Will And Jada Pinkett Smith Being Investigated By Child Protective Services
According to Radar, Child Protective Services has launched an investigation after the photo of their 13 year old daughter in bed with a half naked 20 year old man surfaced on the internet. Apparently this will involve interviews with the parents and Willow and the 20 year old who caused all the uproar. The investigation will last about a month and then a report will be filed. I don't think Will and Jada are going to lose custody or have any charges filed, but I would like to know what the guy has to say about all of this and if he gets caught in some type of lie or does say there was something going on between himself and Jada. I guess this means the world is not really covert pedophiles like Jada seems to think we are. I think this is the right thing to do and I think there would have been some outrage if they didn't at least give it a look. We are talking about a 13 year old here and it wouldn't be the first time in recorded history that a mom didn't really know the full truth about what was going on in her child's life.