Friday, May 09, 2014

The Goopster Speaks

Gwyneth Paltrow hired some PR person to pen a letter on her GOOP site yesterday to try and explain that she wasn't trashing every woman on the planet who works a day job or night job or two jobs when Gwyneth said it was much more difficult to be an actress and work on a film set rather than be a working mom who has a normal 9 to 5 job.

A few weeks ago during an interview, I was asked why I have only worked on one film a year since having children. My answer was this: Film work takes one away from home and requires 12-14 hours a day, making it difficult to be the one to make the kids their lunch, drive them to school, and put them to bed. So I have found it easier on my family life to make a film the exception, and my 9-5 job the rule. This somehow was taken to mean I had said a 9-5 job is easier, and a lot of heat was thrown my way, especially by other working mothers who somehow used my out-of-context quote as an opportunity to express feelings (perhaps projected) on the subject. As the mommy wars rage on, I am constantly perplexed and amazed by how little slack we cut each other as women. We see disapproval in the eyes of other mothers when we say how long we breastfed (Too long? Not long enough?), or whether we have decided to go back to work versus stay home. Is it not hard enough to attempt to raise children thoughtfully, while contributing something, or bringing home some (or more) of the bacon? Why do we feel so entitled to opine, often so negatively, on the choices of other women? Perhaps because there is so much pressure to do it all, and do it all well all at the same time (impossible). Below is a somewhat radical piece by Brigid Schulte, which has provoked many a discussion here in our HQ, and even a tear or two.To every single mother out there, have a wonderful Mother’s Day.

What Gwyneth fails to do in her post is address any of the issues that every person in the world brought up. Who do you know who works 9 to 5? Most people work 9 hours because of lunch breaks. She also forgot the hour commute or longer. She forgot that lots of people are forced to work two jobs and pay a good portion of their salary to daycare or other help. She forgot to address that families often have both parents working and that they come home and have to help with homework and fix dinner and wash clothes and dishes and get ready for the next day and fall asleep exhausted before having to do it all again the next day. Gwyneth does none of those things. Sure, she says she likes to make the school run or make dinner, but when she is tired she has a staff member pick up a kid from school and another staff member buy groceries and make dinner and all the million other errands and chores that the rest of us have to do just to survive each day. This does not even account for the fact that her acting in her one movie a year pays her more than most people will earn in a lifetime of working 40 hours a week for 20 years.


  1. Tl;dr is the only suitable comment.

  2. That it took her a couple of weeks to realize she said something idiotic shows what a complete idiot she really is. Self-entitled and clueless.

  3. To me that reads like either a really bad PR wrote it, or she wrote it and used a thesaurus and have someone proof it. This is not very well spun at all.

  4. I wonder how many nannies she has.

    1. And how many women she hired to sleep with her husband, jut to get that pesky sex out of the way. Remember that blind reveal? It might be bs.

  5. Morning, Sandy. Afternoon,Violet. Happy Friday to all.

  6. The first post of the day has become more boring than the boring video of the day. If the next post is about Lohan or Johnny Foosball, I will deadlift this joint into rubble.

    1. Heeeey, Kristin. Remind me not to incur your wrath, peanut.

    2. Heeeey Charlie! Don't worry. You're always my #1. Who really wants to see that rattling bag of GOOPY bones first thing in the morning? Ugh.

  7. Morning Charlie afternoon Violet.

  8. I actually see her point, that when a actor is doing a movie, he/she is unable to see their children much at all. Therefore, she limits her movies to one a year.

    I don't think she's trying to equate her life, work, circumstances to that of the average mother, because obviously she can't.

  9. LOL that privileged princess is so completely socially to be deaf, it's amazing. And hilarious.

    1. Dammit! Bizarre autocorrect. That was supposed to be "tone deaf," not "to be deaf."

  10. What the Entman says is true, but Gewn is trying sooo hard to get her point accross, mb i can cut her some slack. She is who she is, she cant morph into you and I. She just doesnt have those experiences. Like for example, your mother is dying of cancer and you have to go to work or you dont get paid because you have 2 kids in college and tons of bills. This is something ahe never can grasp so just regard her as the slightly morose butterfly in the garden

  11. Morning Violet and sandy :-D
    :'( poor misunderstood BIM...
    As a single , no kid, I don't have a clue either but I don't opine on it. Thank God I could care about her or her opinions.

  12. Also, she's about 3 weeks too late with this response, which makes it even more hilarious. Fail.

  13. @kristin amen, sista! First post=boring, 75% of blinds=too vague, vid of the day=unfunny and barely viral....lucky I come here for the company :)

  14. Everyone's entitled to their strife. Except goop.

  15. In the end, she ends up insulting us again. (and we "opine" because we have, uh, opinions)

  16. Anyone else catch the backhand she threw?

    ther working mothers who somehow used my out-of-context quote as an opportunity to express feelings (perhaps projected) on the subject

    Yep, working women who took offense are projecting their desire for her career and lifestyle into HATERADE!

    I agree with her in general - women are harder on each than "society" ever could be. You only have to visit any parenting forum to see it. Or let Liz Lemon show you.

    1. @Seven, I <3 you for that clip. You awesome thing :-D

    2. Steamy! :D Isn't Liz Lemon the best?!

    3. Seven, I also noticed the "projected" comment, and it negated the entire rest of the statement for me. To me it meant "Just because you can't afford to do what I do, don't project your failures on me!"

  17. She used "opine" wrong. The word "opine" does not mean to complain or criticize. So to Goop women are not supposed to have opinions? Lovely. She must be watching too much Bill O'Reilly, because that's his favorite word. She really shows how uneducated and stupid she is when she writes this drivel.

  18. Starting to think Enty has a thing for Gwyneth. For someone he can't stand, he sure does write about her a LOT!!! Me thinks Enty doth protest too much and secretly wants Goopface.

    1. @ Nora, Goop brings out the beast in people. Like her or not, we rise to her 'clueless' bait like trout to a fly. I don't like or care an about her, yet i MUST comment. I can't stop myself!
      I'm using someone ignorant to help me define my own attitudes on subjects that don't concern me...

  19. And yet, here you are, Enty, giving this bitch a prominent place on your blog. If she pisses you off as much as you pretend, then you would stop talking about her.
    Hypocrites, your table is ready.

  20. The tsk, tsking in her statement is what makes me want to punch her face in. LOL.

    If she wanted people to forget her original dumbass thoughts, she could have just left well enough alone. We'd all be talking about the next thing.

    I'll admit it: I was judgy of stay-at-home moms in a way before having my own bambino. I thought, wow, what a life! But now I know better. I love my job and love my mom stuff. It does get overwhelming sometimes. Especially this time of year, since I'm preparing my students for our Recital that will Rock the Earth. I don't really eat or sleep or pay any attention to my husband, but there's only one more week left! Hang in there, Husband.

    It is kind of annoying with some stay-at-home moms I know who can ONLY talk about kiddie crafts, sugar levels in snacks and potty training. That shit gets OLD. I think we all have an obligation to be well-rounded in discussing non-child topics particularly during playdates and down the playground. And if I hire a babysitter to go out on the town with you, I do not need to talk about children's issues ALL FUCKING NIGHT.

    The moms who are all, "I only feed my child organic food; I never allow them to watch TV; and electronics are banned in my house," ARE THE WORST.

    1. Susan: I'm right there with you! The reason I talk to/have friends with other Moms is to talk about LIFE. Sometimes you just need an ear or a friendly person to care. I just don't understand who have her this advice to put out a statement. So foolish. Let it go, like the songs says and I tell the little one everyday.

  21. Yep working 12- 14 hours a day, for say a month of shooting is harder than working a full time job, doing housework, making sure chores get done, homework is finished, dinner is made, lunches for the next day--only to find out at the last second that one of the kids lost their winter coat and it is a week before payday...bills are due etc etc etc. Get your blonde head out of your ass Gwyneth. No matter how you spin it...your life style is no where near as difficult as that of a real working mom...single or not.

  22. Pay attention to Gwenny's words and you deserve what you get.


  23. It's funny, but no one even knew I had kids until I got pregnant with my last one. I don't discuss them with people, don't post them on facebook, don't show pictures everywhere, and don't talk about "mommy" stuff with other mothers. I don't any of it interesting enough to discuss with anyone except my hubs because he has some say in what our kids eat, etc. I never wanted to be THAT type of mother.

  24. Since Mother's Day is this Sunday, it kind of makes sense to comment on Goop's dumb post.

  25. I love how she turned it around and blamed everyone else for her bullshit. I refuse to believe that affluenza is an excuse for anyone's behavior. Gwen, I also suffer from foot-in-mouth disease. I remedy this by not talking. Granted, no one gives a shit what I think because I am not famous, but hire someone to coach you on interviews or something. You have been coming across as unlikable ever since you named your kid Apple (which has sorta grown on me, btw).

  26. Morning all.
    Definitely tl;dr but I will say that is a lovely picture of her.

  27. Meh. She's harmless.

  28. This is very ironic. The whole letter is " opining" on other women. She should just have either said, " look, that's not what I meant and I'm sorry, it was not a comparison, I like to be with my kids and movies can prevent that for a prolonged period so I limit them, it was not a comparison" or left it totally.

  29. It's not a contest, folks. She's talking about her two different work options (filming vs. whatever the hell she does for Goop) and which she prefers for her family.

    Yes, she lives in a bubble. Yes, she's tone-deaf. She's maybe even a total snob.

    But also, do you really need GP to understand you? Do you need her to give you credit? Do you need her to admire you?

    I just do not get why people let her get them all spun up into a tizzy.

  30. Meh. It's all about choices. I would choose to let the sleeping dog lie if I were her.

  31. As a reporter, there is seriously nothing I hate more than the quote taken "out of context" bullshit. I don't think celebs even know what this means. Her quote was 100% not taken out of context. She said what she said; the reporter didn't make it up or twist it. It's not the reporters fault that Goop put her foot in her mouth.

  32. I've just learned the word "Fauxpology".

    Seems appropriate here.

  33. She is very patronising - she wants you to know that all the flack she has been getting are maybe 'projections' - us plebs must understand that she is our intellectual superior and we need to be aware that it is our own stuff that we are laying on her.
    What I don't understand is why Chris Martin stayed with her for so long. Was he not bored out of his skull after the lust wore off?

  34. Yeah, because this is the only thing she's ever said that makes her hard to relate to.

    I'm surprised more people don't let their foot consciously couple with her ass.

    1. Lol.."foot consciously couple with her ass"..very witty.

  35. She has grown up in a privileged life, as will her children. She has no clue what non-celeb, non-millionaire mothers do. Everytime she opens her mouth she demonstrates her lack of understanding of the reality of growing up and living in a non-privileged world. She needs to shut the fuck up and not talk about things she knows nothing about and will never understand.

  36. And we come in early and leave late…not to mention the work we take home because theres just not enough time….

    How old is that photo ?

  37. That was well written- goops piece..even though your part wasn't so bad either, Enty.

    I really dont have an opinion on this subject but I do tend to think that people need to take it easy on all the gwenneth vitriol and take into considerations that journalists constantly make incorrect contextual references/ conjectures to pen sexy, interesting stories. I've said it before and I will say it again. I would hate being famous... I don't get the appeal other than the financial incentive.

    1. Don't disagree Eros but her mouth got her where she is now in this position. You can be rich without alienating those that are not rich. She is in a no win situation now and just needs to shut the fuck up.

    2. Lol texas rose. You're correct on all accounts.

      I never know quite how to feel with gwenneth. I always end up rooting for the underdog in most debates or fights even if they have royally fucked up which appears to be the case here.

  38. That picture of her is 20 years old.

  39. She waited 3 weeks because it's Mother's day weekend. Duh. It's a passive aggressive post saying if your life Sucks don't take it out on me. Get a life. Get off my organic lawn!

  40. Goop rhymes with poop. Coincidence?

  41. Did anyone see her pop up store? Jezebel did a hilarious review.

  42. @Steampunk - I first read that as, "...brings out the best in people," resulting in doing a double take and thinking, "what the?! are they crazy?!!" - had to go back and re-read.

    ...still giggling over that.[=

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. Dear Mummykins,
    1. You "raise" goats and "rear" children.
    2. Have a Happy Mmmmmmmehhhhh's Day!

    "the Kids"

  45. Anonymous11:13 AM

    They are all nuts. I am sitting here watching this strange blonde woman on Real Housewives of OC who looks a bit witchy torture her husband. The husband is adorable and is putting up with her for god knows what reason. I get the impression in all her opulent settings she believes she is poor and unfortunate and devotes her time to making her husband miserable. He will soon get tired of it and leave her for a 25 year old and then wonder what took him so long. I have no idea what her name is, she is a new one. It's worse than watching Sonya Morgan on NC feel sorry for herself.

  46. I hate saying this, but that is one of the best pics I think I've ever seen of her!

  47. No, this is badly written. It doesn't state anything other than "my words were taken out of context" and "raging mommies misunderstood me, so sad women don't support each other". Goop is clueless.

  48. People should be able to say what they want and think the way they want. The goop doesn't owe anyone anything. People need to stop getting so offended by EVERYTHING and realize the thoughts of others have ABSOLUTELY NO AFFECT on them whatsoever. So stupid.

  49. Who let Blythe Danner in the liquor cabinet again?

  50. I cant understand the hate for her...Almost everyone spitting venom. In some ways people on here are doing just as she said. She has an opinion and voices it. She is gorgeous, talented and looks after the interests of her children. I see mommy jealousy all the time, but admittedly there is real pressure to be the perfect mum. Shes right, pull together, dont rip each other apart. C'mon ladies.

    1. Oh, Applepie, so glad you responded to a Google Alert.

      Goop is pretty (well, to some), talented (at least I think so), and looks after the interests of her children (but whatever with other people's kids on buses). If "pull together, don't rip each other apart" is in this message, it's smothered by "probably projected" and the fauxpology (thank you, CoBe, for that beautiful word).

      Goop, your PR team needs to work a little harder. Call me!

    2. Nobody really hates your mom Apple- We don't really know her but it is fun to make fun of people on this site. Does your mom know you are on the computer. Is Moses playing online too. Say hi to you dad - I love Coldplay:)

    3. Jinx Seven - I like mine- it is more creative.

    4. LOL @ texas! "Say hi to your dad!"

  51. She had me until she threw in "perhaps projected." Then it was all downhill.

  52. Applepie is so articulate for someone so young. S'up GOOP?

  53. Well, I like Gwyneth. But clearly she makes some of you trigger happy.

    Human marmite.

  54. See what i mean? Its all about celebrating ourselves.. Not spreading the hate. Enty loads the gun...

  55. That is a very old picture of her. Possibly original features or earlier versions.
