Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Today's Blind Items - She Got Paid In Campaign Funds

This actress was A list at her very brief peak. A hit network television show got her to her peak and it is where she gravitated for most of her career. Now, she confines herself to the occasional movie just to keep herself out there. Our actress lives a very lavish lifestyle for someone who only had one big series paycheck that ended well over a decade ago. She was never a big spender, but her accumulated wealth is not primarily from acting. Our actress made her wealth by being arm candy for some very rich and powerful politicians. She would accompany the single candidates to events and often times accompany them after events too. She brought a well known face and someone who could actually talk about issues and she was very expensive. If you wanted her after event services she was even more expensive. She had a great track record though. Rarely did any of the candidates that she work with lose. Even if you were not a candidate, but just wanted her on your arm for a night or a weekend, she was available. Even though she is older now, she still is a name and she still is out there providing her special services. Generally that is what her line item says when she is paid from campaign funds. Special services.


  1. That crazy Victoria something from SNL???

  2. Ha ha Tracy Flick!

  3. Maybe someone like Heather Thomas? Still thinking...

  4. Replies
    1. Idk why but that was definitely my immediate first guess too! Though I've never known her to be "on the arm" of any politicians (the height of her Northern Exposure fame was during my elementary school years), I do know that she had always beeb a very vocal Conservative & Christian so maybe she's involved in Republican causes.

  5. Jeri Ryan is also a decent guess

  6. Jessica Alba? The series being Dark Angel, and her shitty intermittent movie work.

  7. I like the term "arm candy" for some weird reason.

  8. A name everyone would have instantly known a decade ago, who has done not much since.
    This is tough.
    Especially when you narrow that down to women that men would pay to be with.
    It better not be frickin Pam Anderson. She's not a political asset.

  9. Gillian Anderson could also fit

  10. Markie Post, I seem to remember from when I was a kid her out with Policitcians in the 90's. Her show was Night Court in the 80's.

    1. Off topic but When I was in labor 11 years ago we were watching a horrible lifetime movie w her and several other "names" now whenever I hear/see her name I go nuts trying to remember what the damn movie was. I remember we were so pissed it only had 15 minutes left and the Dr made us turn it off so I could focus on having the baby. Have no clue what the movie was about now but I feel my life will never be complete until I see the end. Kid hasn't stopped ruining tv for us since! 😌

    2. Susie, was it called, "Circle Of Deceit?" With Esai Morales, Joanna Cassidy? Turner's hubby cheats on her w/her best friend, she tries to have him killed, fakes her own death?

      Another one was called "A Secret Affair," where she is an artist, business chick, goes to Italy, falls in love w an Irish tv reporter...are either of these your movie?

  11. not alba, she has cash (ha) and her 2 daughters and her business.

    this actress was in a hit series that ended at least a decade ago.

    what were the tv hits 10-15 years ago?

    what actress is always with politicians?

    1. I still say Alba. Her business may not be as successful as many think (look at L'Wren Scott), and Cash is.. well, not as much in the public eye. The BI states accumulated wealth, and the actress being thrifty. Aside from attending Longoria's wedding in France, I don't see her as being a high spender, especially after experiencing her personality, and the bitchy attitude she always has.

  12. In Australia, pollies get busted for accepting a bottle of vintage wine. And Joe Hockey getting paid for allowing people access to his inner chambers. Nothing sexy about the liberal party (in power) here.... Gee our pollies are boring!

  13. Replies
    1. That was my first thought too but this has to be an actress who peaked only on one show in the 1980s-early 2000s. I'm guessing 90s era. This actress is involved in politics and has acted in very few projects since the show. Has to have a good image. That's why I'm thinking Gillian, Jeri or Danica.

  14. Laura Flynn Boyle

    1. DAMMIT!!! Nice work, I think she may be our winner! Involved in politics plus the reference to "peak" (Twin Peaks). ^5!!!

    2. Agree, B626! This has slug worm lips Boyle written all over it. Remember how pretty she was until she fuxxed her face into whatever that carnival kabuki mask shit she has going on now? I mean, I get it, I'm a few yrs older than her and I'd probably freak out about aging in H'wood, but damn. That was just relentless dry fucking with a Botox and Restalyne needle right there.

      Markie Post was one of Slick Willie Clinton's first celebrity bangs. They had that going on for a while. Not unlike ScarJo, Eva L, Gina Gershon, Elizabeth Hurley, etc., etc..

  15. And who among those would provide "after" services?

  16. My thought the whole read through was Longoria. She's very involved in politics.

    Here's an article from just yesterday:

    1. Eva was my guess also. Her only big role was in Desperate Housewives.

  17. Still providing special services....can't be currently awful.

  18. Desperate Housewives ran till 2012. Blind says TV show ended well over a decade ago. Very early 2000s or 1990s, one would think.

  19. Have you seen Lara Flynn Boyle lately? No way anyone's still paying her. IMO.

  20. WOW does that show feel a lot older than it is. It only ended two years ago!?

  21. The one dating the Kennedy whose ex- wife killed herself. She was on the Larry David show.

  22. Morgan Fairchild.

  23. Debra winger comes to mind but she was movies, i think.

  24. In 2004, Sex and the City ended. I'm thinking Kristin Davis. Good on whoever it is. You go, girl.

  25. SATC not network. HBO

  26. Jeri Ryan is in a current series - body of proof? (I've been asked if I was her a few times, so I'm offended by the guess- we would never!! Lol) and IMHO agree with Nooooo to LfB - she's a mess, not a hot one. Vanessa Williams sprang to mind but she does Broadway stuff and Ugly Betty ended more recent.

  27. I like Trilby's guess..Trilby is that your real name? I know a Trilby and there don't seem to be a lot of them out there..

  28. I know this is wrong but I kept thinking Calista Flockart.
    I know, I know, she's married to Han Solo, but she's who I thought of.

  29. Series ending 10 years ago has to be misdirection . Longoria totally fits everything else.

  30. Janine Turner (Northern Exposure).

  31. I thought Lara married some business man & lives in TX. She messed up her face way too much & really couldn't get work anymore, and no one liked her.

    Janine Turner is a wackadoo, lives on a ranch in TX with her daughter, never married, apparently has some Podcast or Internet radio show...the woman is nuts.

  32. GA has been busy (and mostly living in London, I think) in minis, plays, and (more recently) TV series. I doubt it's her. Plus, isn't she rumoured to be with Duchovny?

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Gina Gershon ....... cause Clinton? Was she in a TV series? Too lazy to google.

  35. I wanted this to be Shelley Long but mostly cause I've been binge-watching Cheers on Netflix. Never really watched any of those teen shows, could it be someone from 90210, Party of Five, Melrose Place?

  36. Also it's not GA, she works constantly.

  37. I love the Janine Turner guess. She disappeared from TV, but kept showing up at political things on someone's arm, and has transitioned into a conservative radio host.

  38. I second the Morgan Fairchild guess.

  39. Cops who un-fine dudes (comedians) for some reason, luxury whores who are paid in campaign funds... The US is corrupt as hell, and I live in the PIGS, therefore I know what corruption is.

  40. Peggy Lipton was on twin peaks and special services could be a link to mod squad

  41. Trilby's right. Morgan Fairchild

  42. I agree with the Gina Gershon guesses, my first thought too. She's always been at political events, especially with Bubba.

  43. Janine Turner's a Conservative Radio Host-wow, who knew

  44. What about Daphne Zuniga? Wasn't there a blind item somewhere that said she was rfk jrs mistress for like twelve years? Or did I dream that?

  45. Geena Davis Commander in Chief 2005, She is known for her memory & interest in politics.

  46. Gillian lives in London and has worked steadily since the X Files, movies, mini- series, and London plays. She has three shows right now Hannibal, Crisis and The Fall.

  47. LOL @SusieQ!!!

    I really like the Gena G guess, but did she do TV?!

    Now she is writing a story about a ghost that haunted her.

  48. I'm going to throw out Ginger from Gilligan's Island, actress Tina Louise. She began supporting politicians way back in the 60's as part of her shtick as an intelligent woman. I came into contact with her many times in Manhattan and she is not very nice at all plus she believes she is Ginger. Works in movies every once in a while.

  49. There is no way anyone would pay for Laura Flynn Boyle these days. She's ruined herself. I like the Jeri Ryan guess. She was married to a politician and didn't she have some "extracurricular" activities on tape that her ex released (or tried to_?

  50. I'm not pushing her for this blind, but I remember Jill St. John on Henry Kissinger's arm a few times way back in the day. That was always curious to me.

  51. Not Gillian Anderson! Have any of you seen her in an interview? She is a space cadette! I love Gillian, but truly is an amazing actress. She also easily talks about losing her virginity at 13 and her drug use as a teenager. I'm sure all that would not go over well with up and coming politicos.

    My guess is Sherilyn Finn. Where the hell is she these days?

  52. Gina was on Snoops for ABC in 1999 with the awesome Paula Marshall. The show was a flop and canceled after 2 months though.

    What about Natalie Raitano who was on V.I.P.?

    I mean the show V.I.P and not our resident super-guesser.

  53. Another guess for Morgan Fairchild, she fits. Politically active and used to date the uber-rich John Kerry in between his marriages.

  54. And another vote for Morgan Fairchild.

  55. John Kerry wasn't uber-rich until he married Teresa Heinz. Before that he was well off by marrying his first wife. Morgan would not have had enough money for him. He's absolutely a Golddigger.

    As for the.blind, I think Janine fits best. She totally reinvented herself as a darling of the right.

  56. ^i think there is a good possibility it's Fran... At least the best guess I've got :) . The nanny was her big show, she's aging but very pretty and she's into politics.

  57. Shrug. I thought Eva Longoria but the older part doesn't fit.

  58. Wasn't Peggy Lipton in the news in the past couple of years for being paid from some politician's campaign funds?

  59. This is Janine Turner. Democrats don't need to scrape up obscure C-F listers since most of the actual talent in Hollywood is liberal and in the A-B- range. I mean, fuck, they are still humping on Sarah Palin's leg. It doesn't take much for wrinkled, old, Viagra-popping white men to get in your corner.

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. Oops, forgot to include fat, 30-something, angry, testosterone-infused white guys. They'll fuck or shoot anything.
