'll say it's effective. The idiots at Boko haram are afraid of women's breasts (goats are more their speed). They'll go nuts that a woman would bare her boobs to denounce them.
ReplyDeleteThey already consider us pagan and heretics.
She got publicity for herself and #bringbackourgirls, so good for her, even if it was one of the more embarrassing cases of famewhoring to date. I guess she tore a page from the PETA handbook of advertising.
ReplyDeleteI am amazed so many are blasting this broad, when this entire stupid hashtag campaign is a shameless, do nothing attention whore platform.
ReplyDelete+1 @Count I still find it amazing that these poor girls were missing for over three weeks and then someone invents a hashtag and it's the cause du jour....
DeleteThat terrorist shekau is totally afraid because of this campaign, in his twitter-less Nigerian forest. At least she is hotter than Michelle Hussein Obama.
ReplyDeleteThanks BeckyMae. This is as stupid as making gun laws after the CT school shooting instead of funding help for parents w/ mental kids. #GrandstandingGarbage
ReplyDeleteDid she have a mastectomy? Otherwise, it's shameless self-promotion.
ReplyDeleteCount, excellent comments. Yes, instead of addressing the real issues, society (and not just ours) grasps at air to "fix" everything.
ReplyDeleteI did not realize that people weren't aware of these abducted school girls. Then again I never have to turn on the news to hear about World & US events.
ReplyDeleteCake: You made my guffaw of the day.
ReplyDeleteHonestly, I understand everyone wants to get these girls back (as we should) but I'm not sure what hashtag pressure will do to get them released. And maybe more awareness will only put them further in harms way? Who knows for sure.
Isn't this why they are being taken, to be sexual objects and slaves for their men ?
ReplyDeleteI don't think these African men think "Wow, if Irina Shayk poses topless, we'll free our sex slaves"
ReplyDeleteTHIS IS INASNE. Who knows what is happening to these girls---being raped brutaly etc? And for this ding-bat to pose in a sexual manner is just beyond. Not everything is about your tits stupid whore. We will trade you "the girls" for this waste of bones now please...
ReplyDeleteI'm sure many women want their teenage "girls" back.
ReplyDeleteAlthough the hashtag campaign is asinine, it does appear to have galvanised some public will globally. And given the apparently complete lack of Nigerian government will to do anything pre hashtag, it probably has been effective.
ReplyDeleteThe content of the hashtag is also stupid; maybe something like #ng276now - ?
@PotPourri: They are just as likely to be sold as servants as they are for sex.
ReplyDeleteAlso, how is it any more ridiculous than a fully clothed broad thinking a stupid twitter # campaign will accomplish anything.
All this clap jap really shows how little people look past the surface.
The stupidest thing is that this isn't even a proper hashtag campaign which are actually helpful when there's a real issue going on. The hashtag has to be typed into twitter or now Facebook so that when you click on it you get all the tweets about that particular issue. Whoever decided it was cute to write it on paper is possibly dumber than a woman going topless to combat sex trafficking.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Count, enough girls/women here who have problems that no one focuses on. That said, I do think the international community should be doing whatever it can to find them and return them to their homes.
ReplyDeleteNobody would feel the need for this silliness IF we had a POTUS that was a leader.
ReplyDeleteCake - Right on about which "girls" she means! At first glance, I thought she meant someone stole her boobs.
ReplyDeleteAll of your criticisms of this save our girls campaign are missing the point. The goal is to bring awareness to situation and bring attention to it, not resove it. And if u dont think elec media isnt powerful, think of the arab spring.
ReplyDeleteHash tag activism is embarassingly dumb, does zero good, and is just a way to make to person doing it feel good/like they've accomplished something. Spare us all. Do the second dumbest internet thing. Write an open letter. :)
ReplyDeleteIf Irina Shayk's agenda was to make her Followers happy, odds are this pic succeeded. If she's genuinely concerned about Boko Haram's hostages, tho'.... Hell, who'm I kidding: she didn't even try to write legibly!
ReplyDeleteStill, tho' the hashtag's & Shayk's attempt is a joke, twitter has often been used as an effective forum for publicizing a cause or furthering a dialog. And, scantily-clad women CAN draw attention to an issue (hate being too old now for Slutwalk).
Whatever. I just wish Nigeria had shown more genuine concern when its' daughters were kidnaped. Seems like Prez Jonathan basically waited 6 weeks to see if global pressure would fall off.